Post by Don YPost by David BrownHowever, in almost every case where CRC's might be useful, you have
additional checks of the sanity of the data, and an all-zero or all-one data
block would be rejected. For example, Ethernet packets use CRC for
integrity checking, but an attempt to send a packet type 0 from MAC address
00:00:00:00:00:00 to address 00:00:00:00:00:00, of length 0, would be
rejected anyway.
Why look at "data" -- which may be suspect -- and *then* check its CRC?
Run the CRC first. If it fails, decide how you are going to proceed
or recover.
That is usually the order, yes. Sometimes you want "fail fast", such as
dropping a packet that was not addressed to you (it doesn't matter if it was
received correctly but for someone else, or it was addressed to you but the
receiver address was corrupted - you are dropping the packet either way). But
usually you will run the CRC then look at the data.
But the order doesn't matter - either way, you are still checking for valid
data, and if the data is invalid, it does not matter if the CRC only passed by
luck or by all zeros.
You're assuming the CRC is supposed to *vouch* for the data.
The CRC can be there simply to vouch for the *transport* of a
Post by Don YPost by David BrownI can't think of any use-cases where you would be passing around a block of
"pure" data that could reasonably take absolutely any value, without any
type of "envelope" information, and where you would think a CRC check is
I append a *version specific* CRC to each packet of marshalled data
in my RMIs. If the data is corrupted in transit *or* if the
wrong version API ends up targeted, the operation will abend
because we know the data "isn't right".
Using a version-specific CRC sounds silly. Put the version information in the
The packet routed to a particular interface is *supposed* to
conform to "version X" of an interface. There are different stubs
generated for different versions of EACH interface. The OCL for
the interface defines (and is used to check) the form of that
interface to that service/mechanism.
The parameters are checked on the client side -- why tie up the
transport medium with data that is inappropriate (redundant)
to THAT interface? Why tie up the server verifying that data?
The stub generator can perform all of those checks automatically
and CONSISTENTLY based on the OCL definition of that version
of that interface (because developers make mistakes).
So, at the instant you schedule the marshalled data for transmission,
you *know* the parameters are "appropriate" and compliant with
the constraints of THAT version of THAT interface.
Now, you have to ensure the packet doesn't get corrupted (altered) in
transmission. If it remains intact, then there is no need to check
the parameters on the server side.
NONE OF THE PARAMETERS... including the (implied) "interface version" field!
Yet, folks make mistakes. So, you want some additional reassurance
that this is at least intended for this version of the interface,
to see if the residual is 0xDEADBEEF instead of 0xB16B00B5).
Why burden the packet with a "protocol version" parameter?
So, use a version-specific CRC on the packet. If it fails, then
either the data in the packet has been corrupted (which could just
as easily have involved an embedded "interface version" parameter);
or the packet was formed with the wrong CRC.
why bother looking at a "protocol version" parameter? Would
you ALSO want to verify all the rest of the parameters?
Post by Don YI *could* put a header saying "this is version 4.2". And, that
tells me nothing about the integrity of the rest of the data.
OTOH, ensuring the CRC reflects "4.2" does -- it the recipient
expects it to be so.
Now you don't know if the data is corrupted, or for the wrong version - or
occasionally, corrupted /and/ the wrong version but passing the CRC anyway.
You don't know if the parameters have been corrupted in a manner that
allows a packet intended for the correct interface to appear as correct.
What's your point?
Unless you are absolutely desperate to save every bit you can, your system will
be simpler, clearer, and more reliable if you separate your purposes.
Yes. You verify the correct interface at the client side -- where
it is invoked by the client and enforced in the OCL generated stub.
Thereafter, the server is concerned with corruption during transport
and the version specific CRC just gives another reassurance of
correct version without adding another cost.
[Imagine EVERY subroutine function call in your system having
such overhead. Would you want to push an "interface version"
onto the stack along with all of the arguments for that
subr/ftn? Or, would you just hope everything was intact?]
Post by Don YPost by David BrownPost by Don YPost by David BrownPost by Don YYou can also "salt" the calculation so that the residual
is deliberately nonzero. So, for example, "success" is
indicated by a residual of 0x474E. :>
Again, pointless.
Salt is important for security-related hashes (like password hashes), not
for integrity checks.
You've missed the point. The correct "sum" can be anything.
Why is "0" more special than any other value? As the value is
typically meaningless to anything other than the code that verifies
it, you couldn't look at an image (or the output of the verifier)
and gain anything from seeing that obscure value.
Do you actually know what is meant by "salt" in the context of hashes, and
why it is useful in some circumstances? Do you understand that "salt" is
added (usually prepended, or occasionally mixed in in some other way) to the
data /before/ the hash is calculated?
What term would you have me use to indicate a "bias" applied to a CRC
Well, first I'd note that any kind of modification to the basic CRC algorithm
is pointless from the viewpoint of its use as an integrity check. (There have
been, mostly historically, some justifications in terms of implementation
efficiency. For example, bit and byte re-ordering could be done to suit
hardware bit-wise implementations.)
Otherwise I'd say you are picking a specific initial value if that is what you
are doing, or modifying the final value (inverting it or xor'ing it with a
fixed value). There is, AFAIK, no specific terms for these - and I don't see
any benefit in having one. Misusing the term "salt" from cryptography is
certainly not helpful.
Salt just ensures that you can differentiate between functionally identical
values. I.e., in a CRC, it differentiates between the "0x0000" that CRC-1
generates from the "0x0000" that CRC-2 generates.
You don't see the parallel to ensuring that *my* use of "Passw0rd" is
encoded in a different manner than *your* use of "Passw0rd"?
Post by Don YSee the RMI desciption.
I'm sorry, I have no idea what "RMI" is or where it is described. You've
mentioned that abbreviation twice, but I can't figure it out.
Nothing magical with either term.
Post by Don YOTOH, "salting" the calculation so that it is expected to yield
a value of 0x13 means *those* situations will be flagged as errors
(and a different set of situations will sneak by, undetected).
And that gives you exactly /zero/ benefit.
See above.
You run your hash algorithm, and check for the single value that indicates no
errors. It does not matter if that number is 0, 0x13, or - often more
As you've admitted, it doesn't matter. So, why wouldn't I opt to have
an algorithm for THIS interface give me a result that is EXPECTED
for this protocol? What value picking "0"?
conveniently - the number attached at the end of the image as the expected
result of the hash of the rest of the data.
Post by Don YPost by David BrownTo be more accurate, the chances of them passing unnoticed are of the order
of 1 in 2^n, for a good n-bit check such as a CRC check. Certain types of
error are always detectable, such as single and double bit errors. That is
the point of using a checksum or hash for integrity checking.
/Intentional/ changes are a different matter. If a hacker changes the
program image, they can change the transmitted hash to their own calculated
hash. Or for a small CRC, they could change a different part of the image
until the original checksum matched - for a 16-bit CRC, that only takes
65,535 attempts in the worst case.
If the approach used is "typical", then you need far fewer attempts to
produce a correct image -- without EVER knowing where the CRC is stored.
It is difficult to know what you are trying to say here, but if you believe
that different initial values in a CRC algorithm makes it harder to modify an
image to make it pass the integrity test, you are simply wrong.
Of course it does! You don't KNOW what to expect -- unless you've identified
where the test is performed in the code and the result stored/checked. If
you assume the residual will be 0 and make an attempt to generate a new
checksum that yields 0 and it doesn't work FIRST TIME, then, by definition,
it is HARDER (more work is required -- even if not *conceptually* more
*My* example use of the different salt is for a different purpose.
And, isn't meant as a deterrent to any developer/attacker but, rather,
simply to ensure the transmission of the packet is intact AND carries
some reassurance that it is in the correct format.
Post by Don YPost by David BrownThat is why you need to distinguish between the two possibilities. If you
don't have to worry about malicious attacks, a 32-bit CRC takes a dozen
lines of C code and a 1 KB table, all running extremely efficiently. If
security is an issue, you need digital signatures - an RSA-based signature
system is orders of magnitude more effort in both development time and in
run time.
It's considerably more expensive AND not fool-proof -- esp if the
attacker knows you are signing binaries. "OK, now I need to find
WHERE the signature is verified and just patch that "CALL" out
of the code".
I'm not sure if that is a straw-man argument, or just showing your ignorance of
the topic. Do you really think security checks are done by the program you are
trying to send securely? That would be like trying to have building security
where people entering the building look at their own security cards.
Do YOU really think we all design applications that run in PCs where some
CLOSED OS performs these tests in a manner that can't be subverted?
*WE* (tend to) write ALL the code in the products developed, here.
So, whether it's the POST WE wrote that is performing the test or
the loader WE wrote, it's still *our* program.
Yes, we ARE looking at our own security cards!
Manufacturers *try* to hide ("obscurity") details of these mechanisms
in an attempt to improve effective security. But, there's nothing
that makes these guarantees.
Give me the sources for Windows (Linux, *BSD, etc.) and I can
subvert all the state-of-the-art digital signing used to ensure
binaries aren't altered. Nothing *outside* the box is involved
so, by definition, everything I need has to reside *in* the box.
DataI/O was always paranoid about their software/firmware.
They rely on custom silicon to "protect" their investment.
But, use a COTS CPU to execute the code!
So, pull the MC68K out of its socket and plug in an emulator.
Capture the execution trace and you know exactly what the
instruction stream is/was -- despite it's encoding on the
distribution media.
Post by Don YPost by David BrownPost by Don YI altered the test procedure for a
piece of military gear we were building simply to skip some lengthy tests
that I *knew* would pass (I don't want to inject an extra 20 minutes of
wait time
just to get through a lengthy test I already know works before I can get
to the test of interest to me, now.
I failed to undo the change before the official signoff on the device.
The only evidence of this was the fact that I had also patched the
startup message to say "Go for coffee..." -- which remained on the
screen for the duration of the lengthy (even with the long test
elided) procedure...
..which alerted folks to the fact that this *probably* wasn't the
original image. (The computer running the test suite on the DUT had
no problem accepting my patched binary)
And what, exactly, do you think that anecdote tells us about CRC checks for
image files? It reminds us that we are all fallible, but does no more than that.
That *was* the point. Because the folks who designed the test computer
relied on common techniques to safeguard the image.
There was a human error - procedures were not good enough, or were not
followed. It happens, and you learn from it and make better procedures. The
fault was in what people did, not in an automated integrity check. It is
completely unrelated.
It shows that the check was designed without consideration of how
it might be subverted. This is the most common flaw in all
security schemes -- failing to consider an attack/fault vector.
The vendor assumed no one would deliberately alter the test
procedure. That anyone running it would willingly sit through an
extra half hour of tests ALREADY KNOWN TO PASS instead of opting
to find a way to skip that (because the test designer only consider
"sell off" when designing the test and not *debug* and the test
platform didn't provide hooks to facilitate that, either!!)
I unplugged a cable between two pieces of equipment that I had
never seen before to subvert a security mechanism in a product.
Because the designers never considered the fact that someone
might do that!
Security is no different from any other "solution". You test
the divisor before a calculation because you reasonably expect to
encounter "unfortunate" values and don't want the operation to
Post by Don YThe counterfeiting example I cited indicates how "obscurity/secrecy"
is far more effective (yet you dismiss it out-of-hand).
No, it does nothing of the sort. There is no connection at all.
The counterfeiter lost the lawsuit because he was unaware (obscurity)
of the hidden SECURITY measures in the product design. This proven
by his attempts to defeat the OBVIOUS ones!
Post by Don YPost by David BrownPost by Don YPost by David BrownCRC's alone are useless. All the attacker needs to do after modifying the
image is calculate the CRC themselves, and replace the original checksum
with their own.
That assumes the "alterer" knows how to replace the checksum, how it
is computed, where it is embedded in the image, etc. I modified the Compaq
portable mentioned without ever knowing where the checksum was store
or *if* it was explicitly stored. I had no desire to disassemble the
BIOS ROMs (though could obviously do so as there was no "proprietary
hardware" limiting access to their contents and the instruction set of
the processor is well known!).
Instead, I did this by *guessing* how they would implement such a check
in a bit of kit from that era (ERPOMs aren't easily modified by malware
so it wasn't likely that they would go to great lengths to "protect" the
image). And, if my guess had been incorrect, I could always reinstall
the original EPROMs -- nothing lost, nothing gained.
Had much experience with folks counterfeiting your products and making
"simple" changes to the binaries? Like changing the copyright notice
or splash screen?
Then, bringing the (accused) counterfeit of YOUR product into a courtroom
and revealing the *hidden* checksum that the counterfeiter wasn't aware of?
"Gee, why does YOUR (alleged) device have *my* name in it -- in addition
to behaving exactly like mine??"
[I guess obscurity has its place!]
Security by obscurity is not security. Having a hidden signature or other
mark can be useful for proving ownership (making an intentional mistake is
another common tactic - such as commercial maps having a few subtle spelling
errors). But that is not security.
Of course it is! If *you* check the "hidden signature" at runtime
and then alter "your" operation such that an altered copy fails
to perform properly, then then you have secured it.
That is not security. "Security" means that the program that starts the
updated program checks the /entire/ image according to its digital signature,
and rejects it /entirely/ if it does not match.
No, that's *your* naive assumption of security. It's why such attempts
invariably fail; they are "drop dead" implementations that make it
clear to anyone trying to subvert that security that their
efforts have not (yet) succeeded.
The goal is to prevent the program/device from being used without
authorization/compensation. If it KILLS the user as a result of some
hidden feature, it has met its goal -- even if a draconian approach.
If it *pretends* to be doing what you want --- and then fails to
complete some later step -- it is similarly preventing unauthorized
use (and tying up a lot of your time, in the process).
If you want to ensure the image isn't *corrupt* (which could
lead to failures that could invite lawsuits, etc.), then you
are concerned with INTEGRITY.
What you are talking about here is the sort of cat-and-mouse nonsense computer
games producers did with intentional disk errors to stop copying. It annoys
legitimate users and does almost nothing to hinder the bad guys.
Because it was a bad solution that was fairly obvious in its presence:
"I can't copy this disk! Let me buy Copy2PC..."
The same applies to most licensing schemes and other "tamper
detection" mechanisms.
Post by Don YWould you want to use a check-writing program if the account
balances it maintains were subtly (but not consistently)
Again, you make no sense. What has this got to do with integrity checks or
If you;re selling check writing software and want to prevent
FlyByNight Accounting Software, Inc. from stealing your
product and reselling it as your own, a great way to prevent that
is to ensure THEIR copy of the product causes accounting errors
that are hard to notice. Their customers will (eventually)
complain that THEIR product is buggy. But, yours isn't!
If your goal is to track your checks accurately, you're
likely not going to want to wonder what yet-to-be-discovered
errors exist in the "books" that THEIR software has been
maintaining for you.
The original vendor has secured his product against tampering.
Post by Don YChecking signatures, CRCs, licensing schemes, etc. all are used
in a "drop dead" fashion so considerably easier to defeat.
Witness the number of "products" available as warez...
Look, it is all /really/ simple. And the year is 2023, not 1973.
Yes! And it is considerably easier to subvert naive mechanisms
If you want to check the integrity of a file against accidental changes, a CRC
is usually fine.
As is a CRC on a network packet. Without having to double-check the
contents of that packet after it has been verified on the sending side!
If you want security, and to protect against malicious changes, use a digital
signature. This must be checked by the program that /starts/ the updated code,
or that downloaded and stored it - not by the program itself!
And who wrote THAT program? Where is it, physically? Is there some device
OUTSIDE of the device that you've built that securely performs these
Post by Don YOnly answer with a support contract.
Oh, sure - the amateurs who have some of the information but not enough
details, skill or knowledge to get things working will /never/ fill forums with
questions, complaints or bad reviews that bother your support staff or scare
away real sales.
A forum doesn't have to be "public". FUD can scare off real sales
even in the total absence of information (or knowledge).
Your goal should always be to produce a good product that does
what it claims to do. And, rely on the happiness of your
customers to directly (or indirectly) generate additional sales.
I've never "advertised" my services. I'm actually pretty hard to get
in touch with! Yet, clients never had a hard time finding me -- through
other clients who were happy with my work. As they likely weren't
direct competitors to the original clients, they had nothing to
fear (lose) from sharing me, as a resource.
Similarly, a customer making widgets that employ some feature of
your device likely has little to lose by sharing his (good or bad)
experiences with another POTENTIAL customer (making wodjets).
And, likely can benefit from the goodwill he receives from that
other customer as well as from *you* ("Thanks for recommending
us to him!"). And, ensures a continued demand for your products
so you continue to be available for HIS needs!
Post by Don YPost by David BrownThey are limited by idiotic government export restrictions made by ignorant
politicians who don't understand cryptography.
Protections don't always have to be cryptographic.
Correct, but - as with a lot of what you write - completely irrelevant to the
subject at hand.
Why can't companies give out information about the security systems used in
their microcontrollers (for example) ? Because some geriatric ignoramuses
think banning "export" of such information to certain countries will stop those
countries knowing about security and cryptography.
Do you really think that's the sole reason for all the "secrecy" and NDAs?
I've had to sit with gummit folks and sort out what parts of our technology
could LEGALLY be exported. Even to our partners in the UK! Some of it
makes sense ("Nothing goes to Libya!"). Some is bogus.
And, thinking that you can put up a wall that is impermeable is a joke.
Just like printing PGP in book form and selling books overseas.
Or, hiring someone who worked for Company X. Or, bribing someone
to make a photocopy of <whatever>.
But, this doesn't mean one should ENCOURAGE dissemination of things
that may have special security/economic value. "Delay" often has
as much value as "deter".
A friend who designed arcade pieces recounted how he was contacted by a guy
who had disassembled ~40KB of (hand-written) code in one of his products.
He had even uncovered latent bugs (!) in the code.
But, his efforts were so "late" that the product had long ago lost
commercial value. So, it may have been flattering that someone
would invest that much time in such an endeavor. But, little else.
Nowadays, tools would make that a trivial undertaking. And, the
possibility of easily enlisting others in the effort (without
resorting to clandestine channels). OTOH, projects are now
considerably larger (orders of magnitude). OToOH, much current
work in done in HLLs (so tools can recognize their code genrator
patterns) and with "standard" libraries; I can recognize a call to
printf without decompiling any 9of the code -- folks aren't
likely going to replace "%d" with "?b" just to obscure functionality!
Post by Don YPost by David BrownSome things benefit from being kept hidden, or under restricted access. The
details of the CRC algorithm you use to catch accidental errors in your
image file is /not/ one of them. If you think hiding it has the remotest
hint of a benefit, you are doing things wrong - you need a /security/ check,
not a simple /integrity/ check.
And then once you have switched to a security check - a digital signature -
there's no need to keep that choice hidden either, because it is the /key/
that is important, not the type of lock.
Again, meaningless if the attacker can interfere with the *enforcement*
of that check. Using something "well known" just means he already knows
what to look for in your code. Or, how to interfere with your
intended implementation in ways that you may have not anticipated
(confident that your "security" can't be MATHEMATICALLY broken).
If the attacker can interfere with the enforcement of the check, then it
doesn't matter what checks you have. Keeping the design of a building's locks
secret does not help you if the bad guys have bribed the security guard
/inside/ the building!
But, if that's the only way to subvert the secrets of those locks,
then you only have to worry about keeping that security guard "happy".
Post by Don Y"Here's my source code. Here are my schematics. Here's the
name of the guy who oversees production (bribe him to gain
access to the keys stored in the TPM). Now, what are you
gonna *do* with all that?"
The first two should be fine - if people can break your security after looking
at your source code or schematics, your security is /bad/. As for the third
one, if they can break your security by going through the production guy, your
production procedures are bad.
You can change your production procedures without having to redesign your
product. You don't want to embrace a solution/technology that may soon/later
be subverted (e.g., SHA1) and have to redesign portions of your product
(which may already be deployed) to "fix".
IMO, this is the downside of modern cryptography -- if you have a product
with any significant lifespan and "exposure". You never know when the
next "uncrackable" algorithm will fall. And, when someone might opt to
marshall a community's resources to attack a particular implementation.
Attacks that used to be considered "nation-state scale" are quickly
becoming "big business scale" and even "network of workstations scale".
So, any implementation that *shares* a key across a product line
is vulnerable to the entire product line being compromised when/if
that key is disclosed/broken.
[I generate unique keys for each device on the customer's site
using a dedicated (physically secure) interface so even the manufacturer
doesn't know what they are. Crack one (possibly by physically attacking
the device and microprobing the die) and all you get it that one
device -- and whatever *its* role in the system may have been.]