On Wed, 22 Jan 2025 10:59:03 +0100, David Brown
Post by George NeunerPost by pozzPost by Stefan ReutherPost by pozzMany times I need to parse/decode a text string that comes from an
external system, over a serial bus, MQTT, and so on.
Many times this string has a fixed syntax/layout. In order to parse this
string, I everytime create a custom parser that can be tedious,
cumbersom and error prone.
I don't see a question in this posting,
The hiddend question was if there's a better approach than handcrafted
Post by Stefan Reutherbut isn't this the task that
'lex' is intended to be used for?
I will look at it.
Post by Stefan Reuther(Personally, I have no problem with handcrafted parsers.)
So long as they are correct 8-)
This is vital. You want a /lot/ of test cases to check the algorithm.
Post by George NeunerLex and Flex create table driven lexers (and driver code for them).
Under certain circumstances Flex can create far smaller tables than
Lex, but likely either would be massive overkill for the scenario you
Minding David's warnings about lexer size, if you really want to try
using regex, I would recommend RE2C. RE2C is a preprocessor that
generates simple recursive code to directly implement matching of
regex strings in your code. There are versions available for several
The "best" solution depends on the OP's knowledge, the variety of the
patterns needed, the resources of the target system, and restrictions on
things like programming language support. For example, the C++ template
based project I suggested earlier (which I have not tried myself) should
give quite efficient results, but it requires a modern C++ compiler.
I think if the OP is only looking for a few patterns, or styles of
pattern, then regex's and powerful code generator systems are overkill.
It will take more work to learn and understand them, and code generated
by tools like lex and flex is not designed to be human-friendly, nor is
it likely to match well with coding standards for small embedded systems.
I'd probably just have a series of matcher functions for different parts
(fixed string, numeric field as integer, flag field as boolean, etc.)
and have manual parsers for the different types. As a C++ user I'd be
returning std::optional<> types here and using the new "and_then"
methods to give neat chains, but a C programmer might want to pass a
pointer to a value variable and return "bool" for success. If I had a
lot of such patterns to match, then I might use templates for generating
the higher level matchers - for C, it would be either a macro system or
an external Python script.
Or just use sscanf() :-)
string. A page or three of code, reusable by every regex pattern in
the program.
counting, looping, etc. Unfortunately I haven't seen any of these