Post by Tony KaravidasPost by David BrownPost by Tony KaravidasTrying to find anyone who has sourcegate (dos or windows) for the
68000, and other HMI-200 emulators. I have the Z80 and would be
willing to maintain a place to share this stuff.
If you are going to use Google's broken interface to Usenet, please
quote the original post correctly (with attributions). And please
look at dates before replying - it is usually pointless to reply to
ancient posts, and is better if you start a new thread.
Remember, Usenet is not google - /real/ Usenet is more like a
combination of a chat group and email. Usenet users might have
posts going back a few months conveniently on hand, but we need
context quoted in the posts. No one is going to bother looking up
old archives without good reason, and no one can read your mind to
know what you are thinking about.
There is relatively low posting rates in this group, but there are
many experienced people who pop up for interesting discussions and
are happy to help. If you want to join in, I strongly recommend you
get a proper newsreader client and a proper news server
(Thunderbird and are a good and free
combination that many use). It makes Usenet a much nicer place both
for you and for others. Posting with google groups is a lot harder
and less efficient to do properly.
I don't understand what you point is about using "Google's broken
interface to Usenet." I wrote something and it appeared here. What
exactly is wrong with that?
It appeared here - in the comp.arch.embedded Usenet group - but your
three posts are meaningless to anyone who reads them here. And they are
meaningless to the people who originally asked the questions, because
those were 15 to 20 years ago.
Google's groups interface is fine for searching archives - that's
google's speciality. But it is poor as an active client for actual
Usenet - which is /not/ a google website. Some people do manage to use
it properly, but it takes more effort and is less efficient than using a
newsreader program. Amongst its flaws include an inability to follow
standard Usenet conventions (which can be overcome with enough effort by
the user), inability to handle formatted text (like code snippets)
correctly, inability to handle some group names correctly,
inappropriately blocking groups, making life easier for spammers, and
encouraging necroposting. And of course, being a web interface it is a
lot slower and less efficient to use, and threads get dragged out in
time because many google groups users only log in occasionally.
It is good for searching, good for people who can't (or won't) install
dedicated software on their computers, and good for an occasional visit
to a group that you would not normally follow.
You don't /have/ to use proper Usenet software for accessing Usenet -
it's just advice, to make Usenet more useful for you.
But you /do/ have to follow Usenet standards, and you have to stop
necroposting - assuming, of course, you want to help people, get help,
or engage in discussions. If you want people to think you are just yet
another google spammer and ignore you, then your current posts are fine.
Hopefully that is enough information so that you can see the problem
with your three posts. And hopefully you'll find /recent/ posts and
threads that are of interest here, and can join in or make your own threads.