Embedding a Checksum in an Image File
(too old to reply)
Rick C
2023-04-20 02:06:33 UTC
This is a bit of the chicken and egg thing. If you want a embed a checksum in a code module to report the checksum, is there a way of doing this? It's a bit like being your own grandfather, I think.

I'm not thinking anything too fancy, like a CRC, but rather a simple modulo N addition, maybe N being 2^16.

I keep thinking of using a placeholder, but that doesn't seem to work out in any useful way. Even if you try to anticipate the impact of adding the checksum, that only gives you a different checksum, that you then need to anticipate further... ad infinitum.

I'm not thinking of any special checksum generator that excludes the checksum data. That would be too messy.

I keep thinking there is a different way of looking at this to achieve the result I want...

Maybe I can prove it is impossible. Assume the file checksums to X when the checksum data is zero. The goal would then be to include the checksum data value Y in the file, that would change X to Y. Given the properties of the module N checksum, this would appear to be impossible for the general case, unless... Add another data value, called, checksum normalizer. This data value checksums with the original checksum to give the result zero. Then, when the checksum is also added, the resulting checksum is, in fact, the checksum. Another way of looking at this is to add a value that combines with the added checksum, to be zero, leaving the original checksum intact.

This might be inordinately hard for a CRC, but a simple checksum would not be an issue, I think. At least, this could work in software, where data can be included in an image file as itself. In a device like an FPGA, it might not be included in the bit stream file so directly... but that might depend on where in the device it is inserted. Memory might have data that is stored as itself. I'll need to look into that.
Rick C.

- Get 1,000 miles of free Supercharging
- Tesla referral code - https://ts.la/richard11209
Niklas Holsti
2023-04-20 09:14:58 UTC
Post by Rick C
This is a bit of the chicken and egg thing. If you want a embed a
checksum in a code module to report the checksum, is there a way of
doing this? It's a bit like being your own grandfather, I think.
I'm not thinking anything too fancy, like a CRC, but rather a simple
modulo N addition, maybe N being 2^16.
Some decades ago I was involved with a project for an 8052-based device,
which was required to perform a code-check-sum check at boot.

We decided to use a byte-per-byte xor checksum and make the correct
check-sum be zero. We had a code module (possibly in assembler, I don't
remember) that defined a one-byte "adjustment" constant in code memory.
For each new version of the code, we first set the adjustment constant
to zero, then ran the program, and it usually reported an error at boot
because the check-sum was not zero. We then changed the adjustment
constant to the actual reported checksum, C say, and that zeroed the
check-sum because C xor C = 0. Bingo. You can use this method to make
the checksum anything you like, for example hex 55.

With a more advanced order-sensitive check-sum such as a CRC you could
use the same method if you also ensure (by linker commands) that the
adjustment value is always the last value that enters in the computed
check-sum (assuming that the linking order of the other code modules is
not incidentally changed when the value of the adjustment constant is
Rick C
2023-04-20 13:18:25 UTC
Post by Niklas Holsti
This is a bit of the chicken and egg thing. If you want a embed a
checksum in a code module to report the checksum, is there a way of
doing this? It's a bit like being your own grandfather, I think.
I'm not thinking anything too fancy, like a CRC, but rather a simple
modulo N addition, maybe N being 2^16.
Some decades ago I was involved with a project for an 8052-based device,
which was required to perform a code-check-sum check at boot.
We decided to use a byte-per-byte xor checksum and make the correct
check-sum be zero. We had a code module (possibly in assembler, I don't
remember) that defined a one-byte "adjustment" constant in code memory.
For each new version of the code, we first set the adjustment constant
to zero, then ran the program, and it usually reported an error at boot
because the check-sum was not zero. We then changed the adjustment
constant to the actual reported checksum, C say, and that zeroed the
check-sum because C xor C = 0. Bingo. You can use this method to make
the checksum anything you like, for example hex 55.
With a more advanced order-sensitive check-sum such as a CRC you could
use the same method if you also ensure (by linker commands) that the
adjustment value is always the last value that enters in the computed
check-sum (assuming that the linking order of the other code modules is
not incidentally changed when the value of the adjustment constant is
Yes, it had occurred to me that a simple checksum could be used with adjustment codes. But I don't want the checksum to be set to some value, in this way. I would like to embed the check sum generated from the file. The way to do this is to embed the checksum in the spot where it can be read for reporting. Then another value can be embedded elsewhere, that complements the checksum, keeping the file checksum constant.

Your mention of the XOR checksum makes me realize that if I use addition, rather than XOR, a 16 bit checksum only has a complement if the data used in the calculation are 16 bit quantities. If the 16 bit checksum is calculated using 8 bit data, there will be a carry out of the lower 8 bits changing the final checksum. The XOR checksum is really the equivalent of 8 separate bit level checksums. This has the short coming of one bit detection, but two bit changes in the same bit of two bytes not being detected. But since I'm not trying to protect against changes, this isn't really a problem. I'm using this as a verification of the version number.
Rick C.

-- Get 1,000 miles of free Supercharging
-- Tesla referral code - https://ts.la/richard11209
Peter Heitzer
2023-04-20 11:30:34 UTC
Post by Rick C
This is a bit of the chicken and egg thing. If you want a embed a checksum in a code module to report the checksum, is there a way of doing this? It's a bit like being your own grandfather, I think.
I'm not thinking anything too fancy, like a CRC, but rather a simple modulo N addition, maybe N being 2^16.
What about putting the following structure at a fixed address at the end of
Your check function then for example does a 16 bit sum of the bytes from
<startaddr>..<startaddr>+<len>-1 and compares with <checksum>
<startaddr>, <len> an <checksum> can be evaluated at compile time.
Dipl.-Inform(FH) Peter Heitzer, ***@rz.uni-regensburg.de
dalai lamah
2023-04-20 11:47:48 UTC
Post by Rick C
This is a bit of the chicken and egg thing. If you want a embed a
checksum in a code module to report the checksum, is there a way of
doing this? It's a bit like being your own grandfather, I think.
I'm not thinking anything too fancy, like a CRC, but rather a simple
modulo N addition, maybe N being 2^16.
I keep thinking of using a placeholder, but that doesn't seem to work
out in any useful way. Even if you try to anticipate the impact of
adding the checksum, that only gives you a different checksum, that you
then need to anticipate further... ad infinitum.
I'm probably not understanding what you mean, but normally the checksum is
stored in a memory section which is not subjected to the checksum
calculation itself.

The actual implementation depends on the tools you are using. Many linkers
support this directly: you specify the memory section(s) subjected to
checksum calculation, the type of checksum (CRC16, CRC32 etc) and the
memory section that will store the checksum.

Here is a technical note for IAR:

A "poor man" solution is to do it manually:

-In the source code, declare your checksum initializing to a known, fixed
value (e.g. 0xDEADBEEF)
-Run the program with a debugger; set a breakpoint when it calculates the
checksum (and fails), and write down the correct checksum
-Using a binary editor, find the fixed value into the executable binary,
and replace it with the correct value.
Fletto i muscoli e sono nel vuoto.
Rick C
2023-04-20 13:04:21 UTC
Post by dalai lamah
This is a bit of the chicken and egg thing. If you want a embed a
checksum in a code module to report the checksum, is there a way of
doing this? It's a bit like being your own grandfather, I think.
I'm not thinking anything too fancy, like a CRC, but rather a simple
modulo N addition, maybe N being 2^16.
I keep thinking of using a placeholder, but that doesn't seem to work
out in any useful way. Even if you try to anticipate the impact of
adding the checksum, that only gives you a different checksum, that you
then need to anticipate further... ad infinitum.
I'm probably not understanding what you mean, but normally the checksum is
stored in a memory section which is not subjected to the checksum
calculation itself.
Yes, I didn't explain it clearly. I am not looking for a way to calculate the checksum from a processor. That would be trivial. I want to embed the checksum in the code, so that it can be provided at run time as an ID, a way to validate the version number.
Post by dalai lamah
The actual implementation depends on the tools you are using. Many linkers
support this directly: you specify the memory section(s) subjected to
checksum calculation, the type of checksum (CRC16, CRC32 etc) and the
memory section that will store the checksum.
I wish to perform this checksum on the executable file.
Post by dalai lamah
-In the source code, declare your checksum initializing to a known, fixed
value (e.g. 0xDEADBEEF)
-Run the program with a debugger; set a breakpoint when it calculates the
checksum (and fails), and write down the correct checksum
-Using a binary editor, find the fixed value into the executable binary,
and replace it with the correct value.
Yeah, this is not useful, because changing the value stored changes the checksum. It also makes assumptions about the target.

Maybe this was not the best group to ask the question in. I thought this was more of a math problem with I started writing the question and the embedded community had already dealt with it.
Rick C.

+ Get 1,000 miles of free Supercharging
+ Tesla referral code - https://ts.la/richard11209
David Brown
2023-04-20 14:46:35 UTC
Post by Rick C
This is a bit of the chicken and egg thing. If you want a embed a
checksum in a code module to report the checksum, is there a way of
doing this? It's a bit like being your own grandfather, I think.
I'm not thinking anything too fancy, like a CRC, but rather a simple
modulo N addition, maybe N being 2^16.
I keep thinking of using a placeholder, but that doesn't seem to work
out in any useful way. Even if you try to anticipate the impact of
adding the checksum, that only gives you a different checksum, that
you then need to anticipate further... ad infinitum.
I'm not thinking of any special checksum generator that excludes the
checksum data. That would be too messy.
I keep thinking there is a different way of looking at this to
achieve the result I want...
Maybe I can prove it is impossible. Assume the file checksums to X
when the checksum data is zero. The goal would then be to include
the checksum data value Y in the file, that would change X to Y.
Given the properties of the module N checksum, this would appear to
be impossible for the general case, unless... Add another data
value, called, checksum normalizer. This data value checksums with
the original checksum to give the result zero. Then, when the
checksum is also added, the resulting checksum is, in fact, the
checksum. Another way of looking at this is to add a value that
combines with the added checksum, to be zero, leaving the original
checksum intact.
This might be inordinately hard for a CRC, but a simple checksum
would not be an issue, I think. At least, this could work in
software, where data can be included in an image file as itself. In
a device like an FPGA, it might not be included in the bit stream
file so directly... but that might depend on where in the device it
is inserted. Memory might have data that is stored as itself. I'll
need to look into that.
I am not sure what your intended use-case is here. But it is very
common to add a checksum of some sort to binary image files after
generating them. This is done post-link. You have a struct in your
read-only data that you link at a known fixed point in the binary. Your
post-link patcher can read this struct (for example, to get the program
version number that is then used to rename the final image file). It
can modify the struct (such as inserting the length of the image). Then
it calculates a CRC and appends it to the end of the image.
George Neuner
2023-04-20 15:33:19 UTC
On Wed, 19 Apr 2023 19:06:33 -0700 (PDT), Rick C
Post by Rick C
This is a bit of the chicken and egg thing. If you want a embed a
checksum in a code module to report the checksum, is there a way of
doing this? It's a bit like being your own grandfather, I think.
Take a look at the old xmodem/ymodem CRC. It was designed such that
when the CRC was sent immediately following the data, a receiver
computing CRC over the whole incoming packet (data and CRC both) would
get a result of zero.

But AFAIK it doesn't work with CCITT equation(s) - you have to use
Post by Rick C
I'm not thinking anything too fancy, like a CRC, but rather a simple
modulo N addition, maybe N being 2^16.
Sorry, I don't know a way to do it with a modular checksum.
YMMV, but I think 16-bit CRC is pretty simple.

Rick C
2023-04-20 16:45:59 UTC
Post by George Neuner
On Wed, 19 Apr 2023 19:06:33 -0700 (PDT), Rick C
This is a bit of the chicken and egg thing. If you want a embed a
checksum in a code module to report the checksum, is there a way of
doing this? It's a bit like being your own grandfather, I think.
Take a look at the old xmodem/ymodem CRC. It was designed such that
when the CRC was sent immediately following the data, a receiver
computing CRC over the whole incoming packet (data and CRC both) would
get a result of zero.
But AFAIK it doesn't work with CCITT equation(s) - you have to use
I'm not thinking anything too fancy, like a CRC, but rather a simple
modulo N addition, maybe N being 2^16.
Sorry, I don't know a way to do it with a modular checksum.
YMMV, but I think 16-bit CRC is pretty simple.
CRC is not complicated, but I would not know how to calculate an inserted value to force the resulting CRC to zero. How do you do that?

Even so, I'm not trying to validate the file. I'm trying to come up with a substitute for a time stamp or version number. I don't want to have to rely on my consistency in handling the version number correctly. This would be a backup in case there was more than one version released, even only within the "lab", that were different. A checksum that could be read by the controlling software would do the job.

I have run into this before, where the version number was not a 100% indication of the uniqueness of an executable. The checksum would be a second indicator.

I should mention that I'm not looking for a solution that relies on any specific details of the tools.
Rick C.

-+ Get 1,000 miles of free Supercharging
-+ Tesla referral code - https://ts.la/richard11209
David Brown
2023-04-20 20:26:51 UTC
Post by Rick C
Post by George Neuner
On Wed, 19 Apr 2023 19:06:33 -0700 (PDT), Rick C
This is a bit of the chicken and egg thing. If you want a embed
a checksum in a code module to report the checksum, is there a
way of doing this? It's a bit like being your own grandfather, I
Take a look at the old xmodem/ymodem CRC. It was designed such
that when the CRC was sent immediately following the data, a
receiver computing CRC over the whole incoming packet (data and CRC
both) would get a result of zero.
But AFAIK it doesn't work with CCITT equation(s) - you have to use
I'm not thinking anything too fancy, like a CRC, but rather a
simple modulo N addition, maybe N being 2^16.
Sorry, I don't know a way to do it with a modular checksum. YMMV,
but I think 16-bit CRC is pretty simple.
CRC is not complicated, but I would not know how to calculate an
inserted value to force the resulting CRC to zero. How do you do
You "insert" the value at the end. Anything else is insane.

CRC's are quite good hashes, for suitable sized data. There are perhaps
some special cases, but basically you'd be doing trial-and-error
searches to find an inserted value that gives you a zero CRC overall.
2^16 is not an overwhelming search space, but the whole idea is pointless.
Post by Rick C
Even so, I'm not trying to validate the file. I'm trying to come up
with a substitute for a time stamp or version number. I don't want
to have to rely on my consistency in handling the version number
correctly. This would be a backup in case there was more than one
version released, even only within the "lab", that were different. A
checksum that could be read by the controlling software would do the
A CRC is fine for that.
Post by Rick C
I have run into this before, where the version number was not a 100%
indication of the uniqueness of an executable. The checksum would be
a second indicator.
I should mention that I'm not looking for a solution that relies on
any specific details of the tools.
A table-based CRC is easy, runs quickly, and can be quickly ported to
pretty much any language (the C and Python code, for example, is almost
the same).
Ulf Samuelsson
2023-04-27 16:36:55 UTC
Post by Rick C
Post by George Neuner
On Wed, 19 Apr 2023 19:06:33 -0700 (PDT), Rick C
This is a bit of the chicken and egg thing. If you want a embed
a checksum in a code module to report the checksum, is there a
way of doing this? It's a bit like being your own grandfather, I
Take a look at the old xmodem/ymodem CRC. It was designed such
that when the CRC was sent immediately following the data, a
receiver computing CRC over the whole incoming packet (data and CRC
both) would get a result of zero.
But AFAIK it doesn't work with CCITT equation(s) - you have to use
I'm not thinking anything too fancy, like a CRC, but rather a
simple modulo N addition, maybe N being 2^16.
Sorry, I don't know a way to do it with a modular checksum. YMMV,
but I think 16-bit CRC is pretty simple.
CRC is not complicated, but I would not know how to calculate an
inserted value to force the resulting CRC to zero.  How do you do
You "insert" the value at the end.  Anything else is insane.
In all projects I have been involved with, the application binary starts
with a header looking like this.

Entry Point
other info...
APPLICATION_END (aligned with flash sector)

The bootloader first checks the two magic words.
It then computes CRC on the header (from Entry Point) to APPLICATION_END

I ported the IAR ielftool (open source) to Linux at

This can insert the CRC in the ELF file, but needs tweaks to work
with an ELF file generated by the GNU tools.

CRC's are quite good hashes, for suitable sized data.  There are perhaps
some special cases, but basically you'd be doing trial-and-error
searches to find an inserted value that gives you a zero CRC overall.
2^16 is not an overwhelming search space, but the whole idea is pointless.
Post by Rick C
Even so, I'm not trying to validate the file.  I'm trying to come up
with a substitute for a time stamp or version number.  I don't want
to have to rely on my consistency in handling the version number
correctly.  This would be a backup in case there was more than one
version released, even only within the "lab", that were different.  A
checksum that could be read by the controlling software would do the
A CRC is fine for that.
Post by Rick C
I have run into this before, where the version number was not a 100%
indication of the uniqueness of an executable.  The checksum would be
a second indicator.
I should mention that I'm not looking for a solution that relies on
any specific details of the tools.
A table-based CRC is easy, runs quickly, and can be quickly ported to
pretty much any language (the C and Python code, for example, is almost
the same).
David Brown
2023-04-28 07:12:53 UTC
Post by Ulf Samuelsson
Post by Rick C
Post by George Neuner
On Wed, 19 Apr 2023 19:06:33 -0700 (PDT), Rick C
This is a bit of the chicken and egg thing. If you want a embed
a checksum in a code module to report the checksum, is there a
way of doing this? It's a bit like being your own grandfather, I
Take a look at the old xmodem/ymodem CRC. It was designed such
that when the CRC was sent immediately following the data, a
receiver computing CRC over the whole incoming packet (data and CRC
both) would get a result of zero.
But AFAIK it doesn't work with CCITT equation(s) - you have to use
I'm not thinking anything too fancy, like a CRC, but rather a
simple modulo N addition, maybe N being 2^16.
Sorry, I don't know a way to do it with a modular checksum. YMMV,
but I think 16-bit CRC is pretty simple.
CRC is not complicated, but I would not know how to calculate an
inserted value to force the resulting CRC to zero.  How do you do
You "insert" the value at the end.  Anything else is insane.
In all projects I have been involved with, the application binary starts
with a header looking like this.
Entry Point
other info...
APPLICATION_END (aligned with flash sector)
The bootloader first checks the two magic words.
It then computes CRC on the header (from Entry Point) to APPLICATION_END
I ported the IAR ielftool (open source) to Linux at
This can insert the CRC in the ELF file, but needs tweaks to work
with an ELF file generated by the GNU tools.
That can work for some microcontrollers, but is unsuitable for others -
it depends on how the flash is organised. For an msp430, for example,
it would be fine, as the interrupt vectors (including the reset vector)
are at the end of flash. But for most ARM Cortex M devices, it would
not be suitable - they expect the reset vector and initial stack pointer
at the start of the flash image. Some devices have a boot ROM, and then
you have to match their specifics for the header - or you can have your
own boot program, and make the header how ever you like.

I am absolutely a fan of having some kind of header like this (and
sometimes even a human-readable copyright notice, identifier and version
information). And having it as near the beginning as possible is good.
But for many microcontrollers, having it at the start is not feasible.
And if you can't put the CRC at the start like you do, you have to put
it at the end of the image.

I've never really thought about trying to inject a CRC into an elf file.
I use elfs (or should that be "elves" ?) for debugging, not flash
programming. And usually the main concern for having a CRC at the end
of the image is when you have an online update of some kind, to check
that nothing has gone wrong during the transfer or in-field update.
Ulf Samuelsson
2023-04-28 08:35:20 UTC
Post by David Brown
Post by Ulf Samuelsson
Post by Rick C
Post by George Neuner
On Wed, 19 Apr 2023 19:06:33 -0700 (PDT), Rick C
This is a bit of the chicken and egg thing. If you want a embed
a checksum in a code module to report the checksum, is there a
way of doing this? It's a bit like being your own grandfather, I
Take a look at the old xmodem/ymodem CRC. It was designed such
that when the CRC was sent immediately following the data, a
receiver computing CRC over the whole incoming packet (data and CRC
both) would get a result of zero.
But AFAIK it doesn't work with CCITT equation(s) - you have to use
I'm not thinking anything too fancy, like a CRC, but rather a
simple modulo N addition, maybe N being 2^16.
Sorry, I don't know a way to do it with a modular checksum. YMMV,
but I think 16-bit CRC is pretty simple.
CRC is not complicated, but I would not know how to calculate an
inserted value to force the resulting CRC to zero.  How do you do
You "insert" the value at the end.  Anything else is insane.
In all projects I have been involved with, the application binary starts
with a header looking like this.
Entry Point
other info...
APPLICATION_END (aligned with flash sector)
The bootloader first checks the two magic words.
It then computes CRC on the header (from Entry Point) to APPLICATION_END
I ported the IAR ielftool (open source) to Linux at
This can insert the CRC in the ELF file, but needs tweaks to work
with an ELF file generated by the GNU tools.
That can work for some microcontrollers, but is unsuitable for others -
it depends on how the flash is organised.  For an msp430, for example,
it would be fine, as the interrupt vectors (including the reset vector)
are at the end of flash.  But for most ARM Cortex M devices, it would
not be suitable - they expect the reset vector and initial stack pointer
at the start of the flash image.  Some devices have a boot ROM, and then
you have to match their specifics for the header - or you can have your
own boot program, and make the header how ever you like.
All projects I am involved with have a custom bootloader.
If there is a problem with the reset vector, then the program will fail
The CRC is right after the initial vector table.
The bootloader application contains a copy of the vector table.

THe first thing the bootloader does is to check the CRC from right after
the CRC. Then it compares the vector table with the copy.

The header is only for the application.
Post by David Brown
I am absolutely a fan of having some kind of header like this (and
sometimes even a human-readable copyright notice, identifier and version
information).  And having it as near the beginning as possible is good.
But for many microcontrollers, having it at the start is not feasible.
And if you can't put the CRC at the start like you do, you have to put
it at the end of the image.
I've never really thought about trying to inject a CRC into an elf file.
 I use elfs (or should that be "elves" ?) for debugging, not flash
programming.  And usually the main concern for having a CRC at the end
of the image is when you have an online update of some kind, to check
that nothing has gone wrong during the transfer or in-field update.
The last bootloader I wrote download using Y-Modem which has CRC
checking. Since it had more RAM than internal flash, the whole
application was downloaded to RAM first, and then when everything is OK,
the flash can be programmed. Finally, the header is analyzed and the
flash contents checked. There is absolutely no need to have the CRC at
the end since the CRC result is stored in a known location.

George Neuner
2023-04-20 20:44:10 UTC
On Thu, 20 Apr 2023 09:45:59 -0700 (PDT), Rick C
Post by Rick C
Post by George Neuner
On Wed, 19 Apr 2023 19:06:33 -0700 (PDT), Rick C
This is a bit of the chicken and egg thing. If you want a embed a
checksum in a code module to report the checksum, is there a way of
doing this? It's a bit like being your own grandfather, I think.
Take a look at the old xmodem/ymodem CRC. It was designed such that
when the CRC was sent immediately following the data, a receiver
computing CRC over the whole incoming packet (data and CRC both) would
get a result of zero.
But AFAIK it doesn't work with CCITT equation(s) - you have to use
I'm not thinking anything too fancy, like a CRC, but rather a simple
modulo N addition, maybe N being 2^16.
Sorry, I don't know a way to do it with a modular checksum.
YMMV, but I think 16-bit CRC is pretty simple.
CRC is not complicated, but I would not know how to calculate an
inserted value to force the resulting CRC to zero. How do you do
It's implicit in the equation they chose. I don't know how it works -
just that it does.

You have some block of data |....data....|

You compute CRC on the data block and then append the resulting value
to the end of the block. xmodem CRC is 16-bit, so it adds 2 bytes to
the data.

So now you have a new extended block |....data....|crc|

Now if you compute a new CRC on the extended block, the resulting
value /should/ come out to zero. If it doesn't, either your data or
the original CRC value appended to it has been changed/corrupted.
Post by Rick C
Even so, I'm not trying to validate the file. I'm trying to come up
with a substitute for a time stamp or version number. I don't want
to have to rely on my consistency in handling the version number
correctly. This would be a backup in case there was more than one
version released, even only within the "lab", that were different. A
checksum that could be read by the controlling software would do the
I've actually done this: in the early 90s I designed a system that
used a CRC based scheme to identify load modules and track
inter-module code dependencies.

I computed both 16-bit Xmodem and CCITT CRCs on the modules and
concatenated the two values into a 32-bit identifier. That identifier
then was used to sign the module and to demand load (or unload) it
when needed.

At the time it worked quite well: the system had quite limited memory,
so code modules were small enough that even a 16-bit CRC could
uniquely identify most/all of them. Combining the two different CRCs
into a 32-bit identifier provided more than enough uniqueness, it was
fast and easy to compute, and it saved a lot of space vs using
something with stronger guarantees like a UUID or crypto-strength
signing hash.
[A lot of the hashing functions available today either didn't exist or
just weren't widely known back then. And still most of them that even
have 32-bit variants are weak in guarantees for those variants.]
Post by Rick C
I have run into this before, where the version number was not a 100%
indication of the uniqueness of an executable. The checksum would be
a second indicator.
I made it the basis of dependency checking. Version numbers were
secondary and for the benefit of the programmer.
Post by Rick C
I should mention that I'm not looking for a solution that relies on
any specific details of the tools.
Don Y
2023-04-21 05:37:07 UTC
Post by George Neuner
You have some block of data |....data....|
You compute CRC on the data block and then append the resulting value
Post by George Neuner
to the end of the block. xmodem CRC is 16-bit, so it adds 2 bytes to
the data.
Exactly. You *don't* drag the "extra bits" into the initial
CRC calculation but *do* into the CRC *verification*. Easy
peasy (since forever).

[Think about it: your performing a division operation
and the residual is the "remainder".]

Note that you want to choose a polynomial that doesn't
give you a "win" result for "obviously" corrupt data.
E.g., if data is all zeros or all 0xFF (as these sorts of
conditions can happen with hardware failures) you probably
wouldn't want a "success" indication!

You can also "salt" the calculation so that the residual
is deliberately nonzero. So, for example, "success" is
indicated by a residual of 0x474E. :>
Post by George Neuner
So now you have a new extended block |....data....|crc|
Now if you compute a new CRC on the extended block, the resulting
value /should/ come out to zero. If it doesn't, either your data or
the original CRC value appended to it has been changed/corrupted.
As there is usually a lack of originality in the algorithms
chosen, you have to consider if you are also hoping to use
this to safeguard the *integrity* of your image (i.e.,
against intentional modification).

I have an old Compaq Portable 386 (lunchbox) that obviously
wasn't designed to support the disk drives that I would
*later* install in it. So, I patched the BIOS ROMs to
add another disk type to the Disk Parameter Table. Then,
made compensating changes to other parts of the ROM
(that I knew would not be referenced) to ensure the original
checksum -- WHEREVER IT MAY HAVE BEEN "STORED" -- would remain

[I could similarly have altered the boot message to show
a copyright of "Don Y" in place of "Compaq" -- as it would
be pretty easy to locate the "Compaq" string (in plaintext)
in the image.]
David Brown
2023-04-21 10:43:39 UTC
Post by Don Y
You have some block of data   |....data....|
You compute CRC on the data block and then append the resulting value
to the end of the block.  xmodem CRC is 16-bit, so it adds 2 bytes to
the data.
Exactly.  You *don't* drag the "extra bits" into the initial
CRC calculation but *do* into the CRC *verification*.  Easy
peasy (since forever).
[Think about it:  your performing a division operation
and the residual is the "remainder".]
George's earlier posts made it look like the algorithm was inserting
("embedding") a value somewhere inside the image, so that the CRC over
the modified image was zero. This is easy to do for simple checksums
such as XOR's or a sum-of-bytes checksum, but infeasible for CRC's.

It is a much easier matter when appending the checksum. Depending
somewhat on the details of the CRC (such as bit/byte reversals,
inversions, starting values, etc.) it is typically the case that for a
binary blob A, crc(A ++ crc(A)) = 0. i.e., if you append the CRC of
your data to the data, the CRC of the whole thing is 0.

Of course, this is pretty much irrelevant - whether you check the
integrity of the final image by running CRC over it all and comparing to
0, or running it over all but the last word and comparing to the last
word is a minor matter.
Post by Don Y
Note that you want to choose a polynomial that doesn't
give you a "win" result for "obviously" corrupt data.
E.g., if data is all zeros or all 0xFF (as these sorts of
conditions can happen with hardware failures) you probably
wouldn't want a "success" indication!
No, that is pointless for something like a code image. It just adds
needless complexity to your CRC algorithm.

You should already have checks that would eliminate an all-zero image or
other "obviously corrupt" data. You'll be checking the image for a key
or "magic number" that identifies the image as "program image for board
X, project Y". You'll be checking version numbers. You'll be reading
the length of the image so you know the range for your CRC function, and
where to find the appended CRC check. You might not have all of these
in a given system, but you'll have some kind of check which would fail
on an all-zero image.
Post by Don Y
You can also "salt" the calculation so that the residual
is deliberately nonzero.  So, for example, "success" is
indicated by a residual of 0x474E.  :>
Again, pointless.

Salt is important for security-related hashes (like password hashes),
not for integrity checks.
Post by Don Y
So now you have a new extended block   |....data....|crc|
Now if you compute a new CRC on the extended block, the resulting
value /should/ come out to zero. If it doesn't, either your data or
the original CRC value appended to it has been changed/corrupted.
As there is usually a lack of originality in the algorithms
chosen, you have to consider if you are also hoping to use
this to safeguard the *integrity* of your image (i.e.,
against intentional modification).
"Integrity" has nothing to do with the motivation for change.
/Security/ is concerned with intentional modifications that deliberately
attempt to defeat /integrity/ checks. Integrity is about detecting any

If you are concerned about the possibility of intentional malicious
changes, CRC's alone are useless. All the attacker needs to do after
modifying the image is calculate the CRC themselves, and replace the
original checksum with their own.

Using non-standard algorithms for security is a simple way to get things
completely wrong. "Security by obscurity" is very rarely the right
answer. In reality, good security algorithms, and good implementations,
are difficult and specialised tasks, best left to people who know what
they are doing.

To make something secure, you have to ensure that the check algorithms
depend on a key that you know, but that the attacker does not have.
That's the basis of digital signatures (though you use a secure hash
algorithm rather than a simple CRC).
Don Y
2023-04-21 11:39:38 UTC
Post by Don Y
Note that you want to choose a polynomial that doesn't
give you a "win" result for "obviously" corrupt data.
E.g., if data is all zeros or all 0xFF (as these sorts of
conditions can happen with hardware failures) you probably
wouldn't want a "success" indication!
No, that is pointless for something like a code image.  It just adds needless
complexity to your CRC algorithm.
Perhaps you've forgotten that you don't just use CRCs (secure hashes, etc.)
on "code images"?
You should already have checks that would eliminate an all-zero image or other
"obviously corrupt" data.  You'll be checking the image for a key or "magic
number" that identifies the image as "program image for board X, project Y".
You'll be checking version numbers.  You'll be reading the length of the image
so you know the range for your CRC function, and where to find the appended CRC
check.  You might not have all of these in a given system, but you'll have some
kind of check which would fail on an all-zero image.
See above.
Post by Don Y
You can also "salt" the calculation so that the residual
is deliberately nonzero.  So, for example, "success" is
indicated by a residual of 0x474E.  :>
Again, pointless.
Salt is important for security-related hashes (like password hashes), not for
integrity checks.
You've missed the point. The correct "sum" can be anything.
Why is "0" more special than any other value? As the value is
typically meaningless to anything other than the code that verifies
it, you couldn't look at an image (or the output of the verifier)
and gain anything from seeing that obscure value.

OTOH, if the CRC yields something familiar -- or useful -- then
it can tell you something about the image. E.g., salt the algorithm
with the product code, version number, your initials, 0xDEADBEEF, etc.
Post by Don Y
So now you have a new extended block   |....data....|crc|
Now if you compute a new CRC on the extended block, the resulting
value /should/ come out to zero. If it doesn't, either your data or
the original CRC value appended to it has been changed/corrupted.
As there is usually a lack of originality in the algorithms
chosen, you have to consider if you are also hoping to use
this to safeguard the *integrity* of your image (i.e.,
against intentional modification).
"Integrity" has nothing to do with the motivation for change. /Security/ is
concerned with intentional modifications that deliberately attempt to defeat
/integrity/ checks.  Integrity is about detecting any changes.
If you are concerned about the possibility of intentional malicious changes,
Changes don't have to be malicious. I altered the test procedure for a
piece of military gear we were building simply to skip some lengthy tests that
I *knew* would pass (I don't want to inject an extra 20 minutes of wait time
just to get through a lengthy test I already know works before I can get
to the test of interest to me, now.

I failed to undo the change before the official signoff on the device.

The only evidence of this was the fact that I had also patched the
startup message to say "Go for coffee..." -- which remained on the
screen for the duration of the lengthy (even with the long test
elided) procedure...

..which alerted folks to the fact that this *probably* wasn't the
original image. (The computer running the test suite on the DUT had
no problem accepting my patched binary)
CRC's alone are useless.  All the attacker needs to do after modifying the
image is calculate the CRC themselves, and replace the original checksum with
their own.
That assumes the "alterer" knows how to replace the checksum, how it
is computed, where it is embedded in the image, etc. I modified the Compaq
portable mentioned without ever knowing where the checksum was store
or *if* it was explicitly stored. I had no desire to disassemble the
BIOS ROMs (though could obviously do so as there was no "proprietary
hardware" limiting access to their contents and the instruction set of
the processor is well known!).

Instead, I did this by *guessing* how they would implement such a check
in a bit of kit from that era (ERPOMs aren't easily modified by malware
so it wasn't likely that they would go to great lengths to "protect" the
image). And, if my guess had been incorrect, I could always reinstall
the original EPROMs -- nothing lost, nothing gained.

Had much experience with folks counterfeiting your products and making
"simple" changes to the binaries? Like changing the copyright notice
or splash screen?

Then, bringing the (accused) counterfeit of YOUR product into a courtroom
and revealing the *hidden* checksum that the counterfeiter wasn't aware of?

"Gee, why does YOUR (alleged) device have *my* name in it -- in addition
to behaving exactly like mine??"

[I guess obscurity has its place!]

Use a non-secret approach and you invite folks to alter it, as well.
Using non-standard algorithms for security is a simple way to get things
completely wrong.  "Security by obscurity" is very rarely the right answer.  In
reality, good security algorithms, and good implementations, are difficult and
specialised tasks, best left to people who know what they are doing.
To make something secure, you have to ensure that the check algorithms depend
on a key that you know, but that the attacker does not have. That's the basis
of digital signatures (though you use a secure hash algorithm rather than a
simple CRC).
If you can remove the check, then what value the key's secrecy? By your
criteria, the adversary KNOWS how you are implementing your security
so he knows exactly what to remove to bypass your checks and allow his
altered image to operate in its place.

Ever notice how manufacturers don't PUBLICLY disclose their security
hooks (without an NDA)? If "security by obscurity" was not important,
they would publish these details INVITING challenges (instead of
trying to limit the knowledge to people with whom they've officially

[If it was so good and they were trying to rely on trade secret, why
not just PATENT their approach, also disclosing it in the process?
Surely, the details will "leak" from one of the NDA signers long
before patent protection would expire... And, presumably, these
are "people who know what they are doing"...]

Sign all the binaries and all I have to do is remove the *test* for
those signatures and the images can be as corrupted as I choose.

You need to "secure" the test if you want the image to be securable.
This is why it is so hard to use "open" security protocols on
hardware devices (cuz there are almost always ways to subvert the
verification process/hardware). Having physical access to a device
usually means it can be compromised -- if worth your effort.

[The trick is to make the effort great enough to be on a par with
just copying the *functionality*, from scratch, and not bothering
trying to alter the executable in a way that is not detectable]

[[There are companies who's business models are exactly that -- cloning
other products (e.g., from folks like big blue) at the functional
level -- yet steering clear of any copyright issues.]]
David Brown
2023-04-21 14:50:31 UTC
Post by Don Y
Post by Don Y
Note that you want to choose a polynomial that doesn't
give you a "win" result for "obviously" corrupt data.
E.g., if data is all zeros or all 0xFF (as these sorts of
conditions can happen with hardware failures) you probably
wouldn't want a "success" indication!
No, that is pointless for something like a code image.  It just adds
needless complexity to your CRC algorithm.
Perhaps you've forgotten that you don't just use CRCs (secure hashes, etc.)
on "code images"?
No - but "code images" is the topic here.

However, in almost every case where CRC's might be useful, you have
additional checks of the sanity of the data, and an all-zero or all-one
data block would be rejected. For example, Ethernet packets use CRC for
integrity checking, but an attempt to send a packet type 0 from MAC
address 00:00:00:00:00:00 to address 00:00:00:00:00:00, of length 0,
would be rejected anyway.

I can't think of any use-cases where you would be passing around a block
of "pure" data that could reasonably take absolutely any value, without
any type of "envelope" information, and where you would think a CRC
check is appropriate.
Post by Don Y
You should already have checks that would eliminate an all-zero image
or other "obviously corrupt" data.  You'll be checking the image for a
key or "magic number" that identifies the image as "program image for
board X, project Y". You'll be checking version numbers.  You'll be
reading the length of the image so you know the range for your CRC
function, and where to find the appended CRC check.  You might not
have all of these in a given system, but you'll have some kind of
check which would fail on an all-zero image.
See above.
See above.
Post by Don Y
Post by Don Y
You can also "salt" the calculation so that the residual
is deliberately nonzero.  So, for example, "success" is
indicated by a residual of 0x474E.  :>
Again, pointless.
Salt is important for security-related hashes (like password hashes),
not for integrity checks.
You've missed the point.  The correct "sum" can be anything.
Why is "0" more special than any other value?  As the value is
typically meaningless to anything other than the code that verifies
it, you couldn't look at an image (or the output of the verifier)
and gain anything from seeing that obscure value.
Do you actually know what is meant by "salt" in the context of hashes,
and why it is useful in some circumstances? Do you understand that
"salt" is added (usually prepended, or occasionally mixed in in some
other way) to the data /before/ the hash is calculated?

I have not given the slightest indication to suggest that "0" is a
special value. I fully agree that the value you get from the checking
algorithm does not have to be 0 - I already suggested it could be
compared to the stored value. I.e., your build your image file as "data
++ crc(data)", at check it by re-calculating "crc(data)" on the received
image and comparing the result to the received crc. There is no
necessity or benefit in having a crc run calculated over the received
data plus the received crc being 0.

"Salt" is used in cases where the original data must be kept secret, and
only the hashes are transmitted or accessible - by adding salt to the
original data before hashing it, you avoid a direct correspondence
between the hash and the original data. The prime use-case is to stop
people being able to figure out a password by looking up the hash in a
list of pre-computed hashes of common passwords.
Post by Don Y
OTOH, if the CRC yields something familiar -- or useful -- then
it can tell you something about the image.  E.g., salt the algorithm
with the product code, version number, your initials, 0xDEADBEEF, etc.
You are making no sense at all. Are you suggesting that it would be a
good idea to add some value to the start of the image so that the
resulting crc calculation gives a nice recognisable product code? This
"salt" would be different for each program image, and calculated by
trial and error. If you want a product code, version number, etc., in
the program image (and it's a good idea), just put these in the program
Post by Don Y
Post by Don Y
So now you have a new extended block   |....data....|crc|
Now if you compute a new CRC on the extended block, the resulting
value /should/ come out to zero. If it doesn't, either your data or
the original CRC value appended to it has been changed/corrupted.
As there is usually a lack of originality in the algorithms
chosen, you have to consider if you are also hoping to use
this to safeguard the *integrity* of your image (i.e.,
against intentional modification).
"Integrity" has nothing to do with the motivation for change.
/Security/ is concerned with intentional modifications that
deliberately attempt to defeat /integrity/ checks.  Integrity is about
detecting any changes.
If you are concerned about the possibility of intentional malicious changes,
Changes don't have to be malicious.
Accidental changes (such as human error, noise during data transfer,
memory cell errors, etc.) do not pass integrity tests unnoticed. To be
more accurate, the chances of them passing unnoticed are of the order of
1 in 2^n, for a good n-bit check such as a CRC check. Certain types of
error are always detectable, such as single and double bit errors. That
is the point of using a checksum or hash for integrity checking.

/Intentional/ changes are a different matter. If a hacker changes the
program image, they can change the transmitted hash to their own
calculated hash. Or for a small CRC, they could change a different part
of the image until the original checksum matched - for a 16-bit CRC,
that only takes 65,535 attempts in the worst case.

That is why you need to distinguish between the two possibilities. If
you don't have to worry about malicious attacks, a 32-bit CRC takes a
dozen lines of C code and a 1 KB table, all running extremely
efficiently. If security is an issue, you need digital signatures - an
RSA-based signature system is orders of magnitude more effort in both
development time and in run time.
Post by Don Y
I altered the test procedure for a
piece of military gear we were building simply to skip some lengthy
tests that I *knew* would pass (I don't want to inject an extra 20
minutes of wait time
just to get through a lengthy test I already know works before I can get
to the test of interest to me, now.
I failed to undo the change before the official signoff on the device.
The only evidence of this was the fact that I had also patched the
startup message to say "Go for coffee..." -- which remained on the
screen for the duration of the lengthy (even with the long test
elided) procedure...
..which alerted folks to the fact that this *probably* wasn't the
original image.  (The computer running the test suite on the DUT had
no problem accepting my patched binary)
And what, exactly, do you think that anecdote tells us about CRC checks
for image files? It reminds us that we are all fallible, but does no
more than that.
Post by Don Y
CRC's alone are useless.  All the attacker needs to do after modifying
the image is calculate the CRC themselves, and replace the original
checksum with their own.
That assumes the "alterer" knows how to replace the checksum, how it
is computed, where it is embedded in the image, etc.  I modified the Compaq
portable mentioned without ever knowing where the checksum was store
or *if* it was explicitly stored.  I had no desire to disassemble the
BIOS ROMs (though could obviously do so as there was no "proprietary
hardware" limiting access to their contents and the instruction set of
the processor is well known!).
Instead, I did this by *guessing* how they would implement such a check
in a bit of kit from that era (ERPOMs aren't easily modified by malware
so it wasn't likely that they would go to great lengths to "protect" the
image).  And, if my guess had been incorrect, I could always reinstall
the original EPROMs -- nothing lost, nothing gained.
Had much experience with folks counterfeiting your products and making
"simple" changes to the binaries?  Like changing the copyright notice
or splash screen?
Then, bringing the (accused) counterfeit of YOUR product into a courtroom
and revealing the *hidden* checksum that the counterfeiter wasn't aware of?
"Gee, why does YOUR (alleged) device have *my* name in it -- in addition
to behaving exactly like mine??"
[I guess obscurity has its place!]
Security by obscurity is not security. Having a hidden signature or
other mark can be useful for proving ownership (making an intentional
mistake is another common tactic - such as commercial maps having a few
subtle spelling errors). But that is not security.
Post by Don Y
Use a non-secret approach and you invite folks to alter it, as well.
Using non-standard algorithms for security is a simple way to get
things completely wrong.  "Security by obscurity" is very rarely the
right answer.  In reality, good security algorithms, and good
implementations, are difficult and specialised tasks, best left to
people who know what they are doing.
To make something secure, you have to ensure that the check algorithms
depend on a key that you know, but that the attacker does not have.
That's the basis of digital signatures (though you use a secure hash
algorithm rather than a simple CRC).
If you can remove the check, then what value the key's secrecy?  By your
criteria, the adversary KNOWS how you are implementing your security
so he knows exactly what to remove to bypass your checks and allow his
altered image to operate in its place.
Ever notice how manufacturers don't PUBLICLY disclose their security
hooks (without an NDA)?  If "security by obscurity" was not important,
they would publish these details INVITING challenges (instead of
trying to limit the knowledge to people with whom they've officially
Any serious manufacturer /does/ invite challenges to their security.

There are multiple reasons why a manufacturer (such as a semiconductor
manufacturer) might be guarded about the details of their security
systems. They can be avoiding giving hints to competitors. Maybe they
know their systems aren't really very secure, because their keys are too
short or they can be read out in some way.

But I think the main reasons are often:

They want to be able to change the details, and that's far easier if
there are only a few people who have read the information.

They don't want endless support questions from amateurs.

They are limited by idiotic government export restrictions made by
ignorant politicians who don't understand cryptography.

Some things benefit from being kept hidden, or under restricted access.
The details of the CRC algorithm you use to catch accidental errors in
your image file is /not/ one of them. If you think hiding it has the
remotest hint of a benefit, you are doing things wrong - you need a
/security/ check, not a simple /integrity/ check.

And then once you have switched to a security check - a digital
signature - there's no need to keep that choice hidden either, because
it is the /key/ that is important, not the type of lock.
Don Y
2023-04-22 00:29:51 UTC
Post by David Brown
Post by Don Y
Post by Don Y
Note that you want to choose a polynomial that doesn't
give you a "win" result for "obviously" corrupt data.
E.g., if data is all zeros or all 0xFF (as these sorts of
conditions can happen with hardware failures) you probably
wouldn't want a "success" indication!
No, that is pointless for something like a code image.  It just adds
needless complexity to your CRC algorithm.
Perhaps you've forgotten that you don't just use CRCs (secure hashes, etc.)
on "code images"?
No - but "code images" is the topic here.
So, anything unrelated to CRC's as applied to code images is off limits...
per order of the Internet Police"?

If *all* you use CRCs for is checking *a* code image at POST, you're
wasting a valuable resource.

Do you not think data/parameters need to be safeguarded? Program images?
Communication protocols?

Or, do you develop yet another technique for *each* of those?
Post by David Brown
However, in almost every case where CRC's might be useful, you have additional
checks of the sanity of the data, and an all-zero or all-one data block would
be rejected.  For example, Ethernet packets use CRC for integrity checking, but
an attempt to send a packet type 0 from MAC address 00:00:00:00:00:00 to
address 00:00:00:00:00:00, of length 0, would be rejected anyway.
Why look at "data" -- which may be suspect -- and *then* check its CRC?
Run the CRC first. If it fails, decide how you are going to proceed
or recover.

["Data" can be code or parameters]

I treat blocks of "data" (carefully arranged) with individual CRCs,
based on their relative importance to the operation. If the CRC is
corrupt, I have no idea *where* the error lies -- as it could
be anything in the checked block. So, one has to (typically)
restore some defaults (or, invoke a reconfigure operation) which
recreates *a* valid dataset.

This is particularly useful when power to a device can be
removed at arbitrary points in time (or, some other abrupt
crash). Before altering anything in a block, take deliberate
steps to invalidate the CRC, make your changes, then "fix"
the CRC. So, an interrupted process causes the CRC to fail
and remedial action taken.

Note that replacing a FLASH image (mostly code) falls under
such a mechanism.
Post by David Brown
I can't think of any use-cases where you would be passing around a block of
"pure" data that could reasonably take absolutely any value, without any type
of "envelope" information, and where you would think a CRC check is appropriate.
I append a *version specific* CRC to each packet of marshalled data
in my RMIs. If the data is corrupted in transit *or* if the
wrong version API ends up targeted, the operation will abend
because we know the data "isn't right".

I *could* put a header saying "this is version 4.2". And, that
tells me nothing about the integrity of the rest of the data.
OTOH, ensuring the CRC reflects "4.2" does -- it the recipient
expects it to be so.
Post by David Brown
Post by Don Y
Post by Don Y
You can also "salt" the calculation so that the residual
is deliberately nonzero.  So, for example, "success" is
indicated by a residual of 0x474E.  :>
Again, pointless.
Salt is important for security-related hashes (like password hashes), not
for integrity checks.
You've missed the point.  The correct "sum" can be anything.
Why is "0" more special than any other value?  As the value is
typically meaningless to anything other than the code that verifies
it, you couldn't look at an image (or the output of the verifier)
and gain anything from seeing that obscure value.
Do you actually know what is meant by "salt" in the context of hashes, and why
it is useful in some circumstances?  Do you understand that "salt" is added
(usually prepended, or occasionally mixed in in some other way) to the data
/before/ the hash is calculated?
What term would you have me use to indicate a "bias" applied to a CRC
Post by David Brown
I have not given the slightest indication to suggest that "0" is a special
value.  I fully agree that the value you get from the checking algorithm does
not have to be 0 - I already suggested it could be compared to the stored
value.  I.e., your build your image file as "data ++ crc(data)", at check it by
re-calculating "crc(data)" on the received image and comparing the result to
the received crc.  There is no necessity or benefit in having a crc run
calculated over the received data plus the received crc being 0.
"Salt" is used in cases where the original data must be kept secret, and only
the hashes are transmitted or accessible - by adding salt to the original data
before hashing it, you avoid a direct correspondence between the hash and the
original data.  The prime use-case is to stop people being able to figure out a
password by looking up the hash in a list of pre-computed hashes of common
See above.
Post by David Brown
Post by Don Y
OTOH, if the CRC yields something familiar -- or useful -- then
it can tell you something about the image.  E.g., salt the algorithm
with the product code, version number, your initials, 0xDEADBEEF, etc.
You are making no sense at all.  Are you suggesting that it would be a good
idea to add some value to the start of the image so that the resulting crc
calculation gives a nice recognisable product code?  This "salt" would be
different for each program image, and calculated by trial and error.  If you
want a product code, version number, etc., in the program image (and it's a
good idea), just put these in the program image!
Again, that tells you nothing about the rest of the image!
See the RMI desciption.

[Note that the OP is expecting the checksum to help *him*
identify versions: "Just put these in the program image!" Eh?]
Post by David Brown
Post by Don Y
Post by Don Y
So now you have a new extended block   |....data....|crc|
Now if you compute a new CRC on the extended block, the resulting
value /should/ come out to zero. If it doesn't, either your data or
the original CRC value appended to it has been changed/corrupted.
As there is usually a lack of originality in the algorithms
chosen, you have to consider if you are also hoping to use
this to safeguard the *integrity* of your image (i.e.,
against intentional modification).
"Integrity" has nothing to do with the motivation for change. /Security/ is
concerned with intentional modifications that deliberately attempt to defeat
/integrity/ checks.  Integrity is about detecting any changes.
If you are concerned about the possibility of intentional malicious changes,
Changes don't have to be malicious.
Accidental changes (such as human error, noise during data transfer, memory
cell errors, etc.) do not pass integrity tests unnoticed.
That's not true. The role of the 8test* is to notice these. If the test
is blind to the types of errors that are likely to occur, then it CAN'T
notice them.

A CRC (hash, etc.) reduces a large block of data to a small bit of
data. So, by definition, there are multiple DIFFERENT sets of data that
map to the same CRC/hash/etc. (2^(data_size-CRC-size))

E.g., simply summing the values in a block of memory will yield "0"
for ANY condition that results in the block having identical values
for ALL members, if the block size is a power of 2. So, a block
of 0xFF, 0x00, 0xFE, 0x27, 0x88, etc. will all yield the same sum.
Clearly a bad choice of test!

OTOH, "salting" the calculation so that it is expected to yield
a value of 0x13 means *those* situations will be flagged as errors
(and a different set of situations will sneak by, undetected).
The trick (engineering) is to figure out which types of
failures/faults/errors are most common to occur and guard
against them.
Post by David Brown
To be more accurate,
the chances of them passing unnoticed are of the order of 1 in 2^n, for a good
n-bit check such as a CRC check.  Certain types of error are always detectable,
such as single and double bit errors.  That is the point of using a checksum or
hash for integrity checking.
/Intentional/ changes are a different matter.  If a hacker changes the program
image, they can change the transmitted hash to their own calculated hash.  Or
for a small CRC, they could change a different part of the image until the
original checksum matched - for a 16-bit CRC, that only takes 65,535 attempts
in the worst case.
If the approach used is "typical", then you need far fewer attempts to
produce a correct image -- without EVER knowing where the CRC is stored.
Post by David Brown
That is why you need to distinguish between the two possibilities.  If you
don't have to worry about malicious attacks, a 32-bit CRC takes a dozen lines
of C code and a 1 KB table, all running extremely efficiently.  If security is
an issue, you need digital signatures - an RSA-based signature system is orders
of magnitude more effort in both development time and in run time.
It's considerably more expensive AND not fool-proof -- esp if the
attacker knows you are signing binaries. "OK, now I need to find
WHERE the signature is verified and just patch that "CALL" out
of the code".
Post by David Brown
Post by Don Y
I altered the test procedure for a
piece of military gear we were building simply to skip some lengthy tests
that I *knew* would pass (I don't want to inject an extra 20 minutes of wait
just to get through a lengthy test I already know works before I can get
to the test of interest to me, now.
I failed to undo the change before the official signoff on the device.
The only evidence of this was the fact that I had also patched the
startup message to say "Go for coffee..." -- which remained on the
screen for the duration of the lengthy (even with the long test
elided) procedure...
..which alerted folks to the fact that this *probably* wasn't the
original image.  (The computer running the test suite on the DUT had
no problem accepting my patched binary)
And what, exactly, do you think that anecdote tells us about CRC checks for
image files?  It reminds us that we are all fallible, but does no more than that.
That *was* the point. Because the folks who designed the test computer
relied on common techniques to safeguard the image.

The counterfeiting example I cited indicates how "obscurity/secrecy"
is far more effective (yet you dismiss it out-of-hand).
Post by David Brown
Post by Don Y
CRC's alone are useless.  All the attacker needs to do after modifying the
image is calculate the CRC themselves, and replace the original checksum
with their own.
That assumes the "alterer" knows how to replace the checksum, how it
is computed, where it is embedded in the image, etc.  I modified the Compaq
portable mentioned without ever knowing where the checksum was store
or *if* it was explicitly stored.  I had no desire to disassemble the
BIOS ROMs (though could obviously do so as there was no "proprietary
hardware" limiting access to their contents and the instruction set of
the processor is well known!).
Instead, I did this by *guessing* how they would implement such a check
in a bit of kit from that era (ERPOMs aren't easily modified by malware
so it wasn't likely that they would go to great lengths to "protect" the
image).  And, if my guess had been incorrect, I could always reinstall
the original EPROMs -- nothing lost, nothing gained.
Had much experience with folks counterfeiting your products and making
"simple" changes to the binaries?  Like changing the copyright notice
or splash screen?
Then, bringing the (accused) counterfeit of YOUR product into a courtroom
and revealing the *hidden* checksum that the counterfeiter wasn't aware of?
"Gee, why does YOUR (alleged) device have *my* name in it -- in addition
to behaving exactly like mine??"
[I guess obscurity has its place!]
Security by obscurity is not security.  Having a hidden signature or other mark
can be useful for proving ownership (making an intentional mistake is another
common tactic - such as commercial maps having a few subtle spelling errors).
But that is not security.
Of course it is! If *you* check the "hidden signature" at runtime
and then alter "your" operation such that an altered copy fails
to perform properly, then then you have secured it.

Would you want to use a check-writing program if the account
balances it maintains were subtly (but not consistently)

OTOH, if the (altered) program threw up a splash screen and
said "Unlicensed copy detected" and refused to operate, the
"program" is still "secured" -- but, now you've provided an
easy indicator of whether or not the security has been

We started doing this in the heyday of video (arcade) gaming;
a counterfeiter would have a clone of YOUR game on the market
(at substantially reduced prices) in a matter of *weeks*.
As Operators have no foreknowledge of which games will be
moneymakers and which will be "90 day wonders" (literally,
no longer played after 90 days of exposure!), what incentive
to pay for a genuine article?

If all a counterfeiter had to do was alter the copyright
notice (even if it was stored in some coded form), or alter
some graphics (name of game, colors/shapes of characters)
that's *no* impediment -- given how often and quickly
it could be done.

Games would not just look at their images during POST
but, also, verify that routineX() had some particular
side-effect that could be tested, etc. Counterfeiters
would go to lengths to ensure even THESE tests would pass.

Because the game would *complain*, otherwise! (so, keep
looking for more tests until the game stops throwing an

OTOH, if you *hide* the checks in the runtime and alter
the game's performance subtly by folding expected values
into key calculations such that values derived from
altered code differ, you can annoy the player: "why did
my guy just turn blue and run off the edge of the screen?"
An annoyed player stops putting money into a game.
A game that doesn't earn money -- regardless of how
inexpensive it was to purchase -- quickly teaches the
Owner not to invest in such "buggy" games.

This is much better than taking the counterfeiter to court and
proving the code is a copy of yours! (and, "FlyByNight
Games Counterfeiters" simply closes up shop and opens up,
next door)

And, because there is no "drop dead" point in the code or
the games behavior, the counterfeiter never knows when
he's found all the protection mechanisms.

Checking signatures, CRCs, licensing schemes, etc. all are used
in a "drop dead" fashion so considerably easier to defeat.
Witness the number of "products" available as warez...
Post by David Brown
Post by Don Y
Use a non-secret approach and you invite folks to alter it, as well.
Using non-standard algorithms for security is a simple way to get things
completely wrong.  "Security by obscurity" is very rarely the right answer.
In reality, good security algorithms, and good implementations, are
difficult and specialised tasks, best left to people who know what they are
To make something secure, you have to ensure that the check algorithms
depend on a key that you know, but that the attacker does not have. That's
the basis of digital signatures (though you use a secure hash algorithm
rather than a simple CRC).
If you can remove the check, then what value the key's secrecy?  By your
criteria, the adversary KNOWS how you are implementing your security
so he knows exactly what to remove to bypass your checks and allow his
altered image to operate in its place.
Ever notice how manufacturers don't PUBLICLY disclose their security
hooks (without an NDA)?  If "security by obscurity" was not important,
they would publish these details INVITING challenges (instead of
trying to limit the knowledge to people with whom they've officially
Any serious manufacturer /does/ invite challenges to their security.
There are multiple reasons why a manufacturer (such as a semiconductor
manufacturer) might be guarded about the details of their security systems.
They can be avoiding giving hints to competitors.  Maybe they know their
systems aren't really very secure, because their keys are too short or they can
be read out in some way.
They want to be able to change the details, and that's far easier if there are
only a few people who have read the information.
So, a legitimate customer is subjected to arbitrary changes in
the product's implementation?
Post by David Brown
They don't want endless support questions from amateurs.
Only answer with a support contract.
Post by David Brown
They are limited by idiotic government export restrictions made by ignorant
politicians who don't understand cryptography.
Protections don't always have to be cryptographic. The
"Fortress" payphone is remarkably well hardened to direct
physical (brute force) attacks -- money is involved.
Ditto many slot machines (again, CASH money). Yet, all
have vulnerabilities. "Expose this portion of the die
to ultraviolet light to reset the memory protection bits"
Post by David Brown
Some things benefit from being kept hidden, or under restricted access. The
details of the CRC algorithm you use to catch accidental errors in your image
file is /not/ one of them.  If you think hiding it has the remotest hint of a
benefit, you are doing things wrong - you need a /security/ check, not a simple
/integrity/ check.
And then once you have switched to a security check - a digital signature -
there's no need to keep that choice hidden either, because it is the /key/ that
is important, not the type of lock.
Again, meaningless if the attacker can interfere with the *enforcement*
of that check. Using something "well known" just means he already knows
what to look for in your code. Or, how to interfere with your
intended implementation in ways that you may have not anticipated
(confident that your "security" can't be MATHEMATICALLY broken).

I had a discussion with a friend who knew just enough about "computers"
to THINK he understood that world. I mentioned my NOT using ecommerce.
He laughed at me as "naive": "There's 40 bit encryption on those
connections! No one is going to eavesdrop on your financial data!"

[Really, Jerry? You think, as an OLD accountant, you know more
than I do as a young engineer practicing in that field? Ok...]

"Yeah, and are you 100% sure something isn't already *on* your computer
looking at your keystrokes BEFORE they head down that encrypted tunnel?"

Guess he hadn't really thought out the problem to that level of detail
as his confidence quickly melted away to one of worry ("I wonder if
I've already been hacked??")

People implementing security almost always focus on the wrong
aspects of the problem and walk away THINKING they can rest easy.
Vulnerabilities are often so blatantly obvious, after the fact,
as to be embarassing: "You're not supposed to do that!"
"Then, why did your product LET ME?"

I use *many* layers of security in my current design and STILL
expect them (at least the ones that are accessible) to all
be subverted. So, ultimately rely on controlling *what*
the devices can do so that, even compromised, they can't
cause undetectable failures or information leaks.

"Here's my source code. Here are my schematics. Here's the
name of the guy who oversees production (bribe him to gain
access to the keys stored in the TPM). Now, what are you
gonna *do* with all that?"
David Brown
2023-04-22 14:57:53 UTC
Post by Don Y
Post by David Brown
Post by Don Y
Post by Don Y
Note that you want to choose a polynomial that doesn't
give you a "win" result for "obviously" corrupt data.
E.g., if data is all zeros or all 0xFF (as these sorts of
conditions can happen with hardware failures) you probably
wouldn't want a "success" indication!
No, that is pointless for something like a code image.  It just adds
needless complexity to your CRC algorithm.
Perhaps you've forgotten that you don't just use CRCs (secure hashes, etc.)
on "code images"?
No - but "code images" is the topic here.
So, anything unrelated to CRC's as applied to code images is off limits...
per order of the Internet Police"?
No, it's fine to discuss them - threads on Usenet often wander, and
that's often good. (At least, that's my opinion - some people get their
knickers in a twist if people stray from answering their original question.)

But you have to assume that people are on topic unless it's clear that
the topic is being expanded. We were discussing CRC's for code images,
and so it is appropriate to take advantage of the features of code
images. If you want to expand and talk about other uses of CRC's, I've
no problem with that - but you need to say so.
Post by Don Y
If *all* you use CRCs for is checking *a* code image at POST, you're
wasting a valuable resource.
Do you not think data/parameters need to be safeguarded?  Program images?
Communication protocols?
Sure. Many things need integrity checks. And CRC's are flexible enough
to be useful in many circumstances.
Post by Don Y
Or, do you develop yet another technique for *each* of those?
Sometimes, yes. CRC's are, as I wrote, flexible. But they don't cover
everything. Maybe you need a specific type of check to match existing
protocols or requirements. Maybe you want forward error correction, not
just error detection. Maybe you are guarding against malicious
interference. Maybe you are guarding against different kinds of errors
- CRC's are great for spotting a few damaged bits, but a poor choice if
the risk is dropped bytes in transmission.

But often CRC's will be a first choice, because they are simple and
effective in a wide range of uses.
Post by Don Y
Post by David Brown
However, in almost every case where CRC's might be useful, you have
additional checks of the sanity of the data, and an all-zero or
all-one data block would be rejected.  For example, Ethernet packets
use CRC for integrity checking, but an attempt to send a packet type 0
from MAC address 00:00:00:00:00:00 to address 00:00:00:00:00:00, of
length 0, would be rejected anyway.
Why look at "data" -- which may be suspect -- and *then* check its CRC?
Run the CRC first.  If it fails, decide how you are going to proceed
or recover.
That is usually the order, yes. Sometimes you want "fail fast", such as
dropping a packet that was not addressed to you (it doesn't matter if it
was received correctly but for someone else, or it was addressed to you
but the receiver address was corrupted - you are dropping the packet
either way). But usually you will run the CRC then look at the data.

But the order doesn't matter - either way, you are still checking for
valid data, and if the data is invalid, it does not matter if the CRC
only passed by luck or by all zeros.
Post by Don Y
["Data" can be code or parameters]
I treat blocks of "data" (carefully arranged) with individual CRCs,
based on their relative importance to the operation.  If the CRC is
corrupt, I have no idea *where* the error lies -- as it could
be anything in the checked block.  So, one has to (typically)
restore some defaults (or, invoke a reconfigure operation) which
recreates *a* valid dataset.
This is particularly useful when power to a device can be
removed at arbitrary points in time (or, some other abrupt
crash).  Before altering anything in a block, take deliberate
steps to invalidate the CRC, make your changes, then "fix"
the CRC.  So, an interrupted process causes the CRC to fail
and remedial action taken.
Note that replacing a FLASH image (mostly code) falls under
such a mechanism.
That's all standard stuff. (Maybe it's new to some people in this group
- although most of the regular posters here are experienced embedded
developers, it's nice to think there might be some people reading these
posts and learning!)

If you have the space in your flash, eeprom, etc., then it is also
common to have two slots for your configuration data or code. You don't
"invalidate" anything - you keep a version counter with your data, and
write your new data to the slot with the oldest version. When your
system starts, it checks both slots - and uses the one with the newest
version for which the CRC check passes.
Post by Don Y
Post by David Brown
I can't think of any use-cases where you would be passing around a
block of "pure" data that could reasonably take absolutely any value,
without any type of "envelope" information, and where you would think
a CRC check is appropriate.
I append a *version specific* CRC to each packet of marshalled data
in my RMIs.  If the data is corrupted in transit *or* if the
wrong version API ends up targeted, the operation will abend
because we know the data "isn't right".
Using a version-specific CRC sounds silly. Put the version information
in the packet.
Post by Don Y
I *could* put a header saying "this is version 4.2".  And, that
tells me nothing about the integrity of the rest of the data.
OTOH, ensuring the CRC reflects "4.2" does -- it the recipient
expects it to be so.
Now you don't know if the data is corrupted, or for the wrong version -
or occasionally, corrupted /and/ the wrong version but passing the CRC

Unless you are absolutely desperate to save every bit you can, your
system will be simpler, clearer, and more reliable if you separate your
Post by Don Y
Post by David Brown
Post by Don Y
Post by Don Y
You can also "salt" the calculation so that the residual
is deliberately nonzero.  So, for example, "success" is
indicated by a residual of 0x474E.  :>
Again, pointless.
Salt is important for security-related hashes (like password
hashes), not for integrity checks.
You've missed the point.  The correct "sum" can be anything.
Why is "0" more special than any other value?  As the value is
typically meaningless to anything other than the code that verifies
it, you couldn't look at an image (or the output of the verifier)
and gain anything from seeing that obscure value.
Do you actually know what is meant by "salt" in the context of hashes,
and why it is useful in some circumstances?  Do you understand that
"salt" is added (usually prepended, or occasionally mixed in in some
other way) to the data /before/ the hash is calculated?
What term would you have me use to indicate a "bias" applied to a CRC
Well, first I'd note that any kind of modification to the basic CRC
algorithm is pointless from the viewpoint of its use as an integrity
check. (There have been, mostly historically, some justifications in
terms of implementation efficiency. For example, bit and byte
re-ordering could be done to suit hardware bit-wise implementations.)

Otherwise I'd say you are picking a specific initial value if that is
what you are doing, or modifying the final value (inverting it or
xor'ing it with a fixed value). There is, AFAIK, no specific terms for
these - and I don't see any benefit in having one. Misusing the term
"salt" from cryptography is certainly not helpful.
Post by Don Y
Post by David Brown
I have not given the slightest indication to suggest that "0" is a
special value.  I fully agree that the value you get from the checking
algorithm does not have to be 0 - I already suggested it could be
compared to the stored value.  I.e., your build your image file as
"data ++ crc(data)", at check it by re-calculating "crc(data)" on the
received image and comparing the result to the received crc.  There is
no necessity or benefit in having a crc run calculated over the
received data plus the received crc being 0.
"Salt" is used in cases where the original data must be kept secret,
and only the hashes are transmitted or accessible - by adding salt to
the original data before hashing it, you avoid a direct correspondence
between the hash and the original data.  The prime use-case is to stop
people being able to figure out a password by looking up the hash in a
list of pre-computed hashes of common passwords.
See above.
Post by David Brown
Post by Don Y
OTOH, if the CRC yields something familiar -- or useful -- then
it can tell you something about the image.  E.g., salt the algorithm
with the product code, version number, your initials, 0xDEADBEEF, etc.
You are making no sense at all.  Are you suggesting that it would be a
good idea to add some value to the start of the image so that the
resulting crc calculation gives a nice recognisable product code?
This "salt" would be different for each program image, and calculated
by trial and error.  If you want a product code, version number, etc.,
in the program image (and it's a good idea), just put these in the
program image!
Again, that tells you nothing about the rest of the image!
Again, you are making no sense - not to me, anyway. If you want
something in the image to tell you about the image, add such metadata -
versions, dates, whatever. If you want an integrity check of the image,
make one - such as appending a CRC. Trying to combine these two
orthogonal tasks into one is not going to be good for either purpose.
Post by Don Y
See the RMI desciption.
I'm sorry, I have no idea what "RMI" is or where it is described.
You've mentioned that abbreviation twice, but I can't figure it out.
Post by Don Y
[Note that the OP is expecting the checksum to help *him*
identify versions:  "Just put these in the program image!"  Eh?]
No. The OP is looking for a way to be sure that two program images are
the same. He wants to be sure that if he (or whoever makes the image)
forgets to update the version number when making a change to the
software, the difference between the images is easily detectable or
identifiable without doing a byte-for-byte compare of the images. The
answer to that is a hash of some sort - and a CRC of appropriate size is
a simple hash that will work well against mistakes (but not necessarily
malicious changes). But a hash will not give you a version number. It
will let you see that two images are different, but it will not tell you
that one of them is version 1.20.304 and the other is 1.21.308. What he
will see is that if two files say they are version 1.20.304, but are
actually different, someone has screwed up - the CRC hash makes such
checks possible without having to read through the entire images.
Post by Don Y
Post by David Brown
Post by Don Y
Post by Don Y
So now you have a new extended block   |....data....|crc|
Now if you compute a new CRC on the extended block, the resulting
value /should/ come out to zero. If it doesn't, either your data or
the original CRC value appended to it has been changed/corrupted.
As there is usually a lack of originality in the algorithms
chosen, you have to consider if you are also hoping to use
this to safeguard the *integrity* of your image (i.e.,
against intentional modification).
"Integrity" has nothing to do with the motivation for change.
/Security/ is concerned with intentional modifications that
deliberately attempt to defeat /integrity/ checks.  Integrity is
about detecting any changes.
If you are concerned about the possibility of intentional malicious changes,
Changes don't have to be malicious.
Accidental changes (such as human error, noise during data transfer,
memory cell errors, etc.) do not pass integrity tests unnoticed.
That's not true.  The role of the 8test* is to notice these.  If the test
is blind to the types of errors that are likely to occur, then it CAN'T
notice them.
I assumed it was unnecessary to say that an integrity test needs to be
appropriate for the type of data and transfer in question.
Post by Don Y
A CRC (hash, etc.) reduces a large block of data to a small bit of
data.  So, by definition, there are multiple DIFFERENT sets of data that
map to the same CRC/hash/etc.  (2^(data_size-CRC-size))

That's why you need to pick an appropriate size for your CRC. For a
telegram of a dozen bytes, an 8-bit CRC is probably fine. For a program
image, a 32-bit CRC is usually more appropriate - a one in four billion
chance of an undetected error is reasonable for most uses. If you want
to be more paranoid, go for 64-bit CRC - you should now be far more
worried about meteors wiping out humanity than undetected errors. (More
commonly, if a 32-bit CRC is not enough, it's because you have security
concerns - so switch to a SHA hash.)
Post by Don Y
E.g., simply summing the values in a block of memory will yield "0"
for ANY condition that results in the block having identical values
for ALL members, if the block size is a power of 2.  So, a block
of 0xFF, 0x00, 0xFE, 0x27, 0x88, etc. will all yield the same sum.
Clearly a bad choice of test!

That's why simple sums are not usually considered very good integrity tests.

A CRC has a spreading effect. Every bit in the data contributes with
approximately equal weight to every bit in the CRC. This is a common
feature for good hash functions.
Post by Don Y
OTOH, "salting" the calculation so that it is expected to yield
a value of 0x13 means *those* situations will be flagged as errors
(and a different set of situations will sneak by, undetected).
And that gives you exactly /zero/ benefit.

You run your hash algorithm, and check for the single value that
indicates no errors. It does not matter if that number is 0, 0x13, or -
often more conveniently - the number attached at the end of the image as
the expected result of the hash of the rest of the data.
Post by Don Y
The trick (engineering) is to figure out which types of
failures/faults/errors are most common to occur and guard
against them.
Yes, that is absolutely the case. And CRC's have the convenience of
being particularly good at certain kinds of errors that are feasible in
a lot of data transmissions. But they are not ideal for everything, and
other kinds of checks can be better when you know more about the
realistic errors.
Post by Don Y
Post by David Brown
To be more accurate, the chances of them passing unnoticed are of the
order of 1 in 2^n, for a good n-bit check such as a CRC check.
Certain types of error are always detectable, such as single and
double bit errors.  That is the point of using a checksum or hash for
integrity checking.
/Intentional/ changes are a different matter.  If a hacker changes the
program image, they can change the transmitted hash to their own
calculated hash.  Or for a small CRC, they could change a different
part of the image until the original checksum matched - for a 16-bit
CRC, that only takes 65,535 attempts in the worst case.
If the approach used is "typical", then you need far fewer attempts to
produce a correct image -- without EVER knowing where the CRC is stored.
It is difficult to know what you are trying to say here, but if you
believe that different initial values in a CRC algorithm makes it harder
to modify an image to make it pass the integrity test, you are simply wrong.
Post by Don Y
Post by David Brown
That is why you need to distinguish between the two possibilities.  If
you don't have to worry about malicious attacks, a 32-bit CRC takes a
dozen lines of C code and a 1 KB table, all running extremely
efficiently.  If security is an issue, you need digital signatures -
an RSA-based signature system is orders of magnitude more effort in
both development time and in run time.
It's considerably more expensive AND not fool-proof -- esp if the
attacker knows you are signing binaries.  "OK, now I need to find
WHERE the signature is verified and just patch that "CALL" out
of the code".
I'm not sure if that is a straw-man argument, or just showing your
ignorance of the topic. Do you really think security checks are done by
the program you are trying to send securely? That would be like trying
to have building security where people entering the building look at
their own security cards.
Post by Don Y
Post by David Brown
Post by Don Y
I altered the test procedure for a
piece of military gear we were building simply to skip some lengthy
tests that I *knew* would pass (I don't want to inject an extra 20
minutes of wait time
just to get through a lengthy test I already know works before I can get
to the test of interest to me, now.
I failed to undo the change before the official signoff on the device.
The only evidence of this was the fact that I had also patched the
startup message to say "Go for coffee..." -- which remained on the
screen for the duration of the lengthy (even with the long test
elided) procedure...
..which alerted folks to the fact that this *probably* wasn't the
original image.  (The computer running the test suite on the DUT had
no problem accepting my patched binary)
And what, exactly, do you think that anecdote tells us about CRC
checks for image files?  It reminds us that we are all fallible, but
does no more than that.
That *was* the point.  Because the folks who designed the test computer
relied on common techniques to safeguard the image.
There was a human error - procedures were not good enough, or were not
followed. It happens, and you learn from it and make better procedures.
The fault was in what people did, not in an automated integrity check.
It is completely unrelated.
Post by Don Y
The counterfeiting example I cited indicates how "obscurity/secrecy"
is far more effective (yet you dismiss it out-of-hand).
No, it does nothing of the sort. There is no connection at all.
Post by Don Y
Post by David Brown
Post by Don Y
CRC's alone are useless.  All the attacker needs to do after
modifying the image is calculate the CRC themselves, and replace the
original checksum with their own.
That assumes the "alterer" knows how to replace the checksum, how it
is computed, where it is embedded in the image, etc.  I modified the Compaq
portable mentioned without ever knowing where the checksum was store
or *if* it was explicitly stored.  I had no desire to disassemble the
BIOS ROMs (though could obviously do so as there was no "proprietary
hardware" limiting access to their contents and the instruction set of
the processor is well known!).
Instead, I did this by *guessing* how they would implement such a check
in a bit of kit from that era (ERPOMs aren't easily modified by malware
so it wasn't likely that they would go to great lengths to "protect" the
image).  And, if my guess had been incorrect, I could always reinstall
the original EPROMs -- nothing lost, nothing gained.
Had much experience with folks counterfeiting your products and making
"simple" changes to the binaries?  Like changing the copyright notice
or splash screen?
Then, bringing the (accused) counterfeit of YOUR product into a courtroom
and revealing the *hidden* checksum that the counterfeiter wasn't aware of?
"Gee, why does YOUR (alleged) device have *my* name in it -- in addition
to behaving exactly like mine??"
[I guess obscurity has its place!]
Security by obscurity is not security.  Having a hidden signature or
other mark can be useful for proving ownership (making an intentional
mistake is another common tactic - such as commercial maps having a
few subtle spelling errors). But that is not security.
Of course it is!  If *you* check the "hidden signature" at runtime
and then alter "your" operation such that an altered copy fails
to perform properly, then then you have secured it.
That is not security. "Security" means that the program that starts the
updated program checks the /entire/ image according to its digital
signature, and rejects it /entirely/ if it does not match.

What you are talking about here is the sort of cat-and-mouse nonsense
computer games producers did with intentional disk errors to stop
copying. It annoys legitimate users and does almost nothing to hinder
the bad guys.
Post by Don Y
Would you want to use a check-writing program if the account
balances it maintains were subtly (but not consistently)
Again, you make no sense. What has this got to do with integrity checks
or security?
Post by Don Y
OTOH, if the (altered) program threw up a splash screen and
said "Unlicensed copy detected" and refused to operate, the
"program" is still "secured" -- but, now you've provided an
easy indicator of whether or not the security has been
We started doing this in the heyday of video (arcade) gaming;
a counterfeiter would have a clone of YOUR game on the market
(at substantially reduced prices) in a matter of *weeks*.
As Operators have no foreknowledge of which games will be
moneymakers and which will be "90 day wonders" (literally,
no longer played after 90 days of exposure!), what incentive
to pay for a genuine article?
If all a counterfeiter had to do was alter the copyright
notice (even if it was stored in some coded form), or alter
some graphics (name of game, colors/shapes of characters)
that's *no* impediment -- given how often and quickly
it could be done.
Games would not just look at their images during POST
but, also, verify that routineX() had some particular
side-effect that could be tested, etc.  Counterfeiters
would go to lengths to ensure even THESE tests would pass.
Because the game would *complain*, otherwise!  (so, keep
looking for more tests until the game stops throwing an
OTOH, if you *hide* the checks in the runtime and alter
the game's performance subtly by folding expected values
into key calculations such that values derived from
altered code differ, you can annoy the player:  "why did
my guy just turn blue and run off the edge of the screen?"
An annoyed player stops putting money into a game.
A game that doesn't earn money -- regardless of how
inexpensive it was to purchase -- quickly teaches the
Owner not to invest in such "buggy" games.
This is much better than taking the counterfeiter to court and
proving the code is a copy of yours!  (and, "FlyByNight
Games Counterfeiters" simply closes up shop and opens up,
next door)
And, because there is no "drop dead" point in the code or
the games behavior, the counterfeiter never knows when
he's found all the protection mechanisms.
Checking signatures, CRCs, licensing schemes, etc. all are used
in a "drop dead" fashion so considerably easier to defeat.
Witness the number of "products" available as warez...
Look, it is all /really/ simple. And the year is 2023, not 1973.

If you want to check the integrity of a file against accidental changes,
a CRC is usually fine.

If you want security, and to protect against malicious changes, use a
digital signature. This must be checked by the program that /starts/
the updated code, or that downloaded and stored it - not by the program
Post by Don Y
Post by David Brown
Post by Don Y
Use a non-secret approach and you invite folks to alter it, as well.
Using non-standard algorithms for security is a simple way to get
things completely wrong.  "Security by obscurity" is very rarely the
right answer. In reality, good security algorithms, and good
implementations, are difficult and specialised tasks, best left to
people who know what they are doing.
To make something secure, you have to ensure that the check
algorithms depend on a key that you know, but that the attacker does
not have. That's the basis of digital signatures (though you use a
secure hash algorithm rather than a simple CRC).
If you can remove the check, then what value the key's secrecy?  By your
criteria, the adversary KNOWS how you are implementing your security
so he knows exactly what to remove to bypass your checks and allow his
altered image to operate in its place.
Ever notice how manufacturers don't PUBLICLY disclose their security
hooks (without an NDA)?  If "security by obscurity" was not important,
they would publish these details INVITING challenges (instead of
trying to limit the knowledge to people with whom they've officially
Any serious manufacturer /does/ invite challenges to their security.
There are multiple reasons why a manufacturer (such as a semiconductor
manufacturer) might be guarded about the details of their security
systems. They can be avoiding giving hints to competitors.  Maybe they
know their systems aren't really very secure, because their keys are
too short or they can be read out in some way.
They want to be able to change the details, and that's far easier if
there are only a few people who have read the information.
So, a legitimate customer is subjected to arbitrary changes in
the product's implementation?
Yes. It may come as a shock to you, but welcome to the real world.
Post by Don Y
Post by David Brown
They don't want endless support questions from amateurs.
Only answer with a support contract.
Oh, sure - the amateurs who have some of the information but not enough
details, skill or knowledge to get things working will /never/ fill
forums with questions, complaints or bad reviews that bother your
support staff or scare away real sales.
Post by Don Y
Post by David Brown
They are limited by idiotic government export restrictions made by
ignorant politicians who don't understand cryptography.
Protections don't always have to be cryptographic.
Correct, but - as with a lot of what you write - completely irrelevant
to the subject at hand.

Why can't companies give out information about the security systems used
in their microcontrollers (for example) ? Because some geriatric
ignoramuses think banning "export" of such information to certain
countries will stop those countries knowing about security and cryptography.
Post by Don Y
"Fortress" payphone is remarkably well hardened to direct
physical (brute force) attacks -- money is involved.
Ditto many slot machines (again, CASH money).  Yet, all
have vulnerabilities.  "Expose this portion of the die
to ultraviolet light to reset the memory protection bits"
Post by David Brown
Some things benefit from being kept hidden, or under restricted
access. The details of the CRC algorithm you use to catch accidental
errors in your image file is /not/ one of them.  If you think hiding
it has the remotest hint of a benefit, you are doing things wrong -
you need a /security/ check, not a simple /integrity/ check.
And then once you have switched to a security check - a digital
signature - there's no need to keep that choice hidden either, because
it is the /key/ that is important, not the type of lock.
Again, meaningless if the attacker can interfere with the *enforcement*
of that check.  Using something "well known" just means he already knows
what to look for in your code.  Or, how to interfere with your
intended implementation in ways that you may have not anticipated
(confident that your "security" can't be MATHEMATICALLY broken).
If the attacker can interfere with the enforcement of the check, then it
doesn't matter what checks you have. Keeping the design of a building's
locks secret does not help you if the bad guys have bribed the security
guard /inside/ the building!
Post by Don Y
I had a discussion with a friend who knew just enough about "computers"
to THINK he understood that world.  I mentioned my NOT using ecommerce.
He laughed at me as "naive":  "There's 40 bit encryption on those
connections!  No one is going to eavesdrop on your financial data!"
[Really, Jerry?  You think, as an OLD accountant, you know more
than I do as a young engineer practicing in that field?  Ok...]
"Yeah, and are you 100% sure something isn't already *on* your computer
looking at your keystrokes BEFORE they head down that encrypted tunnel?"
Guess he hadn't really thought out the problem to that level of detail
as his confidence quickly melted away to one of worry ("I wonder if
I've already been hacked??")
People implementing security almost always focus on the wrong
aspects of the problem and walk away THINKING they can rest easy.
Vulnerabilities are often so blatantly obvious, after the fact,
as to be embarassing:  "You're not supposed to do that!"
"Then, why did your product LET ME?"
I use *many* layers of security in my current design and STILL
expect them (at least the ones that are accessible) to all
be subverted.  So, ultimately rely on controlling *what*
the devices can do so that, even compromised, they can't
cause undetectable failures or information leaks.
"Here's my source code.  Here are my schematics.  Here's the
name of the guy who oversees production (bribe him to gain
access to the keys stored in the TPM).  Now, what are you
gonna *do* with all that?"
The first two should be fine - if people can break your security after
looking at your source code or schematics, your security is /bad/. As
for the third one, if they can break your security by going through the
production guy, your production procedures are bad.
Don Y
2023-04-24 07:32:42 UTC
Post by Don Y
Post by David Brown
However, in almost every case where CRC's might be useful, you have
additional checks of the sanity of the data, and an all-zero or all-one data
block would be rejected.  For example, Ethernet packets use CRC for
integrity checking, but an attempt to send a packet type 0 from MAC address
00:00:00:00:00:00 to address 00:00:00:00:00:00, of length 0, would be
rejected anyway.
Why look at "data" -- which may be suspect -- and *then* check its CRC?
Run the CRC first.  If it fails, decide how you are going to proceed
or recover.
That is usually the order, yes.  Sometimes you want "fail fast", such as
dropping a packet that was not addressed to you (it doesn't matter if it was
received correctly but for someone else, or it was addressed to you but the
receiver address was corrupted - you are dropping the packet either way).  But
usually you will run the CRC then look at the data.
But the order doesn't matter - either way, you are still checking for valid
data, and if the data is invalid, it does not matter if the CRC only passed by
luck or by all zeros.
You're assuming the CRC is supposed to *vouch* for the data.
The CRC can be there simply to vouch for the *transport* of a
Post by Don Y
Post by David Brown
I can't think of any use-cases where you would be passing around a block of
"pure" data that could reasonably take absolutely any value, without any
type of "envelope" information, and where you would think a CRC check is
I append a *version specific* CRC to each packet of marshalled data
in my RMIs.  If the data is corrupted in transit *or* if the
wrong version API ends up targeted, the operation will abend
because we know the data "isn't right".
Using a version-specific CRC sounds silly.  Put the version information in the
The packet routed to a particular interface is *supposed* to
conform to "version X" of an interface. There are different stubs
generated for different versions of EACH interface. The OCL for
the interface defines (and is used to check) the form of that
interface to that service/mechanism.

The parameters are checked on the client side -- why tie up the
transport medium with data that is inappropriate (redundant)
to THAT interface? Why tie up the server verifying that data?
The stub generator can perform all of those checks automatically
and CONSISTENTLY based on the OCL definition of that version
of that interface (because developers make mistakes).

So, at the instant you schedule the marshalled data for transmission,
you *know* the parameters are "appropriate" and compliant with
the constraints of THAT version of THAT interface.

Now, you have to ensure the packet doesn't get corrupted (altered) in
transmission. If it remains intact, then there is no need to check
the parameters on the server side.

NONE OF THE PARAMETERS... including the (implied) "interface version" field!

Yet, folks make mistakes. So, you want some additional reassurance
that this is at least intended for this version of the interface,
to see if the residual is 0xDEADBEEF instead of 0xB16B00B5).

Why burden the packet with a "protocol version" parameter?

So, use a version-specific CRC on the packet. If it fails, then
either the data in the packet has been corrupted (which could just
as easily have involved an embedded "interface version" parameter);
or the packet was formed with the wrong CRC.

why bother looking at a "protocol version" parameter? Would
you ALSO want to verify all the rest of the parameters?
Post by Don Y
I *could* put a header saying "this is version 4.2".  And, that
tells me nothing about the integrity of the rest of the data.
OTOH, ensuring the CRC reflects "4.2" does -- it the recipient
expects it to be so.
Now you don't know if the data is corrupted, or for the wrong version - or
occasionally, corrupted /and/ the wrong version but passing the CRC anyway.
You don't know if the parameters have been corrupted in a manner that
allows a packet intended for the correct interface to appear as correct.
What's your point?
Unless you are absolutely desperate to save every bit you can, your system will
be simpler, clearer, and more reliable if you separate your purposes.
Yes. You verify the correct interface at the client side -- where
it is invoked by the client and enforced in the OCL generated stub.
Thereafter, the server is concerned with corruption during transport
and the version specific CRC just gives another reassurance of
correct version without adding another cost.

[Imagine EVERY subroutine function call in your system having
such overhead. Would you want to push an "interface version"
onto the stack along with all of the arguments for that
subr/ftn? Or, would you just hope everything was intact?]
Post by Don Y
Post by David Brown
Post by Don Y
Post by David Brown
Post by Don Y
You can also "salt" the calculation so that the residual
is deliberately nonzero.  So, for example, "success" is
indicated by a residual of 0x474E.  :>
Again, pointless.
Salt is important for security-related hashes (like password hashes), not
for integrity checks.
You've missed the point.  The correct "sum" can be anything.
Why is "0" more special than any other value?  As the value is
typically meaningless to anything other than the code that verifies
it, you couldn't look at an image (or the output of the verifier)
and gain anything from seeing that obscure value.
Do you actually know what is meant by "salt" in the context of hashes, and
why it is useful in some circumstances?  Do you understand that "salt" is
added (usually prepended, or occasionally mixed in in some other way) to the
data /before/ the hash is calculated?
What term would you have me use to indicate a "bias" applied to a CRC
Well, first I'd note that any kind of modification to the basic CRC algorithm
is pointless from the viewpoint of its use as an integrity check.  (There have
been, mostly historically, some justifications in terms of implementation
efficiency.  For example, bit and byte re-ordering could be done to suit
hardware bit-wise implementations.)
Otherwise I'd say you are picking a specific initial value if that is what you
are doing, or modifying the final value (inverting it or xor'ing it with a
fixed value).  There is, AFAIK, no specific terms for these - and I don't see
any benefit in having one.  Misusing the term "salt" from cryptography is
certainly not helpful.
Salt just ensures that you can differentiate between functionally identical
values. I.e., in a CRC, it differentiates between the "0x0000" that CRC-1
generates from the "0x0000" that CRC-2 generates.

You don't see the parallel to ensuring that *my* use of "Passw0rd" is
encoded in a different manner than *your* use of "Passw0rd"?
Post by Don Y
See the RMI desciption.
I'm sorry, I have no idea what "RMI" is or where it is described. You've
mentioned that abbreviation twice, but I can't figure it out.

Nothing magical with either term.
Post by Don Y
OTOH, "salting" the calculation so that it is expected to yield
a value of 0x13 means *those* situations will be flagged as errors
(and a different set of situations will sneak by, undetected).
And that gives you exactly /zero/ benefit.
See above.
You run your hash algorithm, and check for the single value that indicates no
errors.  It does not matter if that number is 0, 0x13, or - often more

As you've admitted, it doesn't matter. So, why wouldn't I opt to have
an algorithm for THIS interface give me a result that is EXPECTED
for this protocol? What value picking "0"?
conveniently - the number attached at the end of the image as the expected
result of the hash of the rest of the data.
Post by Don Y
Post by David Brown
To be more accurate, the chances of them passing unnoticed are of the order
of 1 in 2^n, for a good n-bit check such as a CRC check. Certain types of
error are always detectable, such as single and double bit errors.  That is
the point of using a checksum or hash for integrity checking.
/Intentional/ changes are a different matter.  If a hacker changes the
program image, they can change the transmitted hash to their own calculated
hash.  Or for a small CRC, they could change a different part of the image
until the original checksum matched - for a 16-bit CRC, that only takes
65,535 attempts in the worst case.
If the approach used is "typical", then you need far fewer attempts to
produce a correct image -- without EVER knowing where the CRC is stored.
It is difficult to know what you are trying to say here, but if you believe
that different initial values in a CRC algorithm makes it harder to modify an
image to make it pass the integrity test, you are simply wrong.
Of course it does! You don't KNOW what to expect -- unless you've identified
where the test is performed in the code and the result stored/checked. If
you assume the residual will be 0 and make an attempt to generate a new
checksum that yields 0 and it doesn't work FIRST TIME, then, by definition,
it is HARDER (more work is required -- even if not *conceptually* more

*My* example use of the different salt is for a different purpose.
And, isn't meant as a deterrent to any developer/attacker but, rather,
simply to ensure the transmission of the packet is intact AND carries
some reassurance that it is in the correct format.
Post by Don Y
Post by David Brown
That is why you need to distinguish between the two possibilities.  If you
don't have to worry about malicious attacks, a 32-bit CRC takes a dozen
lines of C code and a 1 KB table, all running extremely efficiently.  If
security is an issue, you need digital signatures - an RSA-based signature
system is orders of magnitude more effort in both development time and in
run time.
It's considerably more expensive AND not fool-proof -- esp if the
attacker knows you are signing binaries.  "OK, now I need to find
WHERE the signature is verified and just patch that "CALL" out
of the code".
I'm not sure if that is a straw-man argument, or just showing your ignorance of
the topic.  Do you really think security checks are done by the program you are
trying to send securely?  That would be like trying to have building security
where people entering the building look at their own security cards.
Do YOU really think we all design applications that run in PCs where some
CLOSED OS performs these tests in a manner that can't be subverted?
*WE* (tend to) write ALL the code in the products developed, here.
So, whether it's the POST WE wrote that is performing the test or
the loader WE wrote, it's still *our* program.

Yes, we ARE looking at our own security cards!

Manufacturers *try* to hide ("obscurity") details of these mechanisms
in an attempt to improve effective security. But, there's nothing
that makes these guarantees.

Give me the sources for Windows (Linux, *BSD, etc.) and I can
subvert all the state-of-the-art digital signing used to ensure
binaries aren't altered. Nothing *outside* the box is involved
so, by definition, everything I need has to reside *in* the box.

DataI/O was always paranoid about their software/firmware.
They rely on custom silicon to "protect" their investment.
But, use a COTS CPU to execute the code!

So, pull the MC68K out of its socket and plug in an emulator.
Capture the execution trace and you know exactly what the
instruction stream is/was -- despite it's encoding on the
distribution media.
Post by Don Y
Post by David Brown
Post by Don Y
I altered the test procedure for a
piece of military gear we were building simply to skip some lengthy tests
that I *knew* would pass (I don't want to inject an extra 20 minutes of
wait time
just to get through a lengthy test I already know works before I can get
to the test of interest to me, now.
I failed to undo the change before the official signoff on the device.
The only evidence of this was the fact that I had also patched the
startup message to say "Go for coffee..." -- which remained on the
screen for the duration of the lengthy (even with the long test
elided) procedure...
..which alerted folks to the fact that this *probably* wasn't the
original image.  (The computer running the test suite on the DUT had
no problem accepting my patched binary)
And what, exactly, do you think that anecdote tells us about CRC checks for
image files?  It reminds us that we are all fallible, but does no more than that.
That *was* the point.  Because the folks who designed the test computer
relied on common techniques to safeguard the image.
There was a human error - procedures were not good enough, or were not
followed.  It happens, and you learn from it and make better procedures.  The
fault was in what people did, not in an automated integrity check.  It is
completely unrelated.
It shows that the check was designed without consideration of how
it might be subverted. This is the most common flaw in all
security schemes -- failing to consider an attack/fault vector.

The vendor assumed no one would deliberately alter the test
procedure. That anyone running it would willingly sit through an
extra half hour of tests ALREADY KNOWN TO PASS instead of opting
to find a way to skip that (because the test designer only consider
"sell off" when designing the test and not *debug* and the test
platform didn't provide hooks to facilitate that, either!!)

I unplugged a cable between two pieces of equipment that I had
never seen before to subvert a security mechanism in a product.
Because the designers never considered the fact that someone
might do that!

Security is no different from any other "solution". You test
the divisor before a calculation because you reasonably expect to
encounter "unfortunate" values and don't want the operation to
Post by Don Y
The counterfeiting example I cited indicates how "obscurity/secrecy"
is far more effective (yet you dismiss it out-of-hand).
No, it does nothing of the sort.  There is no connection at all.
The counterfeiter lost the lawsuit because he was unaware (obscurity)
of the hidden SECURITY measures in the product design. This proven
by his attempts to defeat the OBVIOUS ones!
Post by Don Y
Post by David Brown
Post by Don Y
Post by David Brown
CRC's alone are useless.  All the attacker needs to do after modifying the
image is calculate the CRC themselves, and replace the original checksum
with their own.
That assumes the "alterer" knows how to replace the checksum, how it
is computed, where it is embedded in the image, etc.  I modified the Compaq
portable mentioned without ever knowing where the checksum was store
or *if* it was explicitly stored.  I had no desire to disassemble the
BIOS ROMs (though could obviously do so as there was no "proprietary
hardware" limiting access to their contents and the instruction set of
the processor is well known!).
Instead, I did this by *guessing* how they would implement such a check
in a bit of kit from that era (ERPOMs aren't easily modified by malware
so it wasn't likely that they would go to great lengths to "protect" the
image).  And, if my guess had been incorrect, I could always reinstall
the original EPROMs -- nothing lost, nothing gained.
Had much experience with folks counterfeiting your products and making
"simple" changes to the binaries?  Like changing the copyright notice
or splash screen?
Then, bringing the (accused) counterfeit of YOUR product into a courtroom
and revealing the *hidden* checksum that the counterfeiter wasn't aware of?
"Gee, why does YOUR (alleged) device have *my* name in it -- in addition
to behaving exactly like mine??"
[I guess obscurity has its place!]
Security by obscurity is not security.  Having a hidden signature or other
mark can be useful for proving ownership (making an intentional mistake is
another common tactic - such as commercial maps having a few subtle spelling
errors). But that is not security.
Of course it is!  If *you* check the "hidden signature" at runtime
and then alter "your" operation such that an altered copy fails
to perform properly, then then you have secured it.
That is not security.  "Security" means that the program that starts the
updated program checks the /entire/ image according to its digital signature,
and rejects it /entirely/ if it does not match.
No, that's *your* naive assumption of security. It's why such attempts
invariably fail; they are "drop dead" implementations that make it
clear to anyone trying to subvert that security that their
efforts have not (yet) succeeded.

The goal is to prevent the program/device from being used without
authorization/compensation. If it KILLS the user as a result of some
hidden feature, it has met its goal -- even if a draconian approach.
If it *pretends* to be doing what you want --- and then fails to
complete some later step -- it is similarly preventing unauthorized
use (and tying up a lot of your time, in the process).

If you want to ensure the image isn't *corrupt* (which could
lead to failures that could invite lawsuits, etc.), then you
are concerned with INTEGRITY.
What you are talking about here is the sort of cat-and-mouse nonsense computer
games producers did with intentional disk errors to stop copying.  It annoys
legitimate users and does almost nothing to hinder the bad guys.
Because it was a bad solution that was fairly obvious in its presence:
"I can't copy this disk! Let me buy Copy2PC..."

The same applies to most licensing schemes and other "tamper
detection" mechanisms.
Post by Don Y
Would you want to use a check-writing program if the account
balances it maintains were subtly (but not consistently)
Again, you make no sense.  What has this got to do with integrity checks or
If you;re selling check writing software and want to prevent
FlyByNight Accounting Software, Inc. from stealing your
product and reselling it as your own, a great way to prevent that
is to ensure THEIR copy of the product causes accounting errors
that are hard to notice. Their customers will (eventually)
complain that THEIR product is buggy. But, yours isn't!

If your goal is to track your checks accurately, you're
likely not going to want to wonder what yet-to-be-discovered
errors exist in the "books" that THEIR software has been
maintaining for you.

The original vendor has secured his product against tampering.
Post by Don Y
Checking signatures, CRCs, licensing schemes, etc. all are used
in a "drop dead" fashion so considerably easier to defeat.
Witness the number of "products" available as warez...
Look, it is all /really/ simple.  And the year is 2023, not 1973.
Yes! And it is considerably easier to subvert naive mechanisms
If you want to check the integrity of a file against accidental changes, a CRC
is usually fine.
As is a CRC on a network packet. Without having to double-check the
contents of that packet after it has been verified on the sending side!
If you want security, and to protect against malicious changes, use a digital
signature.  This must be checked by the program that /starts/ the updated code,
or that downloaded and stored it - not by the program itself!
And who wrote THAT program? Where is it, physically? Is there some device
OUTSIDE of the device that you've built that securely performs these
Post by Don Y
Only answer with a support contract.
Oh, sure - the amateurs who have some of the information but not enough
details, skill or knowledge to get things working will /never/ fill forums with
questions, complaints or bad reviews that bother your support staff or scare
away real sales.
A forum doesn't have to be "public". FUD can scare off real sales
even in the total absence of information (or knowledge).

Your goal should always be to produce a good product that does
what it claims to do. And, rely on the happiness of your
customers to directly (or indirectly) generate additional sales.

I've never "advertised" my services. I'm actually pretty hard to get
in touch with! Yet, clients never had a hard time finding me -- through
other clients who were happy with my work. As they likely weren't
direct competitors to the original clients, they had nothing to
fear (lose) from sharing me, as a resource.

Similarly, a customer making widgets that employ some feature of
your device likely has little to lose by sharing his (good or bad)
experiences with another POTENTIAL customer (making wodjets).
And, likely can benefit from the goodwill he receives from that
other customer as well as from *you* ("Thanks for recommending
us to him!"). And, ensures a continued demand for your products
so you continue to be available for HIS needs!
Post by Don Y
Post by David Brown
They are limited by idiotic government export restrictions made by ignorant
politicians who don't understand cryptography.
Protections don't always have to be cryptographic.
Correct, but - as with a lot of what you write - completely irrelevant to the
subject at hand.
Why can't companies give out information about the security systems used in
their microcontrollers (for example) ?  Because some geriatric ignoramuses
think banning "export" of such information to certain countries will stop those
countries knowing about security and cryptography.
Do you really think that's the sole reason for all the "secrecy" and NDAs?
I've had to sit with gummit folks and sort out what parts of our technology
could LEGALLY be exported. Even to our partners in the UK! Some of it
makes sense ("Nothing goes to Libya!"). Some is bogus.

And, thinking that you can put up a wall that is impermeable is a joke.
Just like printing PGP in book form and selling books overseas.

Or, hiring someone who worked for Company X. Or, bribing someone
to make a photocopy of <whatever>.

But, this doesn't mean one should ENCOURAGE dissemination of things
that may have special security/economic value. "Delay" often has
as much value as "deter".

A friend who designed arcade pieces recounted how he was contacted by a guy
who had disassembled ~40KB of (hand-written) code in one of his products.
He had even uncovered latent bugs (!) in the code.

But, his efforts were so "late" that the product had long ago lost
commercial value. So, it may have been flattering that someone
would invest that much time in such an endeavor. But, little else.

Nowadays, tools would make that a trivial undertaking. And, the
possibility of easily enlisting others in the effort (without
resorting to clandestine channels). OTOH, projects are now
considerably larger (orders of magnitude). OToOH, much current
work in done in HLLs (so tools can recognize their code genrator
patterns) and with "standard" libraries; I can recognize a call to
printf without decompiling any 9of the code -- folks aren't
likely going to replace "%d" with "?b" just to obscure functionality!
Post by Don Y
Post by David Brown
Some things benefit from being kept hidden, or under restricted access. The
details of the CRC algorithm you use to catch accidental errors in your
image file is /not/ one of them.  If you think hiding it has the remotest
hint of a benefit, you are doing things wrong - you need a /security/ check,
not a simple /integrity/ check.
And then once you have switched to a security check - a digital signature -
there's no need to keep that choice hidden either, because it is the /key/
that is important, not the type of lock.
Again, meaningless if the attacker can interfere with the *enforcement*
of that check.  Using something "well known" just means he already knows
what to look for in your code.  Or, how to interfere with your
intended implementation in ways that you may have not anticipated
(confident that your "security" can't be MATHEMATICALLY broken).
If the attacker can interfere with the enforcement of the check, then it
doesn't matter what checks you have.  Keeping the design of a building's locks
secret does not help you if the bad guys have bribed the security guard
/inside/ the building!
But, if that's the only way to subvert the secrets of those locks,
then you only have to worry about keeping that security guard "happy".
Post by Don Y
"Here's my source code.  Here are my schematics.  Here's the
name of the guy who oversees production (bribe him to gain
access to the keys stored in the TPM).  Now, what are you
gonna *do* with all that?"
The first two should be fine - if people can break your security after looking
at your source code or schematics, your security is /bad/.  As for the third
one, if they can break your security by going through the production guy, your
production procedures are bad.
You can change your production procedures without having to redesign your
product. You don't want to embrace a solution/technology that may soon/later
be subverted (e.g., SHA1) and have to redesign portions of your product
(which may already be deployed) to "fix".

IMO, this is the downside of modern cryptography -- if you have a product
with any significant lifespan and "exposure". You never know when the
next "uncrackable" algorithm will fall. And, when someone might opt to
marshall a community's resources to attack a particular implementation.

Attacks that used to be considered "nation-state scale" are quickly
becoming "big business scale" and even "network of workstations scale".
So, any implementation that *shares* a key across a product line
is vulnerable to the entire product line being compromised when/if
that key is disclosed/broken.

[I generate unique keys for each device on the customer's site
using a dedicated (physically secure) interface so even the manufacturer
doesn't know what they are. Crack one (possibly by physically attacking
the device and microprobing the die) and all you get it that one
device -- and whatever *its* role in the system may have been.]
David Brown
2023-04-24 14:37:14 UTC
Post by Don Y
Post by Don Y
Post by David Brown
However, in almost every case where CRC's might be useful, you have
additional checks of the sanity of the data, and an all-zero or
all-one data block would be rejected.  For example, Ethernet packets
use CRC for integrity checking, but an attempt to send a packet type
0 from MAC address 00:00:00:00:00:00 to address 00:00:00:00:00:00,
of length 0, would be rejected anyway.
Why look at "data" -- which may be suspect -- and *then* check its CRC?
Run the CRC first.  If it fails, decide how you are going to proceed
or recover.
That is usually the order, yes.  Sometimes you want "fail fast", such
as dropping a packet that was not addressed to you (it doesn't matter
if it was received correctly but for someone else, or it was addressed
to you but the receiver address was corrupted - you are dropping the
packet either way).  But usually you will run the CRC then look at the
But the order doesn't matter - either way, you are still checking for
valid data, and if the data is invalid, it does not matter if the CRC
only passed by luck or by all zeros.
You're assuming the CRC is supposed to *vouch* for the data.
The CRC can be there simply to vouch for the *transport* of a
I am assuming that the CRC is there to determine the integrity of the
data in the face of possible unintentional errors. That's what CRC
checks are for. They have nothing to do with the content of the data,
or the type of the data package or image.

As an example of the use of CRC's in messaging, look at Ethernet frames:


The CRC does not care about the content of the data it protects.
Post by Don Y
So, use a version-specific CRC on the packet.  If it fails, then
either the data in the packet has been corrupted (which could just
as easily have involved an embedded "interface version" parameter);
or the packet was formed with the wrong CRC.
why bother looking at a "protocol version" parameter?  Would
you ALSO want to verify all the rest of the parameters?
I'm sorry, I simply cannot see your point. Identifying the version of a
protocol, or other protocol type information, is a totally orthogonal
task to ensuring the integrity of the data. The concepts should be
handled separately.
Post by Don Y
Post by Don Y
What term would you have me use to indicate a "bias" applied to a CRC
Well, first I'd note that any kind of modification to the basic CRC
algorithm is pointless from the viewpoint of its use as an integrity
check.  (There have been, mostly historically, some justifications in
terms of implementation efficiency.  For example, bit and byte
re-ordering could be done to suit hardware bit-wise implementations.)
Otherwise I'd say you are picking a specific initial value if that is
what you are doing, or modifying the final value (inverting it or
xor'ing it with a fixed value).  There is, AFAIK, no specific terms
for these - and I don't see any benefit in having one.  Misusing the
term "salt" from cryptography is certainly not helpful.
Salt just ensures that you can differentiate between functionally identical
values.  I.e., in a CRC, it differentiates between the "0x0000" that CRC-1
generates from the "0x0000" that CRC-2 generates.
Can we agree that this is called an "initial value", not "salt" ?
Post by Don Y
You don't see the parallel to ensuring that *my* use of "Passw0rd" is
encoded in a different manner than *your* use of "Passw0rd"?
No. They are different things.

An important difference is that adding "salt" to a password hash is an
important security feature. Picking a different initial value for a CRC
instead of having appropriate protocol versioning in the data (or a
surrounding envelope) is a misfeature.

The second difference is the purpose of the hashing. The CRC here is
for data integrity - spotting mistakes in the data during transfer or
storage. The hash in a password is for security, avoiding the password
ever being transmitted or stored in plain text.

Any coincidence in the the way these might be implemented is just that -
Post by Don Y
Post by Don Y
See the RMI desciption.
I'm sorry, I have no idea what "RMI" is or where it is described.
You've mentioned that abbreviation twice, but I can't figure it out.
Nothing magical with either term.
I looked up RMI on Wikipedia before asking, and saw nothing of relevance
to CRC's or checksums. I noticed no mention of "OCL" in your posts, and
looking it up on Wikipedia gives no clues.

So for now, I'll assume you don't want anyone to know what you meant and
I can safely ignore anything you write in connection with the terms.
Post by Don Y
Post by Don Y
OTOH, "salting" the calculation so that it is expected to yield
a value of 0x13 means *those* situations will be flagged as errors
(and a different set of situations will sneak by, undetected).
And that gives you exactly /zero/ benefit.
See above.
I did. Zero benefit.

Actually, it is worse than useless - it makes it harder to identify the
protocol, and reduces the information content of the CRC check.
Post by Don Y
You run your hash algorithm, and check for the single value that
indicates no errors.  It does not matter if that number is 0, 0x13, or
- often more
As you've admitted, it doesn't matter.  So, why wouldn't I opt to have
an algorithm for THIS interface give me a result that is EXPECTED
for this protocol?  What value picking "0"?
A /single/ result does not matter (other than needlessly complicating
things). Having multiple different valid results /does/ matter.
Post by Don Y
Post by Don Y
Post by David Brown
That is why you need to distinguish between the two possibilities.
If you don't have to worry about malicious attacks, a 32-bit CRC
takes a dozen lines of C code and a 1 KB table, all running
extremely efficiently.  If security is an issue, you need digital
signatures - an RSA-based signature system is orders of magnitude
more effort in both development time and in run time.
It's considerably more expensive AND not fool-proof -- esp if the
attacker knows you are signing binaries.  "OK, now I need to find
WHERE the signature is verified and just patch that "CALL" out
of the code".
I'm not sure if that is a straw-man argument, or just showing your
ignorance of the topic.  Do you really think security checks are done
by the program you are trying to send securely?  That would be like
trying to have building security where people entering the building
look at their own security cards.
Do YOU really think we all design applications that run in PCs where some
CLOSED OS performs these tests in a manner that can't be subverted?
Do you bother to read my posts at all? Or do you prefer to make up
things that you imagine I write, so that you can make nonsensical
attacks on them? Certainly there is no sane reading of my posts
(written and sent from an /open/ OS) where "do not rely on security by
obscurity" could be taken to mean "rely on obscured and closed platforms".
Post by Don Y
*WE* (tend to) write ALL the code in the products developed, here.
So, whether it's the POST WE wrote that is performing the test or
the loader WE wrote, it's still *our* program.
Yes, we ARE looking at our own security cards!
Manufacturers *try* to hide ("obscurity") details of these mechanisms
in an attempt to improve effective security.  But, there's nothing
that makes these guarantees.
Why are you trying to "persuade" me that manufacturer obscurity is a bad
thing? You have been promoting obscurity of algorithms as though it
were helpful for security - I have made clear that it is not. Are you
getting your own position mixed up with mine?
Post by Don Y
Give me the sources for Windows (Linux, *BSD, etc.) and I can
subvert all the state-of-the-art digital signing used to ensure
binaries aren't altered.  Nothing *outside* the box is involved
so, by definition, everything I need has to reside *in* the box.
No, you can't. The sources for Linux and *BSD /are/ all freely
available. The private signing keys used by, for example, Red Hat or
Debian, are /not/ freely available. You cannot make changes to a Red
Hat or Debian package that will pass the security checks - you are
unable to sign the packages.

This is precisely because something /outside/ the box /is/ involved -
the private half of the public/private key used for signing. The public
half - and all the details of the algorithms - is easily available to
let people verify the signature, but the private half is kept secret.

(Sorry, but I've skipped and snipped the rest. I simply don't have time
to go through it in detail. If others find it useful or interesting,
that's great, but there has to be limits somewhere.)
Don Y
2023-05-03 07:15:27 UTC
Post by Don Y
Post by Don Y
Post by David Brown
However, in almost every case where CRC's might be useful, you have
additional checks of the sanity of the data, and an all-zero or all-one
data block would be rejected.  For example, Ethernet packets use CRC for
integrity checking, but an attempt to send a packet type 0 from MAC
address 00:00:00:00:00:00 to address 00:00:00:00:00:00, of length 0, would
be rejected anyway.
Why look at "data" -- which may be suspect -- and *then* check its CRC?
Run the CRC first.  If it fails, decide how you are going to proceed
or recover.
That is usually the order, yes.  Sometimes you want "fail fast", such as
dropping a packet that was not addressed to you (it doesn't matter if it was
received correctly but for someone else, or it was addressed to you but the
receiver address was corrupted - you are dropping the packet either way).
But usually you will run the CRC then look at the data.
But the order doesn't matter - either way, you are still checking for valid
data, and if the data is invalid, it does not matter if the CRC only passed
by luck or by all zeros.
You're assuming the CRC is supposed to *vouch* for the data.
The CRC can be there simply to vouch for the *transport* of a
I am assuming that the CRC is there to determine the integrity of the data in
the face of possible unintentional errors.  That's what CRC checks are for.
They have nothing to do with the content of the data, or the type of the data
package or image.
Exactly. And, a CRC on *a* protocol can use ANY ALGORITHM that the protocol
defines. Not some "canned one-size fits all" approach.
The CRC  does not care about the content of the data it protects.
AND, if the packet yielded an incorrect CRC, you can assume the
data was corrupt... OR, you are looking at a different protocol
and MISTAKING it for something that you *think* it might be.

If I produce a stream of data, can you tell me what the checksum
for THAT stream *should* be? You have to either be told what
it is (and have a way of knowing what the checksum SHOULD be)
*or* have to make some assumptions about it.

If you have assumed wrong *or* if the data has been corrupt, then
the CRC should fail. You don't care why it failed -- because you
can't do anything about it. You just know that you can't use the data
in the way you THOUGHT it could be used.
Post by Don Y
So, use a version-specific CRC on the packet.  If it fails, then
either the data in the packet has been corrupted (which could just
as easily have involved an embedded "interface version" parameter);
or the packet was formed with the wrong CRC.
why bother looking at a "protocol version" parameter?  Would
you ALSO want to verify all the rest of the parameters?
I'm sorry, I simply cannot see your point.  Identifying the version of a
protocol, or other protocol type information, is a totally orthogonal task to
ensuring the integrity of the data.  The concepts should be handled separately.
It is. A packet using protocol XYZ is delivered to port ABC.
Port ABC *only* handles protocol XYZ. Anything else arriving there,
with a potentially different checksum, is invalid. Even if, for example,
byte number 27 happens to have the correct "magic number" for that

Because the message doesn't obey the rules defined by the protocol
FOR THAT PORT. What do I gain by insisting that byte number 27 must
be 0x5A that the CRC doesn't already tell me?

You are assuming the CRC has to identify the protocol. I didn't say that.
All I said was the CRC has to be correct for THAT protocol.

You likely don't use the same algorithm to compute the checksum of
a boot image as you do to verify the integrity of a ethernet datagram.
So, if you were presented with a stream of data, you wouldn't
arbitrarily decide to try different CRCs to see which yielded correct
results and, from that, *infer* the nature of the message.

Why would you think I wouldn't expect *a* particular protocol to use
a particular CRC?
Post by Don Y
Post by Don Y
What term would you have me use to indicate a "bias" applied to a CRC
Well, first I'd note that any kind of modification to the basic CRC
algorithm is pointless from the viewpoint of its use as an integrity check.
(There have been, mostly historically, some justifications in terms of
implementation efficiency.  For example, bit and byte re-ordering could be
done to suit hardware bit-wise implementations.)
Otherwise I'd say you are picking a specific initial value if that is what
you are doing, or modifying the final value (inverting it or xor'ing it with
a fixed value).  There is, AFAIK, no specific terms for these - and I don't
see any benefit in having one.  Misusing the term "salt" from cryptography
is certainly not helpful.
Salt just ensures that you can differentiate between functionally identical
values.  I.e., in a CRC, it differentiates between the "0x0000" that CRC-1
generates from the "0x0000" that CRC-2 generates.
Can we agree that this is called an "initial value", not "salt" ?
It depends on how you implement it. The point is to produce
different results for the same polynmomial.
Post by Don Y
You don't see the parallel to ensuring that *my* use of "Passw0rd" is
encoded in a different manner than *your* use of "Passw0rd"?
No.  They are different things.
An important difference is that adding "salt" to a password hash is an
important security feature.  Picking a different initial value for a CRC
instead of having appropriate protocol versioning in the data (or a surrounding
envelope) is a misfeature.
And you don't see that verifying that a packet of data received at
port ABC that should only see the checksum associated with protocol
XYZ as being similarly related?

Why not just assume the lower level protocols are sufficient to
guarantee reliable delivery and, if something arrives at port ABC
then, by definition, it must be intact (not corrupt) and, as
nothing other than protocol XYZ *should* target that port, why
even bother checking magic numbers in a protocol packet?

You build these *superfluous* tests into products to ensure their
integrity -- by catching ANYTHING that "can't happen" (yet
somehow does)
The second difference is the purpose of the hashing.  The CRC here is for data
integrity - spotting mistakes in the data during transfer or storage.  The hash
in a password is for security, avoiding the password ever being transmitted or
stored in plain text.
Any coincidence in the the way these might be implemented is just that -
Post by Don Y
Post by Don Y
See the RMI desciption.
I'm sorry, I have no idea what "RMI" is or where it is described. You've
mentioned that abbreviation twice, but I can't figure it out.
Nothing magical with either term.
I looked up RMI on Wikipedia before asking, and saw nothing of relevance to
CRC's or checksums.
How do you think the marshalled arguments get from device A to (remote)
device B? And, the result(s) from device B back to device A?

Obviously *some* form of communication medium. So, some potential for
data to be corrupted (or altered!) in transit. Along with other
data streams to compete for those endpoints.

Imagine invoking a function and, between the actual construction of the
stack frame and the first line of code in the targeted function, "something"
can interfere with the data you're trying to pass (and results you're
hoping to eventually receive) as well as the actual function being targeted!

You don't worry about this because the compiler handles all of the machinery
AND it relies on the CPU being well-behaved; nothing can sneak in and
disturb the address/data -busses or alter register contents during this

If, OTOH, such a possibility existed (as is the case with RPC/RMI), then
you would want the compiler to generate the machinery to ensure the
arguments get to the correct function and for the function to be able to
ensure that the arguments are actually intended for it.

If any of these things failed to happen, you'd panic() -- because there's
nothing you can do, at that point. You certainly can't fix any corrupted
values and can't deduce where they were intended to go (given that all
of that information can be just as corrupt).

With RPC/RMI, you can at least *know* that the "function linkage" failed
to operate as expected ON THIS INVOCATION. Because the RPC/RMI can
return a result indicating whether the linkage was intact *and*, if
so, the result of the actual function invocation.

If you deliver every packet to a single port, then the process listening
to that port has to demultiplex incoming messages to determine the server-side
stub to invoke for that message instance. You would likely use a standardized
protocol because you don't know anything about the incoming message -- except
that it is *supposed* to target a "remote procedure" (*local* to this node).

OTOH, if you target each particular remote function/procedure/method to
a function/procedure/method-SPECIFIC port, then how you handle "messages"
for one function need have no bearing on how you handle them for others.
And, you can exploit this as an added test to ensure the message you
are receiving at port JKL actually *appears* to be intended for port
JKL and not an accidental misdirect of a message intended for some
other port.
I noticed no mention of "OCL" in your posts, and looking
You need to read more carefully.

Post by Don Y
Post by Don Y
I can't think of any use-cases where you would be passing around a block of
"pure" data that could reasonably take absolutely any value, without any
type of "envelope" information, and where you would think a CRC check is
I append a *version specific* CRC to each packet of marshalled data
in my RMIs. If the data is corrupted in transit *or* if the
wrong version API ends up targeted, the operation will abend
because we know the data "isn't right".
Using a version-specific CRC sounds silly. Put the version information in
the packet.
The packet routed to a particular interface is *supposed* to
conform to "version X" of an interface. There are different stubs
generated for different versions of EACH interface. The OCL for
the interface defines (and is used to check) the form of that
interface to that service/mechanism.
The parameters are checked on the client side -- why tie up the
transport medium with data that is inappropriate (redundant)
to THAT interface? Why tie up the server verifying that data?
The stub generator can perform all of those checks automatically
and CONSISTENTLY based on the OCL definition of that version
of that interface (because developers make mistakes).
So, at the instant you schedule the marshalled data for transmission,
you *know* the parameters are "appropriate" and compliant with
the constraints of THAT version of THAT interface.
Now, you have to ensure the packet doesn't get corrupted (altered) in
transmission. If it remains intact, then there is no need to check
the parameters on the server side.
NONE OF THE PARAMETERS... including the (implied) "interface version" field!
Yet, folks make mistakes. So, you want some additional reassurance
that this is at least intended for this version of the interface,
to see if the residual is 0xDEADBEEF instead of 0xB16B00B5).
Why burden the packet with a "protocol version" parameter?
it up on Wikipedia gives no clues.
As I said, above:

"If, OTOH, such a possibility existed (as is the case with RPC/RMI),
then you would want the compiler to generate the machinery to ensure
the arguments get to the correct function and for the function to be
able to ensure that the arguments are actually intended for it."

You would want the IDL (Interface Definition Language) compiler to
generate stubs (client- and server-side) that enforced the constraints
specified in the IDL and OCL.

Again, in a perfect world, you'd not need any of these mechanisms.
Data wouldn't be corrupted on the wire. Hostiles wouldn't try to
subvert those messages. Developers would always ensure they
adhered to the contracts laid out for each API. etc.

"Yet, folks make mistakes."
So for now, I'll assume you don't want anyone to know what you meant and I can
safely ignore anything you write in connection with the terms.
Perhaps other folks were more careful in their reading (of the quoted passage,
Post by Don Y
Post by Don Y
OTOH, "salting" the calculation so that it is expected to yield
a value of 0x13 means *those* situations will be flagged as errors
(and a different set of situations will sneak by, undetected).
And that gives you exactly /zero/ benefit.
See above.
I did.  Zero benefit.
Perhaps your reading was as deficient there as you've admitted it to
be elsewhere?
Actually, it is worse than useless - it makes it harder to identify the
protocol, and reduces the information content of the CRC check.
Post by Don Y
You run your hash algorithm, and check for the single value that indicates
no errors.  It does not matter if that number is 0, 0x13, or - often more
As you've admitted, it doesn't matter.  So, why wouldn't I opt to have
an algorithm for THIS interface give me a result that is EXPECTED
for this protocol?  What value picking "0"?
A /single/ result does not matter (other than needlessly complicating things).
Having multiple different valid results /does/ matter.
For any CRC calculation instance, you *know* what the result is expected to be.
How many different "check" algorithms do you think are operating in your
PC as you type/read (i.e., all of the protocols between devices running
in the box, all of the ROMs in those devices, the media accessed by them,
etc.)? Has EVERY developer who needed a CRC settled on the "Holy Grail"
of CRCs... because it's easiest? Or, have they each chosen schemes that
they consider appropriate to their needs?

I compute hashes of individual memory pages during reschedule()s.
And, verify that they are intact when next accessed (because they
may have been corrupted by a side-channel attack while not
actively being accessed -- by the owning task -- despite the
protections afforded by the MMU). Should I use the same "check"
algorithm that I do when sending a message to another node?
Or, that I use on the wire?

Should I use the same algorithm when checking 4K pages as I would
when checking 16MB pages? The goal isn't to *correct* errors so
I'd want one that detects the greatest number of errors LIKELY
INDUCED BY SUCH AN ATTACK (which can differ from the types of
*burst* errors that corrupt packets on the wire or lead to
read/write disturb errors in FLASH...)

As I said, up-thread: "... you don't just use CRCs (secure hashes, etc.)
on 'code images'"
Post by Don Y
Post by Don Y
Post by David Brown
That is why you need to distinguish between the two possibilities. If you
don't have to worry about malicious attacks, a 32-bit CRC takes a dozen
lines of C code and a 1 KB table, all running extremely efficiently.  If
security is an issue, you need digital signatures - an RSA-based signature
system is orders of magnitude more effort in both development time and in
run time.
It's considerably more expensive AND not fool-proof -- esp if the
attacker knows you are signing binaries.  "OK, now I need to find
WHERE the signature is verified and just patch that "CALL" out
of the code".
I'm not sure if that is a straw-man argument, or just showing your ignorance
of the topic.  Do you really think security checks are done by the program
you are trying to send securely?  That would be like trying to have building
security where people entering the building look at their own security cards.
Do YOU really think we all design applications that run in PCs where some
CLOSED OS performs these tests in a manner that can't be subverted?
Do you bother to read my posts at all?  Or do you prefer to make up things that
you imagine I write, so that you can make nonsensical attacks on them?
Certainly there is no sane reading of my posts (written and sent from an /open/
OS) where "do not rely on security by obscurity" could be taken to mean "rely
on obscured and closed platforms".
"Do you really think security checks are done by the program you are trying
to send securely? That would be like trying to have building security where
people entering the building look at their own security cards."

Who *else* is involved in the acceptance/verification of a code image
in an embedded product? (Not all "run Linux")
Post by Don Y
*WE* (tend to) write ALL the code in the products developed, here.
So, whether it's the POST WE wrote that is performing the test or
the loader WE wrote, it's still *our* program.
Yes, we ARE looking at our own security cards!
Manufacturers *try* to hide ("obscurity") details of these mechanisms
in an attempt to improve effective security.  But, there's nothing
that makes these guarantees.
Why are you trying to "persuade" me that manufacturer obscurity is a bad
thing?  You have been promoting obscurity of algorithms as though it were
helpful for security - I have made clear that it is not.  Are you getting your
own position mixed up with mine?
If the manufacturer saw no benefit to obscurity, then why embrace it?
Post by Don Y
Give me the sources for Windows (Linux, *BSD, etc.) and I can
subvert all the state-of-the-art digital signing used to ensure
binaries aren't altered.  Nothing *outside* the box is involved
so, by definition, everything I need has to reside *in* the box.
No, you can't.  The sources for Linux and *BSD /are/ all freely available.  The
private signing keys used by, for example, Red Hat or Debian, are /not/ freely
available.  You cannot make changes to a Red Hat or Debian package that will
pass the security checks - you are unable to sign the packages.
Sure I can! If you are just signing a package to verify that it hasn't
been tampered with BUT THE CONTENTS ARE NOT ENCRYPTED, then all you have
to do is remove the signature check -- leaving the signature in the
(unchecked) executable.

This is different than *encrypting* the package (the OP said nothing
about encrypting his executable).
This is precisely because something /outside/ the box /is/ involved - the
private half of the public/private key used for signing.  The public half - and
all the details of the algorithms - is easily available to let people verify
the signature, but the private half is kept secret.
And, if I eliminate the check that verifies the signature, then what
value signing? "Yes, I assume the risk of running an allegedly signed
(Sorry, but I've skipped and snipped the rest.  I simply don't have time to go
through it in detail.  If others find it useful or interesting, that's great,
but there has to be limits somewhere.)
The limits seem to be in your imagination. You believe there's *a* way
of doing things instead of a multitude of ways, each with different
tradeoffs. And, think you'll always have <whatever> is needed (resources,
time, staff, expertise, etc.) to get exactly those things. The "box"
surrounding you limits what you can see.

Sad in an engineer. But, must be incredibly comforting!

Bye, David.
David Brown
2023-05-03 12:48:52 UTC
Post by David Brown
Post by Don Y
Post by Don Y
Post by David Brown
However, in almost every case where CRC's might be useful, you
have additional checks of the sanity of the data, and an all-zero
or all-one data block would be rejected.  For example, Ethernet
packets use CRC for integrity checking, but an attempt to send a
packet type 0 from MAC address 00:00:00:00:00:00 to address
00:00:00:00:00:00, of length 0, would be rejected anyway.
Why look at "data" -- which may be suspect -- and *then* check its CRC?
Run the CRC first.  If it fails, decide how you are going to proceed
or recover.
That is usually the order, yes.  Sometimes you want "fail fast",
such as dropping a packet that was not addressed to you (it doesn't
matter if it was received correctly but for someone else, or it was
addressed to you but the receiver address was corrupted - you are
dropping the packet either way). But usually you will run the CRC
then look at the data.
But the order doesn't matter - either way, you are still checking
for valid data, and if the data is invalid, it does not matter if
the CRC only passed by luck or by all zeros.
You're assuming the CRC is supposed to *vouch* for the data.
The CRC can be there simply to vouch for the *transport* of a
I am assuming that the CRC is there to determine the integrity of the
data in the face of possible unintentional errors.  That's what CRC
checks are for. They have nothing to do with the content of the data,
or the type of the data package or image.
Exactly.  And, a CRC on *a* protocol can use ANY ALGORITHM that the
defines.  Not some "canned one-size fits all" approach.
It makes sense to use an 8-bit CRC on small telegrams, 16-bit CRC on
bigger things, 32-bit CRC on flash images, and 64-bit CRC when you want
to use the CRC as an identifying hash (and malicious tampering is
non-existent). There can also be benefits of particular choices of CRC
for particular use-cases, in terms of detection of certain error
patterns for certain lengths of data.

What I don't see any point in is using variations, such as different
initial values. I've already said why I think pathological cases such
as all zero data are normally irrelevant - but I can accept that there
may be occasions when they could happen, and thus a /single/ non-zero
initial value would be useful.
Post by David Brown
The CRC  does not care about the content of the data it protects.
AND, if the packet yielded an incorrect CRC, you can assume the
data was corrupt... OR, you are looking at a different protocol
and MISTAKING it for something that you *think* it might be.
If the CRC does not match, you reject the packet or data. End of story.
You don't know or care /why/ - because you cannot be sure of any reason.
If I produce a stream of data, can you tell me what the checksum
for THAT stream *should* be?  You have to either be told what
it is (and have a way of knowing what the checksum SHOULD be)
*or* have to make some assumptions about it.
If you are transmitting some data then both sides need to agree on the
CRC algorithm (size, polynomial, initial value, etc.), and on whether a
check is "CRC of everything gives 0" or "CRC of everything except the
pre-calculated CRC equals the transmitted pre-calculated CRC".
If you have assumed wrong *or* if the data has been corrupt, then
the CRC should fail.  You don't care why it failed -- because you
can't do anything about it.  You just know that you can't use the data
in the way you THOUGHT it could be used.
Well, yes. Obviously.

If you are making incorrect assumptions here, someone is doing a pretty
poor job at designing, describing or implementing the communications
system. It is just like getting the baud rate wrong on a UART link.
Post by David Brown
Post by Don Y
So, use a version-specific CRC on the packet.  If it fails, then
either the data in the packet has been corrupted (which could just
as easily have involved an embedded "interface version" parameter);
or the packet was formed with the wrong CRC.
why bother looking at a "protocol version" parameter?  Would
you ALSO want to verify all the rest of the parameters?
I'm sorry, I simply cannot see your point.  Identifying the version of
a protocol, or other protocol type information, is a totally
orthogonal task to ensuring the integrity of the data.  The concepts
should be handled separately.
It is.  A packet using protocol XYZ is delivered to port ABC.
Port ABC *only* handles protocol XYZ.  Anything else arriving there,
with a potentially different checksum, is invalid.  Even if, for example,
byte number 27 happens to have the correct "magic number" for that
Because the message doesn't obey the rules defined by the protocol
FOR THAT PORT.  What do I gain by insisting that byte number 27 must
be 0x5A that the CRC doesn't already tell me?
A CRC failure doesn't tell you that the telegram type is wrong. It
tells you that the data is corrupted.

If there can be different protocols, or telegram types, or whatever,
then identify them. Stop playing silly buggers with abuse of different
concepts that have different roles in the communication system.
Post by David Brown
Post by Don Y
Salt just ensures that you can differentiate between functionally identical
values.  I.e., in a CRC, it differentiates between the "0x0000" that CRC-1
generates from the "0x0000" that CRC-2 generates.
Can we agree that this is called an "initial value", not "salt" ?
It depends on how you implement it.  The point is to produce
different results for the same polynmomial.
It is called an "initial value" - it is not "salt". It doesn't matter
if you want to pick different initial values for your CRC, or why you
want to do that. You are still not talking about salt.

If you insist on using your own terminology, you will be left talking to
Post by David Brown
Post by Don Y
You don't see the parallel to ensuring that *my* use of "Passw0rd" is
encoded in a different manner than *your* use of "Passw0rd"?
No.  They are different things.
An important difference is that adding "salt" to a password hash is an
important security feature.  Picking a different initial value for a
CRC instead of having appropriate protocol versioning in the data (or
a surrounding envelope) is a misfeature.
And you don't see that verifying that a packet of data received at
port ABC that should only see the checksum associated with protocol
XYZ as being similarly related?
No. They are different things.

Look, I /do/ understand what you are doing, and I appreciate that you
think it is a good idea. To me, it is an unpleasant mix of orthogonal
concepts that needlessly complicates things. Just because something is
/possible/, does not mean it is a good idea.
Post by David Brown
Post by Don Y
Post by Don Y
See the RMI desciption.
I'm sorry, I have no idea what "RMI" is or where it is described.
You've mentioned that abbreviation twice, but I can't figure it out.
Nothing magical with either term.
I looked up RMI on Wikipedia before asking, and saw nothing of
relevance to CRC's or checksums.
I've snipped the ramblings that have nothing to do with the question I
asked. I assume you don't want to answer me.
Post by David Brown
I noticed no mention of "OCL" in your posts, and looking
You need to read more carefully.
I've looked. You did not mention "OCL" anywhere before giving the URL
to the wikipedia page. You only mentioned it /afterwards/ - without any
context that suggests what you meant. (Here's a hint for you - if you
want to refer to a wikipedia page, put a link to the /relevant/ page.)

Presumably "RMI" and "OCL" have particular meanings that are relevant
for projects you work on, and are so familiar to you that they are part
of your language. No one else knows or cares what they are, and they
are irrelevant in this thread. So let's leave them there.
Post by David Brown
Post by Don Y
Give me the sources for Windows (Linux, *BSD, etc.) and I can
subvert all the state-of-the-art digital signing used to ensure
binaries aren't altered.  Nothing *outside* the box is involved
so, by definition, everything I need has to reside *in* the box.
No, you can't.  The sources for Linux and *BSD /are/ all freely
available.  The private signing keys used by, for example, Red Hat or
Debian, are /not/ freely available.  You cannot make changes to a Red
Hat or Debian package that will pass the security checks - you are
unable to sign the packages.
Sure I can!  If you are just signing a package to verify that it hasn't
been tampered with BUT THE CONTENTS ARE NOT ENCRYPTED, then all you have
to do is remove the signature check -- leaving the signature in the
(unchecked) executable.
Woah, you /really/ don't understand this stuff, do you? Here's a clue -
ask yourself what is being signed, and what is doing the checking.

Perhaps also ask yourself if /all/ the people involved in security for
Linux or BSD - all the companies such as Red Hat, IBM, Intel, etc., -
ask if /all/ of them have got it wrong, and only /you/ realise that
digital signatures on open source software is useless? /Very/
occasionally, there is a lone genius that understands something while
all the other experts are wrong - but in most cases, the loner is the
one that is wrong.
Ulf Samuelsson
2023-05-09 18:42:25 UTC
Post by David Brown
Post by David Brown
Post by Don Y
Post by Don Y
Post by David Brown
However, in almost every case where CRC's might be useful, you
have additional checks of the sanity of the data, and an all-zero
or all-one data block would be rejected.  For example, Ethernet
packets use CRC for integrity checking, but an attempt to send a
packet type 0 from MAC address 00:00:00:00:00:00 to address
00:00:00:00:00:00, of length 0, would be rejected anyway.
Why look at "data" -- which may be suspect -- and *then* check its CRC?
Run the CRC first.  If it fails, decide how you are going to proceed
or recover.
That is usually the order, yes.  Sometimes you want "fail fast",
such as dropping a packet that was not addressed to you (it doesn't
matter if it was received correctly but for someone else, or it was
addressed to you but the receiver address was corrupted - you are
dropping the packet either way). But usually you will run the CRC
then look at the data.
But the order doesn't matter - either way, you are still checking
for valid data, and if the data is invalid, it does not matter if
the CRC only passed by luck or by all zeros.
You're assuming the CRC is supposed to *vouch* for the data.
The CRC can be there simply to vouch for the *transport* of a
I am assuming that the CRC is there to determine the integrity of the
data in the face of possible unintentional errors.  That's what CRC
checks are for. They have nothing to do with the content of the data,
or the type of the data package or image.
Exactly.  And, a CRC on *a* protocol can use ANY ALGORITHM that the
defines.  Not some "canned one-size fits all" approach.
It makes sense to use an 8-bit CRC on small telegrams, 16-bit CRC on
bigger things, 32-bit CRC on flash images, and 64-bit CRC when you want
to use the CRC as an identifying hash (and malicious tampering is
non-existent).  There can also be benefits of particular choices of CRC
for particular use-cases, in terms of detection of certain error
patterns for certain lengths of data.
Flash images larger than X kB may need a 64-bit CRC.
I don't remember exactly when to start considering it,
but something between 64kB-256kB is probably correct.

It is all to do with Hamming Distance, and this is also affected by the
Post by David Brown
What I don't see any point in is using variations, such as different
initial values.  I've already said why I think pathological cases such
as all zero data are normally irrelevant - but I can accept that there
may be occasions when they could happen, and thus a /single/ non-zero
initial value would be useful.
Post by David Brown
The CRC  does not care about the content of the data it protects.
AND, if the packet yielded an incorrect CRC, you can assume the
data was corrupt... OR, you are looking at a different protocol
and MISTAKING it for something that you *think* it might be.
If the CRC does not match, you reject the packet or data.  End of story.
 You don't know or care /why/ - because you cannot be sure of any reason.
If I produce a stream of data, can you tell me what the checksum
for THAT stream *should* be?  You have to either be told what
it is (and have a way of knowing what the checksum SHOULD be)
*or* have to make some assumptions about it.
If you are transmitting some data then both sides need to agree on the
CRC algorithm (size, polynomial, initial value, etc.), and on whether a
check is "CRC of everything gives 0" or "CRC of everything except the
pre-calculated CRC equals the transmitted pre-calculated CRC".
If you have assumed wrong *or* if the data has been corrupt, then
the CRC should fail.  You don't care why it failed -- because you
can't do anything about it.  You just know that you can't use the data
in the way you THOUGHT it could be used.
Well, yes.  Obviously.
If you are making incorrect assumptions here, someone is doing a pretty
poor job at designing, describing or implementing the communications
system.  It is just like getting the baud rate wrong on a UART link.
Post by David Brown
Post by Don Y
So, use a version-specific CRC on the packet.  If it fails, then
either the data in the packet has been corrupted (which could just
as easily have involved an embedded "interface version" parameter);
or the packet was formed with the wrong CRC.
why bother looking at a "protocol version" parameter?  Would
you ALSO want to verify all the rest of the parameters?
I'm sorry, I simply cannot see your point.  Identifying the version
of a protocol, or other protocol type information, is a totally
orthogonal task to ensuring the integrity of the data.  The concepts
should be handled separately.
It is.  A packet using protocol XYZ is delivered to port ABC.
Port ABC *only* handles protocol XYZ.  Anything else arriving there,
with a potentially different checksum, is invalid.  Even if, for example,
byte number 27 happens to have the correct "magic number" for that
Because the message doesn't obey the rules defined by the protocol
FOR THAT PORT.  What do I gain by insisting that byte number 27 must
be 0x5A that the CRC doesn't already tell me?
A CRC failure doesn't tell you that the telegram type is wrong.  It
tells you that the data is corrupted.
If there can be different protocols, or telegram types, or whatever,
then identify them.  Stop playing silly buggers with abuse of different
concepts that have different roles in the communication system.
Post by David Brown
Post by Don Y
Salt just ensures that you can differentiate between functionally identical
values.  I.e., in a CRC, it differentiates between the "0x0000" that CRC-1
generates from the "0x0000" that CRC-2 generates.
Can we agree that this is called an "initial value", not "salt" ?
It depends on how you implement it.  The point is to produce
different results for the same polynmomial.
It is called an "initial value" - it is not "salt".  It doesn't matter
if you want to pick different initial values for your CRC, or why you
want to do that.  You are still not talking about salt.
If you insist on using your own terminology, you will be left talking to
Post by David Brown
Post by Don Y
You don't see the parallel to ensuring that *my* use of "Passw0rd" is
encoded in a different manner than *your* use of "Passw0rd"?
No.  They are different things.
An important difference is that adding "salt" to a password hash is
an important security feature.  Picking a different initial value for
a CRC instead of having appropriate protocol versioning in the data
(or a surrounding envelope) is a misfeature.
And you don't see that verifying that a packet of data received at
port ABC that should only see the checksum associated with protocol
XYZ as being similarly related?
No.  They are different things.
Look, I /do/ understand what you are doing, and I appreciate that you
think it is a good idea.  To me, it is an unpleasant mix of orthogonal
concepts that needlessly complicates things.  Just because something is
/possible/, does not mean it is a good idea.
Post by David Brown
Post by Don Y
Post by Don Y
See the RMI desciption.
I'm sorry, I have no idea what "RMI" is or where it is described.
You've mentioned that abbreviation twice, but I can't figure it out.
Nothing magical with either term.
I looked up RMI on Wikipedia before asking, and saw nothing of
relevance to CRC's or checksums.
I've snipped the ramblings that have nothing to do with the question I
asked.  I assume you don't want to answer me.
Post by David Brown
I noticed no mention of "OCL" in your posts, and looking
You need to read more carefully.
I've looked.  You did not mention "OCL" anywhere before giving the URL
to the wikipedia page.  You only mentioned it /afterwards/ - without any
context that suggests what you meant.  (Here's a hint for you - if you
want to refer to a wikipedia page, put a link to the /relevant/ page.)
Presumably "RMI" and "OCL" have particular meanings that are relevant
for projects you work on, and are so familiar to you that they are part
of your language.  No one else knows or cares what they are, and they
are irrelevant in this thread.  So let's leave them there.
Post by David Brown
Post by Don Y
Give me the sources for Windows (Linux, *BSD, etc.) and I can
subvert all the state-of-the-art digital signing used to ensure
binaries aren't altered.  Nothing *outside* the box is involved
so, by definition, everything I need has to reside *in* the box.
No, you can't.  The sources for Linux and *BSD /are/ all freely
available.  The private signing keys used by, for example, Red Hat or
Debian, are /not/ freely available.  You cannot make changes to a Red
Hat or Debian package that will pass the security checks - you are
unable to sign the packages.
Sure I can!  If you are just signing a package to verify that it hasn't
been tampered with BUT THE CONTENTS ARE NOT ENCRYPTED, then all you have
to do is remove the signature check -- leaving the signature in the
(unchecked) executable.
Woah, you /really/ don't understand this stuff, do you?  Here's a clue -
ask yourself what is being signed, and what is doing the checking.
Perhaps also ask yourself if /all/ the people involved in security for
Linux or BSD - all the companies such as Red Hat, IBM, Intel, etc., -
ask if /all/ of them have got it wrong, and only /you/ realise that
digital signatures on open source software is useless?  /Very/
occasionally, there is a lone genius that understands something while
all the other experts are wrong - but in most cases, the loner is the
one that is wrong.
David Brown
2023-05-10 08:06:34 UTC
Post by Ulf Samuelsson
Post by David Brown
It makes sense to use an 8-bit CRC on small telegrams, 16-bit CRC on
bigger things, 32-bit CRC on flash images, and 64-bit CRC when you
want to use the CRC as an identifying hash (and malicious tampering is
non-existent).  There can also be benefits of particular choices of
CRC for particular use-cases, in terms of detection of certain error
patterns for certain lengths of data.
Flash images larger than X kB may need a 64-bit CRC.
I don't remember exactly when to start considering it,
but something between 64kB-256kB is probably correct.
It is all to do with Hamming Distance, and this is also affected by the
"Need" is too strong a word here. A CRC will guarantee detection of
certain kinds of error (such as a single bit error), regardless of the
length of the data. Some kinds of error are limited by length. If you
plot a graph with guaranteed Hamming distance on the vertical scale and
length of data on the horizontal scale, each CRC will drop off in steps.
For the same CRC size, some will hold a high Hamming distance for
longer and then drop off sharply, others will hold a lower Hamming
distance for very large data. And in general, a bigger CRC will be
better here.

But Hamming distance is not everything. It is important in situations
where there is an approximately independent risk of corruption for each
bit individually - such as during radio transmission. Programming
images into flash has a completely different error risk pattern. A
little Hamming is nice to guarantee that any single cell failure in the
flash will be be found, but the more realistic flash problems involve
large scale effects - failure to erase a block fully, or software flaws.
For this kind of thing, pretty much any valid CRC polynomial works the
same - a 32-bit polynomial gives you a 1 in 2 ^ 32 chance of the error
going undetected. Yes, a 1 in 2 ^ 64 chance is better, but it's rarely
something to get excited about.

Note that if you are sending the image to a board via a potentially
flawed mechanism, you'll want appropriate checks during the transfers.
Ethernet, Wifi, Bluetooth, USB - they will all have suitable checksums
for each packet. And for some of those, Hamming distance and particular
choice of polynomial /is/ an important consideration.
Ulf Samuelsson
2023-05-10 10:03:10 UTC
Post by Ulf Samuelsson
Post by David Brown
It makes sense to use an 8-bit CRC on small telegrams, 16-bit CRC on
bigger things, 32-bit CRC on flash images, and 64-bit CRC when you
want to use the CRC as an identifying hash (and malicious tampering
is non-existent).  There can also be benefits of particular choices
of CRC for particular use-cases, in terms of detection of certain
error patterns for certain lengths of data.
Flash images larger than X kB may need a 64-bit CRC.
I don't remember exactly when to start considering it,
but something between 64kB-256kB is probably correct.
It is all to do with Hamming Distance, and this is also affected by
the polynome.
"Need" is too strong a word here.  A CRC will guarantee detection of
certain kinds of error (such as a single bit error), regardless of the
length of the data.  Some kinds of error are limited by length.  If you
plot a graph with guaranteed Hamming distance on the vertical scale and
length of data on the horizontal scale, each CRC will drop off in steps.
 For the same CRC size, some will hold a high Hamming distance for
longer and then drop off sharply, others will hold a lower Hamming
distance for very large data.  And in general, a bigger CRC will be
better here.
But Hamming distance is not everything.  It is important in situations
where there is an approximately independent risk of corruption for each
bit individually - such as during radio transmission.  Programming
images into flash has a completely different error risk pattern.  A
little Hamming is nice to guarantee that any single cell failure in the
flash will be be found, but the more realistic flash problems involve
large scale effects - failure to erase a block fully, or software flaws.
 For this kind of thing, pretty much any valid CRC polynomial works the
same - a 32-bit polynomial gives you a 1 in 2 ^ 32 chance of the error
going undetected.  Yes, a 1 in 2 ^ 64 chance is better, but it's rarely
something to get excited about.
Programming a flash memory can flip bits in parts of the flash memory
which is not programmed.
Bit errors can also be introduced by radiation.
Some applications require better security than others.
Functional Safety may require CRC size based on code size.
Note that if you are sending the image to a board via a potentially
flawed mechanism, you'll want appropriate checks during the transfers.
Ethernet, Wifi, Bluetooth, USB - they will all have suitable checksums
for each packet.  And for some of those, Hamming distance and particular
choice of polynomial /is/ an important consideration.
Don Y
2023-08-05 08:48:49 UTC
Programming a flash memory can flip bits in parts of the flash memory which is
not programmed.
Bit errors can also be introduced by radiation.
Executing code can also introduce write *and* read disturb events.

Ask yourself how to protect a design that allows arbitrary code to
be executed (even if in a sandbox) in the presence of potential
side-channel exploits.

Or, as a "simpler" problem: how to detect if such an exploit
has been invoked (even possibly unintentionally)!

[Imagine devices that "run forever"...]
Some applications require better security than others.
Functional Safety may require CRC size based on code size.
Don Y
2023-08-05 08:42:58 UTC
Post by Don Y
Give me the sources for Windows (Linux, *BSD, etc.) and I can
subvert all the state-of-the-art digital signing used to ensure
binaries aren't altered.  Nothing *outside* the box is involved
so, by definition, everything I need has to reside *in* the box.
No, you can't.  The sources for Linux and *BSD /are/ all freely available.
The private signing keys used by, for example, Red Hat or Debian, are /not/
freely available.  You cannot make changes to a Red Hat or Debian package
that will pass the security checks - you are unable to sign the packages.
Sure I can!  If you are just signing a package to verify that it hasn't
been tampered with BUT THE CONTENTS ARE NOT ENCRYPTED, then all you have
to do is remove the signature check -- leaving the signature in the
(unchecked) executable.
Woah, you /really/ don't understand this stuff, do you?  Here's a clue - ask
yourself what is being signed, and what is doing the checking.
Exactly. You don't attack the signature or the keys. You BUILD A NEW KERNEL
THAT DOESN'T CHECK THE SIGNATURE. You attack (replace if you have access
to the sources -- as I stipulated above) the "what is doing the checking".
This is c.a.e; you likely have physical access and control of the device
(unlike trying to attack a remote system)

The binary is exposed UNENCRYPTED in the signed executable (please note my
stipulation to that, too, above). The only thing preventing its execution
(if tampered -- or unlicensed!) is the signature check. Bypass that in any
way and the code executes AS IF signed.

I design "devices". Don't you think if there was a foolproof way (by resorting
to "school boy techniques") to protect them from counterfeiting and tampering
that I would have already embraced that? That EVERY computer-based product

[There are ways that are far from theoretical yet considerably more
effective. A signature check is easy to detect in an executing device
and, thus, elided. Lather, rinse, repeat for each precursor level
of such protection.]

Please read what I've written more carefully, lest you look foolish. Or,
spend a few years playing red-blue games and actually trying to subvert
hardware and software protection mechanisms in REAL products. (Hint:
you will need to think down BELOW the hardware level to do so successfully
so you can bypass the hardware mechanisms that folks keep trying to embed
in their products)
Perhaps also ask yourself if /all/ the people involved in security for Linux or
BSD - all the companies such as Red Hat, IBM, Intel, etc., - ask if /all/ of
them have got it wrong, and only /you/ realise that digital signatures on open
source software is useless?
The signature is only of use if the mechanism verifying it is tamperproof.
That's not possible on most (all?) devices sold. SOMEONE has physical
access to the device so all of the mechanisms you put in place can be

*Ask* the Linux and BSD crowds if they can GUARANTEE that ALTERED signed code
can't be executed on a system where the adversary can build and install their
own kernel. Or, probe the innerworkings of such a device AT THEIR LEISURE/
/Very/ occasionally, there is a lone genius that
understands something while all the other experts are wrong - but in most
cases, the loner is the one that is wrong.
In this case, you have clearly failed to understand what was being said.
So, don't count yourself in with the "experts".

If the kernel loading the executable doesn't contain code to validate the
signature (and, if I have the sources for said kernel/OS then I can
easily *make* such a kernel) then the signature is just another unused
"section" in the BLOB. Just like debug symbols or copyright information.
Stefan Reuther
2023-04-21 17:40:11 UTC
Post by George Neuner
On Thu, 20 Apr 2023 09:45:59 -0700 (PDT), Rick C
Post by Rick C
CRC is not complicated, but I would not know how to calculate an
inserted value to force the resulting CRC to zero. How do you do
It's implicit in the equation they chose. I don't know how it works -
just that it does.
It works for any CRC that starts with zero and does not invert.

CRC is based on polynomial division remainders. Basically, the CRC is a
division remainder of the input interpreted as a polynomial, and if you
add that remainder back into the equation, result is zero.

-> result is 0xBA3C

-> result is 0x0000

(Need to be careful with byte orders; for some CRCs on that page, you
need to swap the bytes before appending.)

Tauno Voipio
2023-04-20 17:17:07 UTC
Post by George Neuner
On Wed, 19 Apr 2023 19:06:33 -0700 (PDT), Rick C
Post by Rick C
This is a bit of the chicken and egg thing. If you want a embed a
checksum in a code module to report the checksum, is there a way of
doing this? It's a bit like being your own grandfather, I think.
Take a look at the old xmodem/ymodem CRC. It was designed such that
when the CRC was sent immediately following the data, a receiver
computing CRC over the whole incoming packet (data and CRC both) would
get a result of zero.
But AFAIK it doesn't work with CCITT equation(s) - you have to use
Post by Rick C
I'm not thinking anything too fancy, like a CRC, but rather a simple
modulo N addition, maybe N being 2^16.
Sorry, I don't know a way to do it with a modular checksum.
YMMV, but I think 16-bit CRC is pretty simple.
The method to check for a proper constant value after the whole
block and CRC are received and put through the generator works
with the CRC-CCITT (actually ITU-T). The proper final value
depends on the initial CRC and whether the CRC is inverted before
sending. The limitation is that the CRC has to be sent least
significant octet first.

For a reference, see RFC1662, Appendix C.
George Neuner
2023-04-20 20:49:20 UTC
On Thu, 20 Apr 2023 20:17:07 +0300, Tauno Voipio
Post by Tauno Voipio
The method to check for a proper constant value after the whole
block and CRC are received and put through the generator works
with the CRC-CCITT (actually ITU-T). The proper final value
depends on the initial CRC and whether the CRC is inverted before
sending. The limitation is that the CRC has to be sent least
significant octet first.
For a reference, see RFC1662, Appendix C.
I remember seeing an explanation of it decades ago, but I never would
have been able to find it again.

Richard Damon
2023-04-21 02:09:29 UTC
Post by Rick C
This is a bit of the chicken and egg thing. If you want a embed a checksum in a code module to report the checksum, is there a way of doing this? It's a bit like being your own grandfather, I think.
I'm not thinking anything too fancy, like a CRC, but rather a simple modulo N addition, maybe N being 2^16.
I keep thinking of using a placeholder, but that doesn't seem to work out in any useful way. Even if you try to anticipate the impact of adding the checksum, that only gives you a different checksum, that you then need to anticipate further... ad infinitum.
I'm not thinking of any special checksum generator that excludes the checksum data. That would be too messy.
I keep thinking there is a different way of looking at this to achieve the result I want...
Maybe I can prove it is impossible. Assume the file checksums to X when the checksum data is zero. The goal would then be to include the checksum data value Y in the file, that would change X to Y. Given the properties of the module N checksum, this would appear to be impossible for the general case, unless... Add another data value, called, checksum normalizer. This data value checksums with the original checksum to give the result zero. Then, when the checksum is also added, the resulting checksum is, in fact, the checksum. Another way of looking at this is to add a value that combines with the added checksum, to be zero, leaving the original checksum intact.
This might be inordinately hard for a CRC, but a simple checksum would not be an issue, I think. At least, this could work in software, where data can be included in an image file as itself. In a device like an FPGA, it might not be included in the bit stream file so directly... but that might depend on where in the device it is inserted. Memory might have data that is stored as itself. I'll need to look into that.
IF I understand you correctly, what you want is for the file to compute
to some "checksum" that comes from the basic contents of the file, and
then you want to add the "checksum" into the file so the program itself
can print its checksum.

One fact to remember, is that "cryptographic hashes" were invented
because it was too easy to create a faked file that matches a
non-crptographic hash/checksum, so that couldn't be a key to make sure
you really had the right file in the presence of a determined enemy, but
the checksums were good enough to catch "random" errors.

This means that you can add the checksum into the file, and some
additional bytes (likely at the end) and by knowing the propeties of the
checksum algorithm, compute a value for those extra bytes such that the
"undo" the changes caused by adding the checksum bytes to file.

I'm not sure exactly how to computes these, but the key is that you add
something at the end of the file to get the checksum back to what the
original file had before you added the checksum into the file.
Rick C
2023-04-21 02:41:47 UTC
Post by Richard Damon
This is a bit of the chicken and egg thing. If you want a embed a checksum in a code module to report the checksum, is there a way of doing this? It's a bit like being your own grandfather, I think.
I'm not thinking anything too fancy, like a CRC, but rather a simple modulo N addition, maybe N being 2^16.
I keep thinking of using a placeholder, but that doesn't seem to work out in any useful way. Even if you try to anticipate the impact of adding the checksum, that only gives you a different checksum, that you then need to anticipate further... ad infinitum.
I'm not thinking of any special checksum generator that excludes the checksum data. That would be too messy.
I keep thinking there is a different way of looking at this to achieve the result I want...
Maybe I can prove it is impossible. Assume the file checksums to X when the checksum data is zero. The goal would then be to include the checksum data value Y in the file, that would change X to Y. Given the properties of the module N checksum, this would appear to be impossible for the general case, unless... Add another data value, called, checksum normalizer. This data value checksums with the original checksum to give the result zero. Then, when the checksum is also added, the resulting checksum is, in fact, the checksum. Another way of looking at this is to add a value that combines with the added checksum, to be zero, leaving the original checksum intact.
This might be inordinately hard for a CRC, but a simple checksum would not be an issue, I think. At least, this could work in software, where data can be included in an image file as itself. In a device like an FPGA, it might not be included in the bit stream file so directly... but that might depend on where in the device it is inserted. Memory might have data that is stored as itself. I'll need to look into that.
IF I understand you correctly, what you want is for the file to compute
to some "checksum" that comes from the basic contents of the file, and
then you want to add the "checksum" into the file so the program itself
can print its checksum.
One fact to remember, is that "cryptographic hashes" were invented
because it was too easy to create a faked file that matches a
non-crptographic hash/checksum, so that couldn't be a key to make sure
you really had the right file in the presence of a determined enemy, but
the checksums were good enough to catch "random" errors.
This means that you can add the checksum into the file, and some
additional bytes (likely at the end) and by knowing the propeties of the
checksum algorithm, compute a value for those extra bytes such that the
"undo" the changes caused by adding the checksum bytes to file.
I'm not sure exactly how to computes these, but the key is that you add
something at the end of the file to get the checksum back to what the
original file had before you added the checksum into the file.
Yeah, for a simple checksum, I think that would be easy, at least if "checksum" means a bitwise XOR operation. If the checksum and extra bytes are both 16 bits, this would also work for an arithmetic checksum where each 16 bit word were added into the checksum. All the carries would cascade out of the upper 16 bits from adding the inserted checksum and it's 2's complement.

I don't even want to think about using a CRC to try to do this.
Rick C.

+- Get 1,000 miles of free Supercharging
+- Tesla referral code - https://ts.la/richard11209
Richard Damon
2023-04-21 23:30:05 UTC
Post by Rick C
Post by Richard Damon
This is a bit of the chicken and egg thing. If you want a embed a checksum in a code module to report the checksum, is there a way of doing this? It's a bit like being your own grandfather, I think.
I'm not thinking anything too fancy, like a CRC, but rather a simple modulo N addition, maybe N being 2^16.
I keep thinking of using a placeholder, but that doesn't seem to work out in any useful way. Even if you try to anticipate the impact of adding the checksum, that only gives you a different checksum, that you then need to anticipate further... ad infinitum.
I'm not thinking of any special checksum generator that excludes the checksum data. That would be too messy.
I keep thinking there is a different way of looking at this to achieve the result I want...
Maybe I can prove it is impossible. Assume the file checksums to X when the checksum data is zero. The goal would then be to include the checksum data value Y in the file, that would change X to Y. Given the properties of the module N checksum, this would appear to be impossible for the general case, unless... Add another data value, called, checksum normalizer. This data value checksums with the original checksum to give the result zero. Then, when the checksum is also added, the resulting checksum is, in fact, the checksum. Another way of looking at this is to add a value that combines with the added checksum, to be zero, leaving the original checksum intact.
This might be inordinately hard for a CRC, but a simple checksum would not be an issue, I think. At least, this could work in software, where data can be included in an image file as itself. In a device like an FPGA, it might not be included in the bit stream file so directly... but that might depend on where in the device it is inserted. Memory might have data that is stored as itself. I'll need to look into that.
IF I understand you correctly, what you want is for the file to compute
to some "checksum" that comes from the basic contents of the file, and
then you want to add the "checksum" into the file so the program itself
can print its checksum.
One fact to remember, is that "cryptographic hashes" were invented
because it was too easy to create a faked file that matches a
non-crptographic hash/checksum, so that couldn't be a key to make sure
you really had the right file in the presence of a determined enemy, but
the checksums were good enough to catch "random" errors.
This means that you can add the checksum into the file, and some
additional bytes (likely at the end) and by knowing the propeties of the
checksum algorithm, compute a value for those extra bytes such that the
"undo" the changes caused by adding the checksum bytes to file.
I'm not sure exactly how to computes these, but the key is that you add
something at the end of the file to get the checksum back to what the
original file had before you added the checksum into the file.
Yeah, for a simple checksum, I think that would be easy, at least if "checksum" means a bitwise XOR operation. If the checksum and extra bytes are both 16 bits, this would also work for an arithmetic checksum where each 16 bit word were added into the checksum. All the carries would cascade out of the upper 16 bits from adding the inserted checksum and it's 2's complement.
I don't even want to think about using a CRC to try to do this.
Its is a bit of work, but even a 32-bit CRC will be solvable to find the
reverse equation. You can do the work once generically, and get a
formula that computes the value you need to put into the final bytes to
get the CRC of the file back to the CRC it was before adding the CRC and
the extra bytes. It wouldn't surprise me if the formula isn't published
somewhere for the common CRCs.
Brian Cockburn
2023-04-21 08:53:15 UTC
This is a bit of the chicken and egg thing. If you want a embed a checksum in a code module to report the checksum, is there a way of doing this? It's a bit like being your own grandfather, I think.
I'm not thinking anything too fancy, like a CRC, but rather a simple modulo N addition, maybe N being 2^16.
I keep thinking of using a placeholder, but that doesn't seem to work out in any useful way. Even if you try to anticipate the impact of adding the checksum, that only gives you a different checksum, that you then need to anticipate further... ad infinitum.
I'm not thinking of any special checksum generator that excludes the checksum data. That would be too messy.
I keep thinking there is a different way of looking at this to achieve the result I want...
Maybe I can prove it is impossible. Assume the file checksums to X when the checksum data is zero. The goal would then be to include the checksum data value Y in the file, that would change X to Y. Given the properties of the module N checksum, this would appear to be impossible for the general case, unless... Add another data value, called, checksum normalizer. This data value checksums with the original checksum to give the result zero. Then, when the checksum is also added, the resulting checksum is, in fact, the checksum. Another way of looking at this is to add a value that combines with the added checksum, to be zero, leaving the original checksum intact.
This might be inordinately hard for a CRC, but a simple checksum would not be an issue, I think. At least, this could work in software, where data can be included in an image file as itself. In a device like an FPGA, it might not be included in the bit stream file so directly... but that might depend on where in the device it is inserted. Memory might have data that is stored as itself. I'll need to look into that.
Rick C.
- Get 1,000 miles of free Supercharging
- Tesla referral code - https://ts.la/richard11209
Rick, What is the purpose of this? Is it (1) to be able to externally identify a binary, as one might a ROM image by computing a checksum? Is it (2) for a run-able binary to be able to check itself? This would of course only be able to detect corruption, not tampering. Is it (3) for the loader (whatever that might be) to be able to say 'this binary has the correct checksum' and only jump to it if it does? Again this would only be able to detect corruption, not tampering. Are you hoping for more than corruption detection?
Rick C
2023-04-21 12:12:46 UTC
This is a bit of the chicken and egg thing. If you want a embed a checksum in a code module to report the checksum, is there a way of doing this? It's a bit like being your own grandfather, I think.
I'm not thinking anything too fancy, like a CRC, but rather a simple modulo N addition, maybe N being 2^16.
I keep thinking of using a placeholder, but that doesn't seem to work out in any useful way. Even if you try to anticipate the impact of adding the checksum, that only gives you a different checksum, that you then need to anticipate further... ad infinitum.
I'm not thinking of any special checksum generator that excludes the checksum data. That would be too messy.
I keep thinking there is a different way of looking at this to achieve the result I want...
Maybe I can prove it is impossible. Assume the file checksums to X when the checksum data is zero. The goal would then be to include the checksum data value Y in the file, that would change X to Y. Given the properties of the module N checksum, this would appear to be impossible for the general case, unless... Add another data value, called, checksum normalizer. This data value checksums with the original checksum to give the result zero. Then, when the checksum is also added, the resulting checksum is, in fact, the checksum. Another way of looking at this is to add a value that combines with the added checksum, to be zero, leaving the original checksum intact.
This might be inordinately hard for a CRC, but a simple checksum would not be an issue, I think. At least, this could work in software, where data can be included in an image file as itself. In a device like an FPGA, it might not be included in the bit stream file so directly... but that might depend on where in the device it is inserted. Memory might have data that is stored as itself. I'll need to look into that.
Rick C.
- Get 1,000 miles of free Supercharging
- Tesla referral code - https://ts.la/richard11209
Rick, What is the purpose of this? Is it (1) to be able to externally identify a binary, as one might a ROM image by computing a checksum? Is it (2) for a run-able binary to be able to check itself? This would of course only be able to detect corruption, not tampering. Is it (3) for the loader (whatever that might be) to be able to say 'this binary has the correct checksum' and only jump to it if it does? Again this would only be able to detect corruption, not tampering. Are you hoping for more than corruption detection?
This is simply to be able to say this version is unique, regardless of what the version number says. Version numbers are set manually and not always done correctly. I'm looking for something as a backup so that if the checksums are different, I can be sure the versions are not the same.

The less work involved, the better.
Rick C.

++ Get 1,000 miles of free Supercharging
++ Tesla referral code - https://ts.la/richard11209
David Brown
2023-04-21 15:02:21 UTC
Post by Rick C
This is simply to be able to say this version is unique, regardless
of what the version number says. Version numbers are set manually
and not always done correctly. I'm looking for something as a backup
so that if the checksums are different, I can be sure the versions
are not the same.
The less work involved, the better.
Run a simple 32-bit crc over the image. The result is a hash of the
image. Any change in the image will show up as a change in the crc.
Brian Cockburn
2023-04-21 23:56:01 UTC
Post by Rick C
This is simply to be able to say this version is unique, regardless
of what the version number says. Version numbers are set manually
and not always done correctly. I'm looking for something as a backup
so that if the checksums are different, I can be sure the versions
are not the same.
The less work involved, the better.
Run a simple 32-bit crc over the image. The result is a hash of the
image. Any change in the image will show up as a change in the crc.
David, a hash and a CRC are not the same thing. They both produce a reasonably unique result though. Any change would show in either (unless as a result of intentional tampering).
David Brown
2023-04-22 15:01:10 UTC
Post by Brian Cockburn
Post by Rick C
This is simply to be able to say this version is unique,
regardless of what the version number says. Version numbers are
set manually and not always done correctly. I'm looking for
something as a backup so that if the checksums are different, I
can be sure the versions are not the same.
The less work involved, the better.
Run a simple 32-bit crc over the image. The result is a hash of
the image. Any change in the image will show up as a change in the
David, a hash and a CRC are not the same thing.
A CRC is a type of hash - but hash is a more generic term.
Post by Brian Cockburn
They both produce a
reasonably unique result though. Any change would show in either
(unless as a result of intentional tampering).
Exactly. Thus a CRC is a hash.

It is not a cryptographically secure hash, and is not suitable for
protecting against intentional tampering. But it /is/ a hash.
Rick C
2023-04-22 03:14:31 UTC
Post by Rick C
This is simply to be able to say this version is unique, regardless
of what the version number says. Version numbers are set manually
and not always done correctly. I'm looking for something as a backup
so that if the checksums are different, I can be sure the versions
are not the same.
The less work involved, the better.
Run a simple 32-bit crc over the image. The result is a hash of the
image. Any change in the image will show up as a change in the crc.
No one is trying to detect changes in the image. I'm trying to label the image in a way that can be read in operation. I'm using the checksum simply because that is easy to generate. I've had problems with version numbering in the past. It will be used, but I want it supplemented with a number that will change every time the design changes, at least with a high probability, such as 1 in 64k.
Rick C.

--- Get 1,000 miles of free Supercharging
--- Tesla referral code - https://ts.la/richard11209
David Brown
2023-04-22 15:13:27 UTC
Post by Rick C
Post by Rick C
This is simply to be able to say this version is unique,
regardless of what the version number says. Version numbers are
set manually and not always done correctly. I'm looking for
something as a backup so that if the checksums are different, I
can be sure the versions are not the same.
The less work involved, the better.
Run a simple 32-bit crc over the image. The result is a hash of
the image. Any change in the image will show up as a change in the
No one is trying to detect changes in the image. I'm trying to label
the image in a way that can be read in operation. I'm using the
checksum simply because that is easy to generate. I've had problems
with version numbering in the past. It will be used, but I want it
supplemented with a number that will change every time the design
changes, at least with a high probability, such as 1 in 64k.
Again - use a CRC. It will give you what you want.

You might want to go for 32-bit CRC rather than a 16-bit CRC, depending
on the kind of program, how often you build it, and what consequences a
hash collision could have. With a 16-bit CRC, you have a 5% chance of a
collision after 82 builds. If collisions only matter for releases, and
you only release a couple of updates, fine - but if they matter during
development builds, you are getting a more significant risk. Since a
32-bit CRC is quick and easy, it's worth using.
Rick C
2023-04-22 16:56:03 UTC
Post by Rick C
This is simply to be able to say this version is unique,
regardless of what the version number says. Version numbers are
set manually and not always done correctly. I'm looking for
something as a backup so that if the checksums are different, I
can be sure the versions are not the same.
The less work involved, the better.
Run a simple 32-bit crc over the image. The result is a hash of
the image. Any change in the image will show up as a change in the
No one is trying to detect changes in the image. I'm trying to label
the image in a way that can be read in operation. I'm using the
checksum simply because that is easy to generate. I've had problems
with version numbering in the past. It will be used, but I want it
supplemented with a number that will change every time the design
changes, at least with a high probability, such as 1 in 64k.
Again - use a CRC. It will give you what you want.
Again - as will a simple addition checksum.
You might want to go for 32-bit CRC rather than a 16-bit CRC, depending
on the kind of program, how often you build it, and what consequences a
hash collision could have. With a 16-bit CRC, you have a 5% chance of a
collision after 82 builds. If collisions only matter for releases, and
you only release a couple of updates, fine - but if they matter during
development builds, you are getting a more significant risk. Since a
32-bit CRC is quick and easy, it's worth using.
Or, I might want to go with a simple checksum.

Thanks for your comments.
Rick C.

-++ Get 1,000 miles of free Supercharging
-++ Tesla referral code - https://ts.la/richard11209
David Brown
2023-04-22 17:54:54 UTC
Post by Rick C
Post by Rick C
This is simply to be able to say this version is unique,
regardless of what the version number says. Version numbers are
set manually and not always done correctly. I'm looking for
something as a backup so that if the checksums are different, I
can be sure the versions are not the same.
The less work involved, the better.
Run a simple 32-bit crc over the image. The result is a hash of
the image. Any change in the image will show up as a change in the
No one is trying to detect changes in the image. I'm trying to label
the image in a way that can be read in operation. I'm using the
checksum simply because that is easy to generate. I've had problems
with version numbering in the past. It will be used, but I want it
supplemented with a number that will change every time the design
changes, at least with a high probability, such as 1 in 64k.
Again - use a CRC. It will give you what you want.
Again - as will a simple addition checksum.
A simple addition checksum might be okay much of the time, but it
doesn't have the resolving power of a CRC. If the source code changes
"a = 1; b = 2;" to "a = 2; b = 1;", the addition checksum is likely to
be exactly the same despite the change in the source. In general, you
will have much higher chance of collisions, though I think it would be
very hard to quantify that.

Maybe it will be good enough for you. Simple checksums were popular
once, and can still make sense if you are very short on program space.
But there are good reasons why they fell out of favour in many uses.
Post by Rick C
You might want to go for 32-bit CRC rather than a 16-bit CRC, depending
on the kind of program, how often you build it, and what consequences a
hash collision could have. With a 16-bit CRC, you have a 5% chance of a
collision after 82 builds. If collisions only matter for releases, and
you only release a couple of updates, fine - but if they matter during
development builds, you are getting a more significant risk. Since a
32-bit CRC is quick and easy, it's worth using.
Or, I might want to go with a simple checksum.
Thanks for your comments.
It's your choice (obviously). I only point out the weaknesses in case
anyone else is listening in to the thread.

If you like, I can post code for a 32-bit CRC. It's a table, and a few
lines of C code.
Grant Edwards
2023-04-22 20:05:11 UTC
Post by David Brown
A simple addition checksum might be okay much of the time, but it
doesn't have the resolving power of a CRC. If the source code changes
"a = 1; b = 2;" to "a = 2; b = 1;", the addition checksum is likely to
be exactly the same despite the change in the source. In general, you
will have much higher chance of collisions, though I think it would be
very hard to quantify that.
I remember a long discussion about this a few decades ago. An N bit
additive checksum maps the source data into the same hash space
as a N-bit crc.

Therefore, for two randomly chosen sets of input bits, they both have
a 1 in 2^N chance of a collision. I think that means that for random
changes to an input set of unspecified properties, they would both
have the same chance that the hash is unchanged.

However... IIRC, somebody (probably at somewhere like Bell labs)
noticed that errors in data transmitted over media like phone lines
and microwave links are _not_ random. Errors tend to be "bursty" and
can be statistically characterized. And it was shown that for the
common error modes for _those_ media, CRCs were better at detecting
real-world failures than additive checksum. And (this is also
important) a CRC is far, far simpler to implement in hardware than an
additive checksum. For the same reasons, CRCs tend to get used for
things like Ethernet frames, disc sectors, etc.

Later people seem to have adopted CRCs for detecting failures in other
very dissimilar media (e.g. EPROMs) where implementing a CRC is _more_
work than an additive checksum. If the failure modes for EPROM are
similar to those studied at <wherever> when CRCs were chosen, then
CRCs are probably also a good choice for EPROMs despite the additional
overhead. If the failure modes for EPROMs are significantly different,
then CRCs might be both sub-optimal and unnecessarily expensive.

I have no hard data either way, but it was never obvious to me that
the arguments people use in favor of CRCs (better at detecting burst
errors on transmission media) necessarily applied to EPROMs.

That said, I do use CRCs rather than additive checksums for things
like EPROM and flash.

David Brown
2023-04-23 15:37:41 UTC
Post by Grant Edwards
Post by David Brown
A simple addition checksum might be okay much of the time, but it
doesn't have the resolving power of a CRC. If the source code changes
"a = 1; b = 2;" to "a = 2; b = 1;", the addition checksum is likely to
be exactly the same despite the change in the source. In general, you
will have much higher chance of collisions, though I think it would be
very hard to quantify that.
I remember a long discussion about this a few decades ago. An N bit
additive checksum maps the source data into the same hash space
as a N-bit crc.
Therefore, for two randomly chosen sets of input bits, they both have
a 1 in 2^N chance of a collision. I think that means that for random
changes to an input set of unspecified properties, they would both
have the same chance that the hash is unchanged.
However... IIRC, somebody (probably at somewhere like Bell labs)
noticed that errors in data transmitted over media like phone lines
and microwave links are _not_ random. Errors tend to be "bursty" and
can be statistically characterized. And it was shown that for the
common error modes for _those_ media, CRCs were better at detecting
real-world failures than additive checksum. And (this is also
important) a CRC is far, far simpler to implement in hardware than an
additive checksum. For the same reasons, CRCs tend to get used for
things like Ethernet frames, disc sectors, etc.
Later people seem to have adopted CRCs for detecting failures in other
very dissimilar media (e.g. EPROMs) where implementing a CRC is _more_
work than an additive checksum. If the failure modes for EPROM are
similar to those studied at <wherever> when CRCs were chosen, then
CRCs are probably also a good choice for EPROMs despite the additional
overhead. If the failure modes for EPROMs are significantly different,
then CRCs might be both sub-optimal and unnecessarily expensive.
I have no hard data either way, but it was never obvious to me that
the arguments people use in favor of CRCs (better at detecting burst
errors on transmission media) necessarily applied to EPROMs.
That said, I do use CRCs rather than additive checksums for things
like EPROM and flash.
That's a lot of good points. You are absolutely correct that CRC's are
better for the types of errors that are often seen in transmission
systems. The person at Bell Labs that you are thinking about is
probably Claude Shannon, famous for his quantitive definition of
information and work on the information capacity of communication
channels with noise.

Another thing you can look at is the distribution of checksum outputs,
for random inputs. For an additive checksum, you can consider your
input as N independent 0-255 random values, added together. The result
will be a normal distribution of the checksum. If you have, say, a 100
byte data block and a 16-bit checksum, it's clear that you will never
get a checksum value greater than 25500, and that you are much more
likely to get a value close to 12750. This kind of clustering means
that the 16-bit checksum contains a lot less than 16 bits of
information. Real data - program images, data telegrams, etc., - are
not fully random and the result is even more clustering and less
information in the checksum.

Taking the additive checksum over a larger range, then "folding" the
distribution back by wrapping the checksum to 8-bit or 16-bit will
greatly reduce the clustering. That will help a lot if you have a
program image and use a 16-bit additive checksum, but if you need more
than "1 in 65536" integrity, it's hard to get.

A particular weakness of purely additive checksums is that they only
consider the values of the bytes, not their order - re-arranging the
order of the same data gives the same additive checksum.

CRC's are not as good as more advanced hashes like SHA or MD5. But
their distributions are vastly better than additive checksums, and they
provide integrity checks for a wider variety of possible errors.

Of course, for some uses, an additive checksum might be considered good
enough. There's no need to be more complicated than you need to be.
But since CRC's are usually very simple and efficient to calculate, they
give an option that is a lot better than an additive checksum for little
extra cost, while going beyond them to MD5 or SHA involves significantly
more effort. (SHA is your first choice if you are protecting against
malicious changes.)
Grant Edwards
2023-04-23 17:37:13 UTC
Post by David Brown
Another thing you can look at is the distribution of checksum outputs,
for random inputs. For an additive checksum, you can consider your
input as N independent 0-255 random values, added together. The result
will be a normal distribution of the checksum. If you have, say, a 100
byte data block and a 16-bit checksum, it's clear that you will never
get a checksum value greater than 25500, and that you are much more
likely to get a value close to 12750.
It never occurred to me that for an N-bit checksum, you would sum
something other than N-bit "words" of the input data.

David Brown
2023-04-23 21:45:24 UTC
Post by Grant Edwards
Post by David Brown
Another thing you can look at is the distribution of checksum outputs,
for random inputs. For an additive checksum, you can consider your
input as N independent 0-255 random values, added together. The result
will be a normal distribution of the checksum. If you have, say, a 100
byte data block and a 16-bit checksum, it's clear that you will never
get a checksum value greater than 25500, and that you are much more
likely to get a value close to 12750.
It never occurred to me that for an N-bit checksum, you would sum
something other than N-bit "words" of the input data.
Usually - in my experience - you sum bytes, using an unsigned integer
8-bit or 16-bit wide. Simple additive checksums are often used on small
8-bit microcontrollers where CRC's are seen (rightly or wrongly) as too
demanding. Perhaps other people have different experiences.

You could certainly sum 16-bit words to get your 16-bit additive
checksum, and that would give a different kind of clustering - maybe
better, maybe not.
Richard Damon
2023-04-23 22:16:00 UTC
Post by David Brown
Post by Grant Edwards
Post by David Brown
Another thing you can look at is the distribution of checksum outputs,
for random inputs.  For an additive checksum, you can consider your
input as N independent 0-255 random values, added together.  The result
will be a normal distribution of the checksum.  If you have, say, a 100
byte data block and a 16-bit checksum, it's clear that you will never
get a checksum value greater than 25500, and that you are much more
likely to get a value close to 12750.
It never occurred to me that for an N-bit checksum, you would sum
something other than N-bit "words" of the input data.
Usually - in my experience - you sum bytes, using an unsigned integer
8-bit or 16-bit wide.  Simple additive checksums are often used on small
8-bit microcontrollers where CRC's are seen (rightly or wrongly) as too
demanding.  Perhaps other people have different experiences.
You could certainly sum 16-bit words to get your 16-bit additive
checksum, and that would give a different kind of clustering - maybe
better, maybe not.
I have seen 16-bit checksums done both ways. Summing 16 bit units does
eliminate the issue of clustering, and makes adjacent byte swaps
David Brown
2023-04-24 07:13:13 UTC
Post by Richard Damon
Post by David Brown
Post by Grant Edwards
Post by David Brown
Another thing you can look at is the distribution of checksum outputs,
for random inputs.  For an additive checksum, you can consider your
input as N independent 0-255 random values, added together.  The result
will be a normal distribution of the checksum.  If you have, say, a 100
byte data block and a 16-bit checksum, it's clear that you will never
get a checksum value greater than 25500, and that you are much more
likely to get a value close to 12750.
It never occurred to me that for an N-bit checksum, you would sum
something other than N-bit "words" of the input data.
Usually - in my experience - you sum bytes, using an unsigned integer
8-bit or 16-bit wide.  Simple additive checksums are often used on
small 8-bit microcontrollers where CRC's are seen (rightly or wrongly)
as too demanding.  Perhaps other people have different experiences.
You could certainly sum 16-bit words to get your 16-bit additive
checksum, and that would give a different kind of clustering - maybe
better, maybe not.
I have seen 16-bit checksums done both ways. Summing 16 bit units does
eliminate the issue of clustering, and makes adjacent byte swaps
Long ago, there used to be a definite risk of mixing up endianness when
dealing with program images burned to flash or eeprom. Popular "hex"
formats like Intel Hex and Motorola SRecord could differ in endianness.
So byte swaps in the entire image was a real possibility, and good to
guard against. But it's hard to imagine how an individual byte swap
could occur - I see bigger movements and re-arrangements being more
likely, and using 16-bit units will not help much there. Still, I think
there is little doubt that using 16-bit units is better than using 8-bit
units in many ways (except for efficient implementation on small 8-bit
2023-04-22 20:41:00 UTC
On Sat, 22 Apr 2023 19:54:54 +0200, David Brown
Post by David Brown
Post by Rick C
Post by Rick C
This is simply to be able to say this version is unique,
regardless of what the version number says. Version numbers are
set manually and not always done correctly. I'm looking for
something as a backup so that if the checksums are different, I
can be sure the versions are not the same.
The less work involved, the better.
Run a simple 32-bit crc over the image. The result is a hash of
the image. Any change in the image will show up as a change in the
No one is trying to detect changes in the image. I'm trying to label
the image in a way that can be read in operation. I'm using the
checksum simply because that is easy to generate. I've had problems
with version numbering in the past. It will be used, but I want it
supplemented with a number that will change every time the design
changes, at least with a high probability, such as 1 in 64k.
Again - use a CRC. It will give you what you want.
Again - as will a simple addition checksum.
A simple addition checksum might be okay much of the time, but it
doesn't have the resolving power of a CRC. If the source code changes
"a = 1; b = 2;" to "a = 2; b = 1;", the addition checksum is likely to
be exactly the same despite the change in the source. In general, you
will have much higher chance of collisions, though I think it would be
very hard to quantify that.
Maybe it will be good enough for you. Simple checksums were popular
once, and can still make sense if you are very short on program space.
But there are good reasons why they fell out of favour in many uses.
Post by Rick C
You might want to go for 32-bit CRC rather than a 16-bit CRC, depending
on the kind of program, how often you build it, and what consequences a
hash collision could have. With a 16-bit CRC, you have a 5% chance of a
collision after 82 builds. If collisions only matter for releases, and
you only release a couple of updates, fine - but if they matter during
development builds, you are getting a more significant risk. Since a
32-bit CRC is quick and easy, it's worth using.
Totally agree ! I stopped using simple checksums years ago.
Many processors these days also have a CRC peripheral that makes it
easy to use. And I can simply chop that off to 16 bits if I don't
want to transmit all 32 bits. OR even 24 bits.

Post by David Brown
Post by Rick C
Or, I might want to go with a simple checksum.
Thanks for your comments.
It's your choice (obviously). I only point out the weaknesses in case
anyone else is listening in to the thread.
If you like, I can post code for a 32-bit CRC. It's a table, and a few
lines of C code.
Rick C
2023-04-23 17:34:00 UTC
Post by David Brown
Post by Rick C
Post by Rick C
This is simply to be able to say this version is unique,
regardless of what the version number says. Version numbers are
set manually and not always done correctly. I'm looking for
something as a backup so that if the checksums are different, I
can be sure the versions are not the same.
The less work involved, the better.
Run a simple 32-bit crc over the image. The result is a hash of
the image. Any change in the image will show up as a change in the
No one is trying to detect changes in the image. I'm trying to label
the image in a way that can be read in operation. I'm using the
checksum simply because that is easy to generate. I've had problems
with version numbering in the past. It will be used, but I want it
supplemented with a number that will change every time the design
changes, at least with a high probability, such as 1 in 64k.
Again - use a CRC. It will give you what you want.
Again - as will a simple addition checksum.
A simple addition checksum might be okay much of the time, but it
doesn't have the resolving power of a CRC. If the source code changes
"a = 1; b = 2;" to "a = 2; b = 1;", the addition checksum is likely to
be exactly the same despite the change in the source. In general, you
will have much higher chance of collisions, though I think it would be
very hard to quantify that.
Maybe it will be good enough for you. Simple checksums were popular
once, and can still make sense if you are very short on program space.
But there are good reasons why they fell out of favour in many uses.
Post by Rick C
You might want to go for 32-bit CRC rather than a 16-bit CRC, depending
on the kind of program, how often you build it, and what consequences a
hash collision could have. With a 16-bit CRC, you have a 5% chance of a
collision after 82 builds. If collisions only matter for releases, and
you only release a couple of updates, fine - but if they matter during
development builds, you are getting a more significant risk. Since a
32-bit CRC is quick and easy, it's worth using.
Or, I might want to go with a simple checksum.
Thanks for your comments.
It's your choice (obviously). I only point out the weaknesses in case
anyone else is listening in to the thread.
If you like, I can post code for a 32-bit CRC. It's a table, and a few
lines of C code.
You know nothing of the project I am working on or those that I typically work on. But thanks for the advice.
Rick C.

+-- Get 1,000 miles of free Supercharging
+-- Tesla referral code - https://ts.la/richard11209
David Brown
2023-04-23 21:58:45 UTC
Post by Rick C
Post by David Brown
Post by Rick C
Post by Rick C
This is simply to be able to say this version is unique,
regardless of what the version number says. Version
numbers are set manually and not always done correctly.
I'm looking for something as a backup so that if the
checksums are different, I can be sure the versions are
not the same.
The less work involved, the better.
Run a simple 32-bit crc over the image. The result is a
hash of the image. Any change in the image will show up as
a change in the crc.
No one is trying to detect changes in the image. I'm trying
to label the image in a way that can be read in operation.
I'm using the checksum simply because that is easy to
generate. I've had problems with version numbering in the
past. It will be used, but I want it supplemented with a
number that will change every time the design changes, at
least with a high probability, such as 1 in 64k.
Again - use a CRC. It will give you what you want.
Again - as will a simple addition checksum.
A simple addition checksum might be okay much of the time, but it
doesn't have the resolving power of a CRC. If the source code
changes "a = 1; b = 2;" to "a = 2; b = 1;", the addition checksum
is likely to be exactly the same despite the change in the source.
In general, you will have much higher chance of collisions, though
I think it would be very hard to quantify that.
Maybe it will be good enough for you. Simple checksums were
popular once, and can still make sense if you are very short on
program space. But there are good reasons why they fell out of
favour in many uses.
Post by Rick C
You might want to go for 32-bit CRC rather than a 16-bit CRC,
depending on the kind of program, how often you build it, and
what consequences a hash collision could have. With a 16-bit
CRC, you have a 5% chance of a collision after 82 builds. If
collisions only matter for releases, and you only release a
couple of updates, fine - but if they matter during development
builds, you are getting a more significant risk. Since a 32-bit
CRC is quick and easy, it's worth using.
Or, I might want to go with a simple checksum.
Thanks for your comments.
It's your choice (obviously). I only point out the weaknesses in
case anyone else is listening in to the thread.
If you like, I can post code for a 32-bit CRC. It's a table, and a
few lines of C code.
You know nothing of the project I am working on or those that I
typically work on. But thanks for the advice.
You haven't given much to go on. It is still not really clear (to me,
at least) if you are asking about checksums or how to manipulate binary
images as part of a build process, or what you are really asking.

When someone wants a checksum on an image file, the appropriate choice
in most cases is a CRC. If security is an issue, then a secure hash is
needed. For a very limited system, additive checksums might be then
only realistic choice.

But more often, the reason people pick additive checksums rather than
CRCs is because they don't realise that CRCs are actually very simple
and efficient to implement. People unfamiliar with them might have read
a little, and think they need to do calculations for each bit (which is
possible but /slow/), or that they would have to understand the theory
of binary polynomial division rings (they don't). They think CRC's are
complicated and advanced, and shy away from them.

There are a number of people who read this group - maybe some of them
have learned a little from this thread.
Rick C
2023-04-23 22:24:40 UTC
Post by Rick C
Post by David Brown
Post by Rick C
Post by Rick C
This is simply to be able to say this version is unique,
regardless of what the version number says. Version
numbers are set manually and not always done correctly.
I'm looking for something as a backup so that if the
checksums are different, I can be sure the versions are
not the same.
The less work involved, the better.
Run a simple 32-bit crc over the image. The result is a
hash of the image. Any change in the image will show up as
a change in the crc.
No one is trying to detect changes in the image. I'm trying
to label the image in a way that can be read in operation.
I'm using the checksum simply because that is easy to
generate. I've had problems with version numbering in the
past. It will be used, but I want it supplemented with a
number that will change every time the design changes, at
least with a high probability, such as 1 in 64k.
Again - use a CRC. It will give you what you want.
Again - as will a simple addition checksum.
A simple addition checksum might be okay much of the time, but it
doesn't have the resolving power of a CRC. If the source code
changes "a = 1; b = 2;" to "a = 2; b = 1;", the addition checksum
is likely to be exactly the same despite the change in the source.
In general, you will have much higher chance of collisions, though
I think it would be very hard to quantify that.
Maybe it will be good enough for you. Simple checksums were
popular once, and can still make sense if you are very short on
program space. But there are good reasons why they fell out of
favour in many uses.
Post by Rick C
You might want to go for 32-bit CRC rather than a 16-bit CRC,
depending on the kind of program, how often you build it, and
what consequences a hash collision could have. With a 16-bit
CRC, you have a 5% chance of a collision after 82 builds. If
collisions only matter for releases, and you only release a
couple of updates, fine - but if they matter during development
builds, you are getting a more significant risk. Since a 32-bit
CRC is quick and easy, it's worth using.
Or, I might want to go with a simple checksum.
Thanks for your comments.
It's your choice (obviously). I only point out the weaknesses in
case anyone else is listening in to the thread.
If you like, I can post code for a 32-bit CRC. It's a table, and a
few lines of C code.
You know nothing of the project I am working on or those that I
typically work on. But thanks for the advice.
You haven't given much to go on. It is still not really clear (to me,
at least) if you are asking about checksums or how to manipulate binary
images as part of a build process, or what you are really asking.
If you don't understand, you are making this far more complicated than it is. I don't know what to tell you. There are no other details that are relevant. Don't read into this, what is not there.
When someone wants a checksum on an image file, the appropriate choice
in most cases is a CRC.
Why? What makes a CRC an "appropriate" choice. Normally, when I design something, I establish the requirements. What requirements are you assuming, that would make the CRC more desireable than a simple checksum?
If security is an issue, then a secure hash is
needed. For a very limited system, additive checksums might be then
only realistic choice.
What have I said that makes you think security is an issue??? I don't recall ever mentioning anything about security. Do you recall what I did say?
But more often, the reason people pick additive checksums rather than
CRCs is because they don't realise that CRCs are actually very simple
and efficient to implement.
The fact that they are "simple and efficient" is not a reason to use them. I repeat, what are the requirements?
People unfamiliar with them might have read
a little, and think they need to do calculations for each bit (which is
possible but /slow/), or that they would have to understand the theory
of binary polynomial division rings (they don't). They think CRC's are
complicated and advanced, and shy away from them.
There are a number of people who read this group - maybe some of them
have learned a little from this thread.
I suppose there is that possibility. But when people make claims about something being good or "better", without substantiation, there's not much to learn.

If you think a discussion of CRC calculations would be useful, why don't you open a thread and discuss them, instead of insisting they are the right solution to my problem, when you don't even know what the problem requirements are? It's all here in the thread. You only need to read, without projecting your opinions on the problem statement.
Rick C.

+-+ Get 1,000 miles of free Supercharging
+-+ Tesla referral code - https://ts.la/richard11209
David Brown
2023-04-24 07:17:27 UTC
Post by Rick C
Post by David Brown
When someone wants a checksum on an image file, the appropriate
choice in most cases is a CRC.
Why? What makes a CRC an "appropriate" choice. Normally, when I
design something, I establish the requirements. What requirements
are you assuming, that would make the CRC more desireable than a
simple checksum?
I've already explained this in quite a lot of detail in this thread (as
have others). If you don't like my explanation, or didn't read it,
that's okay. You are under no obligation to learn about CRCs. Or if
you prefer to look it up in other sources, that's obviously also an option.
Post by Rick C
Post by David Brown
If security is an issue, then a secure hash is needed. For a very
limited system, additive checksums might be then only realistic
What have I said that makes you think security is an issue??? I
don't recall ever mentioning anything about security. Do you recall
what I did say?
If you think a discussion of CRC calculations would be useful, why
don't you open a thread and discuss them, instead of insisting they
are the right solution to my problem, when you don't even know what
the problem requirements are? It's all here in the thread. You only
need to read, without projecting your opinions on the problem
I've asked you this before - are you /sure/ you understand how Usenet works?
Rick C
2023-04-24 08:07:13 UTC
Post by David Brown
Post by David Brown
When someone wants a checksum on an image file, the appropriate
choice in most cases is a CRC.
Why? What makes a CRC an "appropriate" choice. Normally, when I
design something, I establish the requirements. What requirements
are you assuming, that would make the CRC more desireable than a
simple checksum?
I've already explained this in quite a lot of detail in this thread (as
have others). If you don't like my explanation, or didn't read it,
that's okay. You are under no obligation to learn about CRCs. Or if
you prefer to look it up in other sources, that's obviously also an option.
Hmmm... I ask you a question about why you think CRC is better for my application and you respond oddly. So you can't explain why the CRC would be better for my application? OK, thanks anyway.
Post by David Brown
Post by David Brown
If security is an issue, then a secure hash is needed. For a very
limited system, additive checksums might be then only realistic
What have I said that makes you think security is an issue??? I
don't recall ever mentioning anything about security. Do you recall
what I did say?
If you think a discussion of CRC calculations would be useful, why
don't you open a thread and discuss them, instead of insisting they
are the right solution to my problem, when you don't even know what
the problem requirements are? It's all here in the thread. You only
need to read, without projecting your opinions on the problem
I've asked you this before - are you /sure/ you understand how Usenet works?
I will say this again, rather than burying your comments on CRC in this thread about checksums, why not open a new thread, and allow the world to read what you have to say, instead of commenting as a side topic in a thread where most people have tuned out long ago? You can use an appropriate subject line like, "Why CRC is better than checksums for some applications".

Or you can continue to muddy up the waters here by discussing something that is of no value in this application.
Rick C.

++- Get 1,000 miles of free Supercharging
++- Tesla referral code - https://ts.la/richard11209
Ulf Samuelsson
2023-04-27 16:42:34 UTC
Post by Rick C
Post by Rick C
This is simply to be able to say this version is unique, regardless
of what the version number says. Version numbers are set manually
and not always done correctly. I'm looking for something as a backup
so that if the checksums are different, I can be sure the versions
are not the same.
The less work involved, the better.
Run a simple 32-bit crc over the image. The result is a hash of the
image. Any change in the image will show up as a change in the crc.
No one is trying to detect changes in the image. I'm trying to label the image in a way that can be read in operation. I'm using the checksum simply because that is easy to generate. I've had problems with version numbering in the past. It will be used, but I want it supplemented with a number that will change every time the design changes, at least with a high probability, such as 1 in 64k.
Another thing I added (and was later removed) was a timestamp directive.
A 64 bit integer with the number of seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00.

David Brown
2023-04-28 07:20:33 UTC
Post by Ulf Samuelsson
Post by Rick C
This is simply to be able to say this version is unique, regardless
of what the version number says. Version numbers are set manually
and not always done correctly. I'm looking for something as a backup
so that if the checksums are different, I can be sure the versions
are not the same.
The less work involved, the better.
Run a simple 32-bit crc over the image. The result is a hash of the
image. Any change in the image will show up as a change in the crc.
No one is trying to detect changes in the image.  I'm trying to label
the image in a way that can be read in operation.  I'm using the
checksum simply because that is easy to generate.  I've had problems
with version numbering in the past.  It will be used, but I want it
supplemented with a number that will change every time the design
changes, at least with a high probability, such as 1 in 64k.
Another thing I added (and was later removed) was a timestamp directive.
A 64 bit integer with the number of seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00.
Timestamping a build in some way (as part of the "make", using __DATE__
or __TIME__ in source code, or some feature of a revision control
system) is very tempting, and can be helpful for tracking exactly what
code you have on the system.

However, IMHO having reproducible builds is much more valuable. I am
not happy with a project build until I am getting identical binaries
built on multiple hosts (Windows and Linux). That's how you can be
absolutely sure of what code went into a particular binary, even years
or decades later.

A compromise that can work is to distinguish development builds and
production builds, and have timestamping in development builds. That
also reduces the rate at which your minor version number or build number
goes up, and avoids endless changes to your "version.h" include file.
Ulf Samuelsson
2023-04-28 08:44:00 UTC
Post by David Brown
Post by Ulf Samuelsson
Post by Rick C
This is simply to be able to say this version is unique, regardless
of what the version number says. Version numbers are set manually
and not always done correctly. I'm looking for something as a backup
so that if the checksums are different, I can be sure the versions
are not the same.
The less work involved, the better.
Run a simple 32-bit crc over the image. The result is a hash of the
image. Any change in the image will show up as a change in the crc.
No one is trying to detect changes in the image.  I'm trying to label
the image in a way that can be read in operation.  I'm using the
checksum simply because that is easy to generate.  I've had problems
with version numbering in the past.  It will be used, but I want it
supplemented with a number that will change every time the design
changes, at least with a high probability, such as 1 in 64k.
Another thing I added (and was later removed) was a timestamp directive.
A 64 bit integer with the number of seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00.
Timestamping a build in some way (as part of the "make", using __DATE__
or __TIME__ in source code, or some feature of a revision control
system) is very tempting, and can be helpful for tracking exactly what
code you have on the system.
However, IMHO having reproducible builds is much more valuable.  I am
not happy with a project build until I am getting identical binaries
built on multiple hosts (Windows and Linux).  That's how you can be
absolutely sure of what code went into a particular binary, even years
or decades later.
With the timestamp located in the header, you can simply compare the
non-header area.
Make with __DATE__ or __TIME__ will tell you when that module is
compiled, not when the program is generated.
That is why TIMESTAMP is best generated in the linker.

Post by David Brown
A compromise that can work is to distinguish development builds and
production builds, and have timestamping in development builds.  That
also reduces the rate at which your minor version number or build number
goes up, and avoids endless changes to your "version.h" include file.
Brian Cockburn
2023-04-21 23:52:23 UTC
This is a bit of the chicken and egg thing. If you want a embed a checksum in a code module to report the checksum, is there a way of doing this? It's a bit like being your own grandfather, I think.
I'm not thinking anything too fancy, like a CRC, but rather a simple modulo N addition, maybe N being 2^16.
I keep thinking of using a placeholder, but that doesn't seem to work out in any useful way. Even if you try to anticipate the impact of adding the checksum, that only gives you a different checksum, that you then need to anticipate further... ad infinitum.
I'm not thinking of any special checksum generator that excludes the checksum data. That would be too messy.
I keep thinking there is a different way of looking at this to achieve the result I want...
Maybe I can prove it is impossible. Assume the file checksums to X when the checksum data is zero. The goal would then be to include the checksum data value Y in the file, that would change X to Y. Given the properties of the module N checksum, this would appear to be impossible for the general case, unless... Add another data value, called, checksum normalizer. This data value checksums with the original checksum to give the result zero. Then, when the checksum is also added, the resulting checksum is, in fact, the checksum. Another way of looking at this is to add a value that combines with the added checksum, to be zero, leaving the original checksum intact.
This might be inordinately hard for a CRC, but a simple checksum would not be an issue, I think. At least, this could work in software, where data can be included in an image file as itself. In a device like an FPGA, it might not be included in the bit stream file so directly... but that might depend on where in the device it is inserted. Memory might have data that is stored as itself. I'll need to look into that.
Rick C.
- Get 1,000 miles of free Supercharging
- Tesla referral code - https://ts.la/richard11209
Rick, What is the purpose of this? Is it (1) to be able to externally identify a binary, as one might a ROM image by computing a checksum? Is it (2) for a run-able binary to be able to check itself? This would of course only be able to detect corruption, not tampering. Is it (3) for the loader (whatever that might be) to be able to say 'this binary has the correct checksum' and only jump to it if it does? Again this would only be able to detect corruption, not tampering. Are you hoping for more than corruption detection?
This is simply to be able to say this version is unique, regardless of what the version number says. Version numbers are set manually and not always done correctly. I'm looking for something as a backup so that if the checksums are different, I can be sure the versions are not the same.
The less work involved, the better.
Rick C.
++ Get 1,000 miles of free Supercharging
++ Tesla referral code - https://ts.la/richard11209
Rick, so you want the executable to, as part of its execution, print on the console the 'checksum' of itself? Or do you want to be able to inspect the executable with some other tool to calculate its 'checksum'? For the latter there are lots of tools to do that (your OS or PROM programmer for instance), for the former you need to embed the calculation code into the executable (along with the length over which to calculate) and run this when asked. Neither of these involve embedding the 'checksum' value.
And just to be sure I understand what you wrote in a somewhat convoluted way. When you have two binary executables that report the same version number you want to be able to distinguish them with a 'checksum', right?
Rick C
2023-04-22 03:23:23 UTC
This is a bit of the chicken and egg thing. If you want a embed a checksum in a code module to report the checksum, is there a way of doing this? It's a bit like being your own grandfather, I think.
I'm not thinking anything too fancy, like a CRC, but rather a simple modulo N addition, maybe N being 2^16.
I keep thinking of using a placeholder, but that doesn't seem to work out in any useful way. Even if you try to anticipate the impact of adding the checksum, that only gives you a different checksum, that you then need to anticipate further... ad infinitum.
I'm not thinking of any special checksum generator that excludes the checksum data. That would be too messy.
I keep thinking there is a different way of looking at this to achieve the result I want...
Maybe I can prove it is impossible. Assume the file checksums to X when the checksum data is zero. The goal would then be to include the checksum data value Y in the file, that would change X to Y. Given the properties of the module N checksum, this would appear to be impossible for the general case, unless... Add another data value, called, checksum normalizer. This data value checksums with the original checksum to give the result zero. Then, when the checksum is also added, the resulting checksum is, in fact, the checksum. Another way of looking at this is to add a value that combines with the added checksum, to be zero, leaving the original checksum intact.
This might be inordinately hard for a CRC, but a simple checksum would not be an issue, I think. At least, this could work in software, where data can be included in an image file as itself. In a device like an FPGA, it might not be included in the bit stream file so directly... but that might depend on where in the device it is inserted. Memory might have data that is stored as itself. I'll need to look into that.
Rick C.
- Get 1,000 miles of free Supercharging
- Tesla referral code - https://ts.la/richard11209
Rick, What is the purpose of this? Is it (1) to be able to externally identify a binary, as one might a ROM image by computing a checksum? Is it (2) for a run-able binary to be able to check itself? This would of course only be able to detect corruption, not tampering. Is it (3) for the loader (whatever that might be) to be able to say 'this binary has the correct checksum' and only jump to it if it does? Again this would only be able to detect corruption, not tampering. Are you hoping for more than corruption detection?
This is simply to be able to say this version is unique, regardless of what the version number says. Version numbers are set manually and not always done correctly. I'm looking for something as a backup so that if the checksums are different, I can be sure the versions are not the same.
The less work involved, the better.
Rick C.
++ Get 1,000 miles of free Supercharging
++ Tesla referral code - https://ts.la/richard11209
Rick, so you want the executable to, as part of its execution, print on the console the 'checksum' of itself? Or do you want to be able to inspect the executable with some other tool to calculate its 'checksum'? For the latter there are lots of tools to do that (your OS or PROM programmer for instance), for the former you need to embed the calculation code into the executable (along with the length over which to calculate) and run this when asked. Neither of these involve embedding the 'checksum' value.
And just to be sure I understand what you wrote in a somewhat convoluted way. When you have two binary executables that report the same version number you want to be able to distinguish them with a 'checksum', right?
Yes, I want the checksum to be readable while operating. Calculation code??? Not going to happen. That's why I want to embed the checksum.

Yes, two compiled files which ended up with the same version number by error. We are using an 8 bit version number, so two hex digits. Negative numbers are lab versions, positive numbers are releases, so 64 of each. We don't do a lot of actual work on the hardware. This code usually is 99.9% working by the time it is tested on hardware. So no need for lots of rev numbers. But sometimes, in the lab, the rev number is not bumped when it should be. The checksum will tell us if we are working with different revisions in that case.

So far, it looks like a simple checksum is the way to go. Include the checksum and the 2's complement of the checksum (in locations that were zeros), and the checksum will not change.
Rick C.

--+ Get 1,000 miles of free Supercharging
--+ Tesla referral code - https://ts.la/richard11209
Brian Cockburn
2023-04-22 14:07:34 UTC
Post by Rick C
Rick, so you want the executable to, as part of its execution, print on the console the 'checksum' of itself? Or do you want to be able to inspect the executable with some other tool to calculate its 'checksum'? For the latter there are lots of tools to do that (your OS or PROM programmer for instance), for the former you need to embed the calculation code into the executable (along with the length over which to calculate) and run this when asked. Neither of these involve embedding the 'checksum' value.
And just to be sure I understand what you wrote in a somewhat convoluted way. When you have two binary executables that report the same version number you want to be able to distinguish them with a 'checksum', right?
Yes, I want the checksum to be readable while operating. Calculation code??? Not going to happen. That's why I want to embed the checksum.
Can you expand on what you mean or expect by 'readable while operating' please? Are you planning to use some sort of tool to inspect the executing binary to 'read' this thing, or provoke output to the console in some way like:

$ run my-binary-thing --checksum

This would be as distinct from:

$ run my-binary-thing --version
Post by Rick C
Yes, two compiled files which ended up with the same version number by error. We are using an 8 bit version number, so two hex digits. Negative numbers are lab versions, positive numbers are releases, so 64 of each.
Signed 8-bit numbers range from -128 to +127 (0x80 to 0x7F) so probably a few more than 64.
Post by Rick C
... sometimes, in the lab, the rev number is not bumped when it should be.
This may be an indicator that better procedures are needed for code review-for-release. And that in independent pair of eyes should be doing the review against an agreed check list.
Post by Rick C
So far, it looks like a simple checksum is the way to go. Include the checksum and the 2's complement of the checksum (in locations that were zeros), and the checksum will not change.
How will the checksum 'not change'? It will be different for every build won't it?

Cheers, Brian.
Richard Damon
2023-04-22 14:31:48 UTC
Post by Brian Cockburn
Post by Rick C
So far, it looks like a simple checksum is the way to go. Include the checksum and the 2's complement of the checksum (in locations that were zeros), and the checksum will not change.
How will the checksum 'not change'? It will be different for every build won't it?
Cheers, Brian.
He means the checksum of the file for a given build after the
modification will be the same as the checksum of the file before the
Rick C
2023-04-22 16:54:00 UTC
Post by Brian Cockburn
Rick, so you want the executable to, as part of its execution, print on the console the 'checksum' of itself? Or do you want to be able to inspect the executable with some other tool to calculate its 'checksum'? For the latter there are lots of tools to do that (your OS or PROM programmer for instance), for the former you need to embed the calculation code into the executable (along with the length over which to calculate) and run this when asked. Neither of these involve embedding the 'checksum' value.
And just to be sure I understand what you wrote in a somewhat convoluted way. When you have two binary executables that report the same version number you want to be able to distinguish them with a 'checksum', right?
Yes, I want the checksum to be readable while operating. Calculation code??? Not going to happen. That's why I want to embed the checksum.
$ run my-binary-thing --checksum
$ run my-binary-thing --version
More like $ run my-binary thing
Hello, master. Would you like to achieve world domination today?
Post by Brian Cockburn
No, thank you, can you display the contents of registers 26 and 27 in hex please?
That would be X0FE38
Post by Brian Cockburn
Thank you.
Yes, two compiled files which ended up with the same version number by error. We are using an 8 bit version number, so two hex digits. Negative numbers are lab versions, positive numbers are releases, so 64 of each.
Signed 8-bit numbers range from -128 to +127 (0x80 to 0x7F) so probably a few more than 64.
See? This is why I need the checksum. I make mistakes.
Post by Brian Cockburn
... sometimes, in the lab, the rev number is not bumped when it should be.
This may be an indicator that better procedures are needed for code review-for-release. And that in independent pair of eyes should be doing the review against an agreed check list.
Or that I need a checksum. This is a lab compile, not a release. Let's try to stay on task.
Post by Brian Cockburn
So far, it looks like a simple checksum is the way to go. Include the checksum and the 2's complement of the checksum (in locations that were zeros), and the checksum will not change.
How will the checksum 'not change'? It will be different for every build won't it?
It won't be changed by including the checksum and the complement because they add up to zero.
Rick C.

-+- Get 1,000 miles of free Supercharging
-+- Tesla referral code - https://ts.la/richard11209
Ulf Samuelsson
2023-04-27 16:26:37 UTC
Post by Rick C
This is a bit of the chicken and egg thing. If you want a embed a checksum in a code module to report the checksum, is there a way of doing this? It's a bit like being your own grandfather, I think.
The proper way to do this is to have a directive in the linker.
This reserves space for the CRC and defines the area where the CRC is
I am not aware of any linker which support this.

Two months ago, I added the DIGEST directive to binutils aka the GNU
linker. It was committed, but then people realized that I had not signed
an agreement with Free Software Foundation.
Since part of the code I pushed was from a third party which released
their code under MIT, the licensing has not been resolved yet
but the patch is in binutils git, but reverted.

You would write (IIRC):
DIGEST "CRC64-ECMA", (from, to)
and the linker would reserve 8 bytes which is filled with the CRC in the
final link stage.

Post by Rick C
I'm not thinking anything too fancy, like a CRC, but rather a simple modulo N addition, maybe N being 2^16.
I keep thinking of using a placeholder, but that doesn't seem to work out in any useful way. Even if you try to anticipate the impact of adding the checksum, that only gives you a different checksum, that you then need to anticipate further... ad infinitum.
I'm not thinking of any special checksum generator that excludes the checksum data. That would be too messy.
I keep thinking there is a different way of looking at this to achieve the result I want...
Maybe I can prove it is impossible. Assume the file checksums to X when the checksum data is zero. The goal would then be to include the checksum data value Y in the file, that would change X to Y. Given the properties of the module N checksum, this would appear to be impossible for the general case, unless... Add another data value, called, checksum normalizer. This data value checksums with the original checksum to give the result zero. Then, when the checksum is also added, the resulting checksum is, in fact, the checksum. Another way of looking at this is to add a value that combines with the added checksum, to be zero, leaving the original checksum intact.
This might be inordinately hard for a CRC, but a simple checksum would not be an issue, I think. At least, this could work in software, where data can be included in an image file as itself. In a device like an FPGA, it might not be included in the bit stream file so directly... but that might depend on where in the device it is inserted. Memory might have data that is stored as itself. I'll need to look into that.
Rick C
2023-04-27 17:09:27 UTC
Post by Ulf Samuelsson
This is a bit of the chicken and egg thing. If you want a embed a checksum in a code module to report the checksum, is there a way of doing this? It's a bit like being your own grandfather, I think.
The proper way to do this is to have a directive in the linker.
This reserves space for the CRC and defines the area where the CRC is
That assumes there is a linker. How does the application access this information?
Post by Ulf Samuelsson
I am not aware of any linker which support this.
Two months ago, I added the DIGEST directive to binutils aka the GNU
linker. It was committed, but then people realized that I had not signed
an agreement with Free Software Foundation.
Since part of the code I pushed was from a third party which released
their code under MIT, the licensing has not been resolved yet
but the patch is in binutils git, but reverted.
DIGEST "CRC64-ECMA", (from, to)
and the linker would reserve 8 bytes which is filled with the CRC in the
final link stage.
You are making a lot of assumptions about the tools. I'm pretty sure they don't apply to my case. I'm not at all clear how this is workable, anyway. Adding the checksum to the file, changes the checksum, which is where this conversation started... unless I'm missing something significant.
Rick C.

+++ Get 1,000 miles of free Supercharging
+++ Tesla referral code - https://ts.la/richard11209
Niklas Holsti
2023-04-27 18:29:05 UTC
Post by Rick C
Post by Ulf Samuelsson
This is a bit of the chicken and egg thing. If you want a embed a checksum in a code module to report the checksum, is there a way of doing this? It's a bit like being your own grandfather, I think.
The proper way to do this is to have a directive in the linker.
This reserves space for the CRC and defines the area where the CRC is
That assumes there is a linker.
Almost all toolchains have a linker.
Post by Rick C
How does the application access this information?
In Ulf's suggestion, it seems the DIGEST directive emits 8 bytes of
checksum at the current point (usually the linker "." symbol). I assume
one can give that point in the image a linkage symbol, perhaps like

_checksum DIGEST "CRC64-ECMA", (from, to)

or like

_checksum EQU. .
DIGEST "CRC64-ECMA", (from, to)

(This is schematic linker code, not necessarily proper syntax.)

One can then from the application code access the "checksum" location as
an externally defined object, say:

extern uint8[8] checksum;

The linker will connect that C identifier to the actual address of the
DIGEST checksum. Here I assumed that the C compiler mangles C
identifiers into linkage symbols by prefixing an underscore; YMMV.
Post by Rick C
You are making a lot of assumptions about the tools. I'm pretty sure
they don't apply to my case. I'm not at all clear how this is
workable, anyway. Adding the checksum to the file, changes the
checksum, which is where this conversation started... unless I'm
missing something significant.
But you have insisted that your "checksum" is for the purpose of
identifying the version of the program, not for checking the integrity
of the memory image. If so, that checksum does not have to be the
checksum of the whole memory image, as long as it is the checksum of the
part of the image that contains the actual code and constant data, and
so will change according to changes in those parts of the image.
Niklas Holsti
2023-04-27 18:39:51 UTC
  _checksum  EQU.   .
should be

_checksum EQU .

(Thunderbird inserted an extra period out of "friendliness"...)
   extern uint8[8] checksum;
should be (my C is rusty):

extern uint8 checksum[8];
Ulf Samuelsson
2023-04-27 20:44:54 UTC
Post by Niklas Holsti
Post by Rick C
Post by Ulf Samuelsson
This is a bit of the chicken and egg thing. If you want a embed a
checksum in a code module to report the checksum, is there a way of
doing this? It's a bit like being your own grandfather, I think.
The proper way to do this is to have a directive in the linker.
This reserves space for the CRC and defines the area where the CRC is
That assumes there is a linker.
Almost all toolchains have a linker.
Post by Rick C
How does the application access this information?
In Ulf's suggestion, it seems the DIGEST directive emits 8 bytes of
checksum at the current point (usually the linker "." symbol). I assume
one can give that point in the image a linkage symbol, perhaps like
  _checksum  DIGEST "CRC64-ECMA", (from, to)
or like
  _checksum  EQU.   .
             DIGEST "CRC64-ECMA", (from, to)
(This is schematic linker code, not necessarily proper syntax.)
One can then from the application code access the "checksum" location as
   extern uint8[8] checksum;
The linker will connect that C identifier to the actual address of the
DIGEST checksum. Here I assumed that the C compiler mangles C
identifiers into linkage symbols by prefixing an underscore; YMMV.
Yes, that is more or less it.
Post by Niklas Holsti
Post by Rick C
You are making a lot of assumptions about the tools.  I'm pretty sure
they don't apply to my case.  I'm not at all clear how this is
workable, anyway.  Adding the checksum to the file, changes the
checksum, which is where this conversation started... unless I'm
missing something significant.
No, you reserve room for the checksum, but that needs to be outside
the checked area.
The address of the checksum needs to be known to the application.
Also the limits of the checked area.
That is why the application has a header in front in my projects.
The application is started by the bootloader, which checks
a number of things before the application is started.
The application can read the header as well to allow checking
the code area at runtime.
Post by Niklas Holsti
But you have insisted that your "checksum" is for the purpose of
identifying the version of the program, not for checking the integrity
of the memory image. If so, that checksum does not have to be the
checksum of the whole memory image, as long as it is the checksum of the
part of the image that contains the actual code and constant data, and
so will change according to changes in those parts of the image.
David Brown
2023-04-28 07:38:17 UTC
Post by Ulf Samuelsson
Post by Rick C
You are making a lot of assumptions about the tools.  I'm pretty sure
they don't apply to my case.  I'm not at all clear how this is
workable, anyway.  Adding the checksum to the file, changes the
checksum, which is where this conversation started... unless I'm
missing something significant.
No, you reserve room for the checksum, but that needs to be outside
the checked area.
The address of the checksum needs to be known to the application.
The address here could have a symbol, and then declared "extern" in the
C code - it would not have to be a known numerical address. But if the
image is checked or started from another program (such as a boot
program), you need an absolute address somewhere to chain this all together.
Post by Ulf Samuelsson
Also the limits of the checked area.
That is why the application has a header in front in my projects.
The application is started by the bootloader, which checks
a number of things before the application is started.
The application can read the header as well to allow checking
the code area at runtime.
Or for my preferences, the CRC "DIGEST" would be put at the end of the
image, rather than near the start. Then the "from, to" range would
cover the entire image except for the final CRC. But I'd have a similar
directive for the length of the image at a specific area near the start.
Ulf Samuelsson
2023-04-28 08:50:02 UTC
Post by David Brown
Post by Ulf Samuelsson
Post by Rick C
You are making a lot of assumptions about the tools.  I'm pretty sure
they don't apply to my case.  I'm not at all clear how this is
workable, anyway.  Adding the checksum to the file, changes the
checksum, which is where this conversation started... unless I'm
missing something significant.
No, you reserve room for the checksum, but that needs to be outside
the checked area.
The address of the checksum needs to be known to the application.
The address here could have a symbol, and then declared "extern" in the
C code - it would not have to be a known numerical address.  But if the
image is checked or started from another program (such as a boot
program), you need an absolute address somewhere to chain this all together.
The header is declared as a struct.
Post by David Brown
Post by Ulf Samuelsson
Also the limits of the checked area.
That is why the application has a header in front in my projects.
The application is started by the bootloader, which checks
a number of things before the application is started.
The application can read the header as well to allow checking
the code area at runtime.
Or for my preferences, the CRC "DIGEST" would be put at the end of the
image, rather than near the start.  Then the "from, to" range would
cover the entire image except for the final CRC.  But I'd have a similar
directive for the length of the image at a specific area near the start.
I really do not see a benefit of splitting the meta information about
the image to two separate locations.

The bootloader uses the struct for all checks.
It is a much simpler implementation once the tools support it.

You might find it easier to write a tool which adds the CRC at the end,
but that is a different issue.

Occam's Razor!

David Brown
2023-04-28 13:04:45 UTC
Post by Ulf Samuelsson
Post by David Brown
Post by Ulf Samuelsson
Post by Rick C
You are making a lot of assumptions about the tools.  I'm pretty sure
they don't apply to my case.  I'm not at all clear how this is
workable, anyway.  Adding the checksum to the file, changes the
checksum, which is where this conversation started... unless I'm
missing something significant.
No, you reserve room for the checksum, but that needs to be outside
the checked area.
The address of the checksum needs to be known to the application.
The address here could have a symbol, and then declared "extern" in
the C code - it would not have to be a known numerical address.  But
if the image is checked or started from another program (such as a
boot program), you need an absolute address somewhere to chain this
all together.
The header is declared as a struct.
Post by David Brown
Post by Ulf Samuelsson
Also the limits of the checked area.
That is why the application has a header in front in my projects.
The application is started by the bootloader, which checks
a number of things before the application is started.
The application can read the header as well to allow checking
the code area at runtime.
Or for my preferences, the CRC "DIGEST" would be put at the end of the
image, rather than near the start.  Then the "from, to" range would
cover the entire image except for the final CRC.  But I'd have a
similar directive for the length of the image at a specific area near
the start.
I really do not see a benefit of splitting the meta information about
the image to two separate locations.
The bootloader uses the struct for all checks.
It is a much simpler implementation once the tools support it.
You might find it easier to write a tool which adds the CRC at the end,
but that is a different issue.
Occam's Razor!
There are different needs for different projects - and more than one way
to handle them. I find adding a CRC at the end of the image works best
for me, but I have no problem appreciating that other people have
different solutions.
Ulf Samuelsson
2023-04-29 21:03:16 UTC
Post by David Brown
Post by Ulf Samuelsson
Post by David Brown
Post by Ulf Samuelsson
Post by Rick C
You are making a lot of assumptions about the tools.  I'm pretty sure
they don't apply to my case.  I'm not at all clear how this is
workable, anyway.  Adding the checksum to the file, changes the
checksum, which is where this conversation started... unless I'm
missing something significant.
No, you reserve room for the checksum, but that needs to be outside
the checked area.
The address of the checksum needs to be known to the application.
The address here could have a symbol, and then declared "extern" in
the C code - it would not have to be a known numerical address.  But
if the image is checked or started from another program (such as a
boot program), you need an absolute address somewhere to chain this
all together.
The header is declared as a struct.
Post by David Brown
Post by Ulf Samuelsson
Also the limits of the checked area.
That is why the application has a header in front in my projects.
The application is started by the bootloader, which checks
a number of things before the application is started.
The application can read the header as well to allow checking
the code area at runtime.
Or for my preferences, the CRC "DIGEST" would be put at the end of
the image, rather than near the start.  Then the "from, to" range
would cover the entire image except for the final CRC.  But I'd have
a similar directive for the length of the image at a specific area
near the start.
I really do not see a benefit of splitting the meta information about
the image to two separate locations.
The bootloader uses the struct for all checks.
It is a much simpler implementation once the tools support it.
You might find it easier to write a tool which adds the CRC at the
end, but that is a different issue.
Occam's Razor!
There are different needs for different projects - and more than one way
to handle them.  I find adding a CRC at the end of the image works best
for me, but I have no problem appreciating that other people have
different solutions.
I'd be curious to know WHY it works best for you.
David Brown
2023-04-30 14:19:41 UTC
Post by Ulf Samuelsson
Post by David Brown
Post by Ulf Samuelsson
Post by David Brown
Or for my preferences, the CRC "DIGEST" would be put at the end of
the image, rather than near the start.  Then the "from, to" range
would cover the entire image except for the final CRC.  But I'd have
a similar directive for the length of the image at a specific area
near the start.
I really do not see a benefit of splitting the meta information about
the image to two separate locations.
The bootloader uses the struct for all checks.
It is a much simpler implementation once the tools support it.
You might find it easier to write a tool which adds the CRC at the
end, but that is a different issue.
Occam's Razor!
There are different needs for different projects - and more than one
way to handle them.  I find adding a CRC at the end of the image works
best for me, but I have no problem appreciating that other people have
different solutions.
I'd be curious to know WHY it works best for you.
I regularly do not have a bootloader - I am not free to put a CRC at the
start of the image. And if the bootloader itself needs to be updatable,
it is again impossible to have the CRC (or any other metadata) at the
start of the image. I want most of the metadata to be at a fixed
location as close to the start as reasonably practical (such as after
the vector table, or other microcontroller-specific information that
might be used for flash security, early chip setup, etc.). If I am to
have one single checksum for the image, which is what I prefer, then it
has to be at the end of the image. For example, there might be :

0x00000000 : vectors
0x00000400 : external flash configuration block
0x00000600 : program info metadata
0x00001000 : main program

There is no way to have the metadata or CRC at the start of the image,
so the CRC goes at the end.

It would be possible to have two CRCs - one that covers the vectors,
configuration information, and metadata and is placed second last in the
metadata block. A second CRC placed last in the metadata block would
cover the main program - everything after the CRCs. That would let me
have a single metadata block and no CRC at the end of the image.
However, it would mean splitting the check in two, rather than one check
for the whole image. I don't see that as a benefit.

When making images that are started from a bootloader, I certainly
/could/ put the CRC at the start. But I see no particular reason to do
so - it makes a lot more sense to keep a similar format.

(Bootloaders don't often have to check their own CRC - after all, even
if the CRC fails there is usually little you can do about it, except
charge on and hope for the best. But if the bootloader is updatable in
system, then you want a CRC during the download procedure to check that
you have got a good download copy before updating the flash.)
Ulf Samuelsson
2023-05-09 18:34:42 UTC
Post by David Brown
Post by Ulf Samuelsson
Post by David Brown
Post by Ulf Samuelsson
Post by David Brown
Or for my preferences, the CRC "DIGEST" would be put at the end of
the image, rather than near the start.  Then the "from, to" range
would cover the entire image except for the final CRC.  But I'd
have a similar directive for the length of the image at a specific
area near the start.
I really do not see a benefit of splitting the meta information
about the image to two separate locations.
The bootloader uses the struct for all checks.
It is a much simpler implementation once the tools support it.
You might find it easier to write a tool which adds the CRC at the
end, but that is a different issue.
Occam's Razor!
There are different needs for different projects - and more than one
way to handle them.  I find adding a CRC at the end of the image
works best for me, but I have no problem appreciating that other
people have different solutions.
I'd be curious to know WHY it works best for you.
I regularly do not have a bootloader - I am not free to put a CRC at the
start of the image.  And if the bootloader itself needs to be updatable,
it is again impossible to have the CRC (or any other metadata) at the
start of the image.  I want most of the metadata to be at a fixed
location as close to the start as reasonably practical (such as after
the vector table, or other microcontroller-specific information that
might be used for flash security, early chip setup, etc.).  If I am to
have one single checksum for the image, which is what I prefer, then it
0x00000000 : vectors
0x00000400 : external flash configuration block
0x00000600 : program info metadata
0x00001000 : main program
           : CRC
There is no way to have the metadata or CRC at the start of the image,
so the CRC goes at the end.
For the Bootloader, I keep the CRC right after the vectors.
I keep a copy of the vectors right after the CRC, and compare
the two vector tables.
This is to always know the location of the CRC.
Post by David Brown
It would be possible to have two CRCs - one that covers the vectors,
configuration information, and metadata and is placed second last in the
metadata block.  A second CRC placed last in the metadata block would
cover the main program - everything after the CRCs.  That would let me
have a single metadata block and no CRC at the end of the image.
However, it would mean splitting the check in two, rather than one check
for the whole image.  I don't see that as a benefit.
When making images that are started from a bootloader, I certainly
/could/ put the CRC at the start.  But I see no particular reason to do
so - it makes a lot more sense to keep a similar format.
You want more metadata like entry point and length, as well as text
information about the image. Putting things in a header means that
location is fixed.
There are a number of checks in my bootloader to ensure that the
information in the header makes sense.
Post by David Brown
(Bootloaders don't often have to check their own CRC - after all, even
if the CRC fails there is usually little you can do about it, except
charge on and hope for the best.  But if the bootloader is updatable in
system, then you want a CRC during the download procedure to check that
you have got a good download copy before updating the flash.)
In functional safety applications you regularily check the flash
contents and refuse to boot if there is a mismatch.

David Brown
2023-05-10 08:18:52 UTC
Post by Ulf Samuelsson
Post by David Brown
Post by Ulf Samuelsson
Post by David Brown
Post by Ulf Samuelsson
Post by David Brown
Or for my preferences, the CRC "DIGEST" would be put at the end of
the image, rather than near the start.  Then the "from, to" range
would cover the entire image except for the final CRC.  But I'd
have a similar directive for the length of the image at a specific
area near the start.
I really do not see a benefit of splitting the meta information
about the image to two separate locations.
The bootloader uses the struct for all checks.
It is a much simpler implementation once the tools support it.
You might find it easier to write a tool which adds the CRC at the
end, but that is a different issue.
Occam's Razor!
There are different needs for different projects - and more than one
way to handle them.  I find adding a CRC at the end of the image
works best for me, but I have no problem appreciating that other
people have different solutions.
I'd be curious to know WHY it works best for you.
I regularly do not have a bootloader - I am not free to put a CRC at
the start of the image.  And if the bootloader itself needs to be
updatable, it is again impossible to have the CRC (or any other
metadata) at the start of the image.  I want most of the metadata to
be at a fixed location as close to the start as reasonably practical
(such as after the vector table, or other microcontroller-specific
information that might be used for flash security, early chip setup,
etc.).  If I am to have one single checksum for the image, which is
what I prefer, then it has to be at the end of the image.  For
0x00000000 : vectors
0x00000400 : external flash configuration block
0x00000600 : program info metadata
0x00001000 : main program
            : CRC
There is no way to have the metadata or CRC at the start of the image,
so the CRC goes at the end.
For the Bootloader, I keep the CRC right after the vectors.
I keep a copy of the vectors right after the CRC, and compare
the two vector tables.
This is to always know the location of the CRC.
Fair enough - that is an entirely reasonable alternative. I have a
knee-jerk reaction against duplication as a check, having cut my teeth
on microcontrollers where 16 KB devices were "big", but of course a
duplication of the vector table is not going to be a noticeable waste on
a more modern device.

It does, however, mean extra steps in checking, compared to a simpler
CRC run over the entire image.
Post by Ulf Samuelsson
Post by David Brown
It would be possible to have two CRCs - one that covers the vectors,
configuration information, and metadata and is placed second last in
the metadata block.  A second CRC placed last in the metadata block
would cover the main program - everything after the CRCs.  That would
let me have a single metadata block and no CRC at the end of the
image. However, it would mean splitting the check in two, rather than
one check for the whole image.  I don't see that as a benefit.
When making images that are started from a bootloader, I certainly
/could/ put the CRC at the start.  But I see no particular reason to
do so - it makes a lot more sense to keep a similar format.
You want more metadata like entry point and length, as well as text
information about the image. Putting things in a header means that
location is fixed.
There are a number of checks in my bootloader to ensure that the
information in the header makes sense.
I do have all that kind of thing too. It's only the CRC itself that is
put at the end, and it is easily found since the length of the image is
in the metadata. (We are talking about one pointer access more than
having it at a fixed address - it's not hard to find it!).
Post by Ulf Samuelsson
Post by David Brown
(Bootloaders don't often have to check their own CRC - after all, even
if the CRC fails there is usually little you can do about it, except
charge on and hope for the best.  But if the bootloader is updatable
in system, then you want a CRC during the download procedure to check
that you have got a good download copy before updating the flash.)
In functional safety applications you regularily check the flash
contents and refuse to boot if there is a mismatch.
Yes, that is a possibility.

I've worked on safety-certified systems which required things like
regular checks of flash while running (not just at bootup). A lot of
the so-called "safety requirements" were directly detrimental. I
believe many of these kinds of requirements were made by people who
understood the "Swiss cheese" model of risks and safety, but not the
more realistic "Hot cheese" model. And they seem more concerned about
box-ticking and legal arse-covering than actual risk reduction.
David Brown
2023-04-28 07:33:49 UTC
Post by Niklas Holsti
Post by Rick C
Post by Ulf Samuelsson
This is a bit of the chicken and egg thing. If you want a embed a
checksum in a code module to report the checksum, is there a way of
doing this? It's a bit like being your own grandfather, I think.
The proper way to do this is to have a directive in the linker.
This reserves space for the CRC and defines the area where the CRC is
That assumes there is a linker.
Almost all toolchains have a linker.
It is possible that Rick is using Forth, rather than C (or other
languages traditionally compiled in a similar manner, such as C++ and
Ada). There are also some commercial C toolchains for brain-dead 8-bit
CISC devices that are monolithic and offer very little control over the

Ulf is correct that the ideal place to handle this is part of the
linking process. I do it with a post-link Python script run during the
build, because the linkers I use can't handle this at the moment. But
if Ulf's patch works its way into binutils then I'll be able to do it
directly during linking, which is neater. (I will still have post-link
scripts to handle things like renaming image files according to version,
making zips for sending to customers, etc. - linkers can't do
/everything/ !)
Ulf Samuelsson
2023-04-27 20:36:46 UTC
Post by Rick C
Post by Ulf Samuelsson
This is a bit of the chicken and egg thing. If you want a embed a checksum in a code module to report the checksum, is there a way of doing this? It's a bit like being your own grandfather, I think.
The proper way to do this is to have a directive in the linker.
This reserves space for the CRC and defines the area where the CRC is
That assumes there is a linker. How does the application access this information?
Linker command file
public CRC64; start, stop
CRC64 = .;
DIGEST "CRC64-ECMA", (start, stop)
start = .;
# Your data to be protected
stop = .;

C source code.

extern uint64_t CRC64;
extern char* start;
extern char* stop;

uint64_t crc;

crc64 = calc_crc64_ecma(start, stop);
if (crc64 == CRC64) {
/* everything is OK */
Post by Rick C
Post by Ulf Samuelsson
I am not aware of any linker which support this.
Two months ago, I added the DIGEST directive to binutils aka the GNU
linker. It was committed, but then people realized that I had not signed
an agreement with Free Software Foundation.
Since part of the code I pushed was from a third party which released
their code under MIT, the licensing has not been resolved yet
but the patch is in binutils git, but reverted.
DIGEST "CRC64-ECMA", (from, to)
and the linker would reserve 8 bytes which is filled with the CRC in the
final link stage.
You are making a lot of assumptions about the tools. I'm pretty sure they don't apply to my case. I'm not at all clear how this is workable, anyway. Adding the checksum to the file, changes the checksum, which is where this conversation started... unless I'm missing something significant.
I am assuming that no tool support this off the shelg, but the patches
are inside binutils, but reverted.

Niklas Holsti
2023-04-27 22:10:02 UTC
Post by Ulf Samuelsson
Post by Ulf Samuelsson
This is a bit of the chicken and egg thing. If you want a embed a
checksum in a code module to report the checksum, is there a way of
doing this? It's a bit like being your own grandfather, I think.
The proper way to do this is to have a directive in the linker.
This reserves space for the CRC and defines the area where the CRC is
That assumes there is a linker.  How does the application access this
Linker command file
        public CRC64; start, stop
        HEADER = .;
    CRC64 = .;
        DIGEST "CRC64-ECMA", (start, stop)
        start = .;
        # Your data to be protected
        stop = .;
C source code.
extern uint64_t CRC64;
extern char* start;
extern char* stop;
uint64_t crc;
crc64 = calc_crc64_ecma(start, stop);
if (crc64 == CRC64) {
   /* everything is OK */
I'm nit-picking, but that C code does not look right to me. The extern
declarations for "start" and "stop" claim them to be names of memory
locations that contain addresses, but the linker file just places them
at the starting and one-past-end locations of the block to be protected.
So the "start" variable contains the first bytes of the "data to be
protected", and the contents of the "stop" variable are not defined
because it is placed after the "data to be protected", where no code or
data is loaded (it seems).

It seems to me that the call to calc_crc64_ecma should get the addresses
of "start" and "stop" as arguments (&start, &stop), instead of their
values. But perhaps calc_crc64_ecma is not a function, but a macro that
can itself take the addresses of its parameters.
Ulf Samuelsson
2023-04-28 08:54:08 UTC
Post by Niklas Holsti
Post by Ulf Samuelsson
Post by Ulf Samuelsson
This is a bit of the chicken and egg thing. If you want a embed a
checksum in a code module to report the checksum, is there a way of
doing this? It's a bit like being your own grandfather, I think.
The proper way to do this is to have a directive in the linker.
This reserves space for the CRC and defines the area where the CRC is
That assumes there is a linker.  How does the application access this
Linker command file
         public CRC64; start, stop
         HEADER = .;
     CRC64 = .;
         DIGEST "CRC64-ECMA", (start, stop)
         start = .;
         # Your data to be protected
         stop = .;
C source code.
extern uint64_t CRC64;
extern char* start;
extern char* stop;
uint64_t crc;
crc64 = calc_crc64_ecma(start, stop);
if (crc64 == CRC64) {
    /* everything is OK */
I'm nit-picking, but that C code does not look right to me. The extern
declarations for "start" and "stop" claim them to be names of memory
locations that contain addresses, but the linker file just places them
at the starting and one-past-end locations of the block to be protected.
So the "start" variable contains the first bytes of the "data to be
protected", and the contents of the "stop" variable are not defined
because it is placed after the "data to be protected", where no code or
data is loaded (it seems).
It seems to me that the call to calc_crc64_ecma should get the addresses
of "start" and "stop" as arguments (&start, &stop), instead of their
values. But perhaps calc_crc64_ecma is not a function, but a macro that
can itself take the addresses of its parameters.
I did not put a lot of thought into that, and certainly did not check
it. The important thing is that you can declare labels in the linker
and use them in the code through extern declarations.
David Brown
2023-04-28 07:24:17 UTC
Post by Ulf Samuelsson
This is a bit of the chicken and egg thing.  If you want a embed a
checksum in a code module to report the checksum, is there a way of
doing this?  It's a bit like being your own grandfather, I think.
The proper way to do this is to have a directive in the linker.
This reserves space for the CRC and defines the area where the CRC is
I am not aware of any linker which support this.
Two months ago, I added the DIGEST directive to binutils aka the GNU
linker. It was committed, but then people realized that I had not signed
an agreement with Free Software Foundation.
Since part of the code I pushed was from a third party which released
their code under MIT, the licensing has not been resolved yet
but the patch is in binutils git, but reverted.
   DIGEST "CRC64-ECMA", (from, to)
and the linker would reserve 8 bytes which is filled with the CRC in the
final link stage.
I like that. Thanks for doing that work.

Is there also a way to get the length of the final link, and insert it
near the beginning of the image? I suppose that would be another kind
of DIGEST where the algorithm is simply (to - from). (I assume that
"to" and "from" may be linker symbols.)
Ulf Samuelsson
2023-04-28 08:56:01 UTC
Post by Ulf Samuelsson
This is a bit of the chicken and egg thing.  If you want a embed a
checksum in a code module to report the checksum, is there a way of
doing this?  It's a bit like being your own grandfather, I think.
The proper way to do this is to have a directive in the linker.
This reserves space for the CRC and defines the area where the CRC is
I am not aware of any linker which support this.
Two months ago, I added the DIGEST directive to binutils aka the GNU
linker. It was committed, but then people realized that I had not signed
an agreement with Free Software Foundation.
Since part of the code I pushed was from a third party which released
their code under MIT, the licensing has not been resolved yet
but the patch is in binutils git, but reverted.
    DIGEST "CRC64-ECMA", (from, to)
and the linker would reserve 8 bytes which is filled with the CRC in
the final link stage.
I like that.  Thanks for doing that work.
Is there also a way to get the length of the final link, and insert it
near the beginning of the image?  I suppose that would be another kind
of DIGEST where the algorithm is simply (to - from).  (I assume that
"to" and "from" may be linker symbols.)
app_size = .;

should work using the GNU linker.
David Brown
2023-04-28 13:09:00 UTC
Post by Ulf Samuelsson
This is a bit of the chicken and egg thing.  If you want a embed a
checksum in a code module to report the checksum, is there a way of
doing this?  It's a bit like being your own grandfather, I think.
The proper way to do this is to have a directive in the linker.
This reserves space for the CRC and defines the area where the CRC is
I am not aware of any linker which support this.
Two months ago, I added the DIGEST directive to binutils aka the GNU
linker. It was committed, but then people realized that I had not signed
an agreement with Free Software Foundation.
Since part of the code I pushed was from a third party which released
their code under MIT, the licensing has not been resolved yet
but the patch is in binutils git, but reverted.
    DIGEST "CRC64-ECMA", (from, to)
and the linker would reserve 8 bytes which is filled with the CRC in
the final link stage.
I like that.  Thanks for doing that work.
Is there also a way to get the length of the final link, and insert it
near the beginning of the image?  I suppose that would be another kind
of DIGEST where the algorithm is simply (to - from).  (I assume that
"to" and "from" may be linker symbols.)
   app_size = .;
should work using the GNU linker.
Will that work when placed earlier in the link than the definition of
"to" ? I had assumed - perhaps completely incorrectly - that the linker
would have to have established the value of "to" before its use in such
an expression.
Ulf Samuelsson
2023-04-29 21:02:15 UTC
Post by David Brown
Post by Ulf Samuelsson
This is a bit of the chicken and egg thing.  If you want a embed a
checksum in a code module to report the checksum, is there a way of
doing this?  It's a bit like being your own grandfather, I think.
The proper way to do this is to have a directive in the linker.
This reserves space for the CRC and defines the area where the CRC
is calculated.
I am not aware of any linker which support this.
Two months ago, I added the DIGEST directive to binutils aka the GNU
linker. It was committed, but then people realized that I had not signed
an agreement with Free Software Foundation.
Since part of the code I pushed was from a third party which
released their code under MIT, the licensing has not been resolved yet
but the patch is in binutils git, but reverted.
    DIGEST "CRC64-ECMA", (from, to)
and the linker would reserve 8 bytes which is filled with the CRC in
the final link stage.
I like that.  Thanks for doing that work.
Is there also a way to get the length of the final link, and insert
it near the beginning of the image?  I suppose that would be another
kind of DIGEST where the algorithm is simply (to - from).  (I assume
that "to" and "from" may be linker symbols.)
    app_size = .;
should work using the GNU linker.
Will that work when placed earlier in the link than the definition of
"to" ?  I had assumed - perhaps completely incorrectly - that the linker
would have to have established the value of "to" before its use in such
an expression.
Yes, the GNU linker creates a list of statements with a known size
updating the location counter for each statement.

The expressions are evaluated in a later stage
so you can add a DIGEST statement and compute the SIZE by
"LONG(to-from);" before "to" and "from" are declared.

Ulf Samuelsson
2023-04-27 16:27:11 UTC
Post by Rick C
This is a bit of the chicken and egg thing. If you want a embed a checksum in a code module to report the checksum, is there a way of doing this? It's a bit like being your own grandfather, I think.
The proper way to do this is to have a directive in the linker.
This reserves space for the CRC and defines the area where the CRC is
I am not aware of any linker which support this.

Two months ago, I added the DIGEST directive to binutils aka the GNU
linker. It was committed, but then people realized that I had not signed
an agreement with Free Software Foundation.
Since part of the code I pushed was from a third party which released
their code under MIT, the licensing has not been resolved yet
but the patch is in binutils git, but reverted.

You would write (IIRC):
DIGEST "CRC64-ECMA", (from, to)
and the linker would reserve 8 bytes which is filled with the CRC in the
final link stage.

Post by Rick C
I'm not thinking anything too fancy, like a CRC, but rather a simple modulo N addition, maybe N being 2^16.
I keep thinking of using a placeholder, but that doesn't seem to work out in any useful way. Even if you try to anticipate the impact of adding the checksum, that only gives you a different checksum, that you then need to anticipate further... ad infinitum.
I'm not thinking of any special checksum generator that excludes the checksum data. That would be too messy.
I keep thinking there is a different way of looking at this to achieve the result I want...
Maybe I can prove it is impossible. Assume the file checksums to X when the checksum data is zero. The goal would then be to include the checksum data value Y in the file, that would change X to Y. Given the properties of the module N checksum, this would appear to be impossible for the general case, unless... Add another data value, called, checksum normalizer. This data value checksums with the original checksum to give the result zero. Then, when the checksum is also added, the resulting checksum is, in fact, the checksum. Another way of looking at this is to add a value that combines with the added checksum, to be zero, leaving the original checksum intact.
This might be inordinately hard for a CRC, but a simple checksum would not be an issue, I think. At least, this could work in software, where data can be included in an image file as itself. In a device like an FPGA, it might not be included in the bit stream file so directly... but that might depend on where in the device it is inserted. Memory might have data that is stored as itself. I'll need to look into that.